Whipping nun

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Whipping nun, 2010

The whipping nun is a large mobile sculpture by the artist Jacques Tilly . It is made of paper mache and has a size of three meters. It shows a nun as a teacher with a cane and a crucifix in her hands. The plastic is labeled “Never again!”. It alludes to educational abuse in homes and boarding schools. Tilly made the sculpture for the demonstration of former children in care on April 15, 2010 in Berlin . The Giordano Bruno Foundation assumed the material costs . On the occasion of the Ecumenical Church Congress 2010 , the sculpture took part in a demonstration on May 13, 2010 in downtown Munich . During the Pope's visit in 2011 , the sculpture was shown at a counter-demonstration on Potsdamer Platz in Berlin on September 22, 2011.

Individual evidence

  1. Aachener Zeitung ( online )
  2. Badische Zeitung ( online )
  3. Humanistic press service ( online )
  4. Süddeutsche Zeitung ( online )
  5. taz ( online )
  6. Express ( online )