Giordano Bruno Foundation
Giordano Bruno Foundation (gbs) |
Legal form: | Foundation under civil law |
Purpose: | Promotion of evolutionary humanism |
Chair: |
Herbert Steffen (1st Chairman) Michael Schmidt-Salomon (Board Spokesman) |
Consist: | since March 30, 2004 |
Founder: | Herbert Steffen |
Seat: | Oberwesel |
Website: | |
The Giordano Bruno Foundation ( gbs ) is a non-profit foundation under civil law. The gbs represents the position of evolutionary humanism and advocates the values of the Enlightenment . It is named after Giordano Bruno and was founded in 2004 by the entrepreneur Herbert Steffen . The spokesman for the board is Michael Schmidt-Salomon . The foundation is based in the Weitblick house in Oberwesel in Rhineland-Palatinate .
Foundation name
The foundation is named after the Dominican Giordano Bruno , who was executed at the stake as a heretic in 1600 . The founders of the foundation decided in favor of Bruno as the namesake because he represented a philosophy that was “out of date” at the time, which already contained “basic features of a non-dualistic, naturalistic understanding of the world”, “reflections on the theory of biological descent” and elements of an “evolutionary-humanistic Ethics ”, which also include“ the rights of non-human organisms ”. In addition, Bruno had provided “essential impulses for the development of modern criticism of religion”.
Foundation purpose
The Giordano Bruno Foundation has the statutory purpose of collecting “the latest findings in the humanities, social and natural sciences and to work out their significance for the humanistic concern of peaceful and equal coexistence among people in this world. In this way, the main features of a secular, evolutionary-humanistic ethics should be developed and made accessible to a broad public. "
Mission statement of the foundation
The Giordano Bruno Foundation represents the position of " evolutionary humanism " and advocates the values of the Enlightenment . In detail, the foundation names the values of critical rationality, self-determination, freedom and social justice. She does not understand humans as the “crown of creation”, but as an unintended product of natural evolution.
In the manifesto of evolutionary humanism , board spokesman Michael Schmidt-Salomon pleads for a naturalistic philosophy . He starts from an image of the cosmos in which everything "happens rightly", in which there are no metaphysical mythical creatures (gods, demons, witches or goblins) who intervene in world events with miracles in a supernatural (supernatural) way . In the introduction it says:
“We live in a time of non-simultaneity: while we are technologically in the 21st century, our worldviews are still shaped by legends that are thousands of years old. This combination of the highest technical know-how and the most naive children's belief could have fatal consequences in the long run. We act like five-year-olds who have been given responsibility for a jumbo jet. "(P. 7)
“Anyone who wants to develop a logically consistent (= non-contradictory), consistent with empirical knowledge (= our systematic empirical knowledge) and ethically viable view of people and the world must necessarily fall back on the results of scientific research. The traditional religions that have so far shaped human self-understanding can no longer fulfill this task. "(P. 7)
However, according to Schmidt-Salomon, it should not be overlooked in this context that some traditional humanistic ideas have come into conflict with today's expanded knowledge of man and nature. The approach to reconcile humanism with science can be traced back to the work Evolutionary Humanism by Julian Huxley , the first UNESCO director- general and a major contributor to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
The representation of Vitruvian people according to the idealized proportions formulated by the ancient architect and engineer Vitruvius (ius) is often used by the Foundation at events and in public relations as a stand-alone symbol with a high recognition value. The gbs is based graphically on the most famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci , so that the aesthetics of the Renaissance and Leonardo's scientific orderly thinking are symbolically taken up. The symbol was first used by the Foundation in 2005 on the front page of the Manifesto of Evolutionary Humanism . It forms the second motif in the gbs stamp set.
The seat of the foundation is the Weitblick house in Oberwesel in Rhineland-Palatinate , previously it was in Mastershausen in the Hunsrück until September 2011 . The foundation has been a hybrid foundation since 2015 and has 14 employees and scholarship holders. Elke Held is the managing director.
The foundation bodies are the board of directors, the board of trustees and the advisory board. The board consists of Herbert Steffen and Michael Schmidt-Salomon , the board of trustees consists of Thorsten Barnickel, Ricarda Hinz, Jacqueline Neumann, Rainer Rosenzweig and Assunta Tammelleo.
Members of the advisory board are or were, among others:
The members of the foundation bodies, currently around 60 people (mostly scientists, some writers, artists and former politicians) do their work on a voluntary basis.
The sponsorship group currently has over 10,500 members. There are around 50 regional and university groups. The group of founders includes 40 people who donate 5,000 euros to the gbs annually or who have made an additional donation of 50,000 euros to the foundation's assets.
The gbs provides regular information on its annual financial data and the foundation's assets. In 2018, the total assets were around 4,000,000 euros. The expenditure in 2018 was 628,000 euros, mainly for events and projects.
The gbs is a member of the Coordination Council of Secular Organizations (KORSO) and contributed to its establishment.
The gbs and their regional and university groups hold around 150 events per year across Germany.
A chronology and the film "Hope Man - The History of Evolutionary Humanism" provide information on the most important events in the history of the foundation.
Funded projects (selection)
"Religion-free zone" at the Catholic World Youth Day in Cologne (2005)
On the occasion of the Catholic World Youth Day 2005 in Cologne, the foundation caused a public sensation with a Pope dinosaur car by Jacques Tilly at the event series “Religious Free Zone: Heidenspaß instead of Hell's Torment!” . The Star quoted CEO Michael Schmidt-Salomon, the criticism especially at the "soft filter Christians" that teach: "For all just metaphor and their faith tells them all would love it. There is an inversely proportional relationship between knowledge and enthusiasm for the Pope. ”In the lecture program, the Freiburg critic Franz Buggle appeared with the contribution“ Because they don't know what they believe - old values, new pyres? ”. In it he criticized the religious justification of violence and wars of conquest in the Bible and the threat of hell , which is still relevant today, especially in Christianity outside Europe. The cooperation partner was the International Association of Non-Denominational and Atheists (IBKA).
Research Group Weltanschauungen in Germany (2005)
The research group Weltanschauungen in Germany (fowid) has been working since it was founded in 2005 to collect, evaluate, summarize and publish information on various religious and non-religious world views on an empirical basis and with robust scientific methods. The information offered includes the annually updated evaluation with graphic cake on religious affiliations in Germany, which is received in the media and science.
Humanistic Press Service (2006)
The Humanist Press Service (hpd) has been offering daily online articles on free-spirited humanist topics since 2006. According to its own information, the hpd website has more than 3.5 million page views per year and an average of more than 10,000 visitors per day, which makes the press service the most far-reaching organ of the secular scene in German-speaking countries. The editors, correspondents and authors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland work for the hpd mainly on a voluntary basis. The gbs initiated the establishment and now supports operation on the carrier association Humanist Press Association partners include Federation of Spiritual Freedom (bfg), German Society for Dying With Dignity (DGHS) Humanist Association Germany - Regional Association of Berlin-Brandenburg Kdö.R., Humanist Association Austria , IBKA and the Coordination Council of Secular Organizations (KORSO).
Central Council of Ex-Muslims (2007)
In the house of the Federal Press Conference in Berlin, the foundation presented the Central Council of Ex-Muslims (ZdE) and its campaign “We have forsaken!”. The campaign made headlines around the world as never before have former Muslims openly confessed to having renounced Islam - an act for which the Koran provides for the death penalty.
Subsequently, in 2008 and 2013, the foundation initiated and sponsored the Critical Islam Conference as an “alternative dialogue forum” to the German Islam Conference . The foundation and the ZdE criticize the fact that the German Islam Conference fixes itself unilaterally on devout Muslims and "association Islamic forces". This negates the interests of those migrants from Islamic countries who came to Germany precisely because of the Islamic repression and religious regulations in their home countries. These migrants would become incapacitated and marginalized by politically enforced “ Muslimization ”. The gbs and the Central Council see the building of mosques , the introduction of Islamic lessons in schools and “Islamic reporting” as components of such a Muslimization . All of this does not promote integration, but supports the consolidation of a parallel society . The aim of the Critical Islam Conference, on the other hand, should be " to combat behavior that is contrary to integration, such as the compulsory headscarf or forced marriages , and to promote the linguistic and professional integration of migrants."
Giordano Bruno Monument at Potsdamer Platz (2008)
As a “memorial to the victims of religious violence”, a six-meter-high bronze cast by Giordano Bruno was erected on March 2, 2008 in memory of the name giver of the foundation . The sculpture by Alexander Polzin was donated by the gbs, UniCredit -Bank, Humanism Foundation Berlin, Ernst Salcher, Wera and Norbert Noetzel and was attended by Antonio Puri Purini (Ambassador of Italy), André Zeug (Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Bahn Station & Service AG) and Durs Grünbein (writer) revealed. The unveiling took place on the sidelines of a conference of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science with Bruno researchers from all over the world.
Secular bus campaign (2009)
From May 30, 2009, the “ secular bus campaign ” with the message “There is (with a probability bordering on certainty) no God” went on a three-week tour through 24 cities in Germany.
Home children protest (2010)
The Jacques Tillys large- scale sculpture of the whipping nun contributed to the children's home demo in Berlin and supported the Association of Former Home Children (VeH) in public relations. At a press conference moderated by gbs adviser Ingrid Matthäus-Maier , it was criticized that the " Round Table Home Education " (RTH) set up by the German Bundestag was a farce. VeH: "The representatives of the state and the churches have done everything to evade their responsibility."
Fundamental rights for great apes (2011)
After Paola Cavalieri and Peter Singer were awarded the gbs Ethics Prize in June 2011, the foundation restarted the Great Ape Project in German-speaking countries. The Fundamental Rights Campaign for Great Apes is led by Colin Goldner .
Against religious discrimination in the workplace - GerDiA (2012)
With the campaign against religious discrimination in the workplace - GerDiA , which has been active since 2012 , the fundamental right to freedom of religion and belief and the European anti-discrimination provisions are to be given a breakthrough in all publicly funded social institutions. "It is hard to see why other provisions should apply to Caritas and Diakonie than to workers' welfare," says GerDiA spokeswoman Ingrid Matthäus-Maier. In the meantime, GerDiA provides information and support for those affected as a permanent project.
Pro children's rights "Forced circumcision is injustice - even with boys" (2012)
The campaign “My body is mine!” Opposes the legalization of medically unnecessary genital circumcision with the message “Forced circumcision is wrong - even with boys”. The campaign is supported by many individuals and initiatives (including the Israeli children's rights organization Protect the Child ). In December 2012, the Bundestag passed Section 1631d of the German Civil Code, which continues to allow circumcision of boys under certain conditions. Criminal lawyers from the gbs advisory board, Rolf Dietrich Herzberg , Reinhard Merkel , Holm Putzke and Jörg Scheinfeld , consider the law to be unconstitutional and regularly speak up in the debate. Before the law was passed in 2012, Herzberg wrote in Die Zeit that reason and the Basic Law demanded that circumcision be limited to medically necessary cases and that the person concerned should decide for himself as soon as he was able to do so independently. In 2019 he wrote an open letter to the President of the Israelite Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria , Charlotte Knobloch . In 2012, Merkel described the law as “pathetic” and pointed out in the Süddeutsche Zeitung that no right of freedom would allow interference in another person's body. Putzke accused the Bundestag, for example, of having created “legislative nonsense” with a view to the purpose clause. In addition, the circumcision law paves the way for female genital mutilation . In 2017, on the fifth anniversary of the “Cologne judgment”, Scheinfeld presented an expert opinion with federal judge Ralf Eschelbach and physician Matthias Franz and urged politicians to act. Every year on the anniversary of the “Cologne Judgment” on May 7th, the “World Day of Genital Autonomy”, which was proclaimed for the first time in 2013, demonstrations take place at which the gbs and other organizations such as Terre des Femmes , MOGiS eV, Central Council of Ex Muslims and the German Academy for Child and Adolescent Medicine (DAKJ) involved.
Evokids "Evolution in Primary School" (2013)
In 2013 the Evokids project was started in cooperation with the University of Giessen . It aims to teach children in elementary school not only the history of creation in religious education but also the basic principles of evolutionary theory . Early occupation with the topic is necessary in order to “develop a well-founded image of man”, according to gbs advisory board Dittmar Graf. In addition, a prize was awarded for “outstanding work on the development of innovative teaching materials and concepts in the field of evolution, evolution theory, geological history and / or human history “Awarded for elementary school. The total prize money is 5000 euros. gbs advisory board member Max Kruse published the book “Urmel saust durch die Zeit” in collaboration with Michael Schmidt-Salomon, in which little Urmel “does not end up in the sea or space this time, but in the history of evolution”. The FAZ praised the “infectious enthusiasm and the pleasantly critical distance”. Die Zeit brought a preprint of the book and the NDR broadcast the episodes of the audio book read by Rufus Beck .
Euthanasia "My end is mine!" (2014)
The foundation has been coordinating the civil society campaign for the right to last aid since 2014 , in which the Berlin doctor Uwe-Christian Arnold , gbs advisory board and “Germany's most famous death helper”, together with well-known personalities such as Ralph Giordano , Bernhard Hoëcker , Ralf König , Gudrun Landgrebe , Fritz J. Raddatz , Udo Reiter and Konstantin Wecker have spoken out against the criminalization of euthanasia in the form of Section 217 of the German Criminal Code introduced by the Bundestag in 2015 . In February 2020, the Federal Constitutional Court declared Section 217 of the Criminal Code to be unconstitutional and void. Before that, the gbs had submitted two reports by Michael Schmidt-Salomon and Jacqueline Neumann in Karlsruhe, and at the oral hearing in April 2019 the opinion of Uwe-Christian Arnold was presented to the constitutional judges posthumously, Ludwig A. Minelli as complainant for Dignitas and Michael Schmidt-Salomon has been heard. Cooperation partners are IBKA and the German Society for Human Dying (DGHS).
Institute for Weltanschauung (2017)
The Institute for Weltanschauungsrecht (ifw) is an institution of the gbs founded on February 11, 2017 in Haus Weitblick. The ifw promotes secular legal policy and advocates the constitutional requirement of ideological neutrality of the state. The institute has a number of well-known German lawyers who prepare legal cases in philosophical law, accompany those affected in court proceedings and submit reform proposals to legal policy. In 2018 it made u. a. through the nationwide criminal charges against abusers of the Catholic Church made headlines. The ifw has been publishing the series "Writings on Weltanschauungsrecht" in the Nomos Verlag since 2019 .
Secular Refugee Aid (2017)
The Foundation contributed to the secular Refugee Aid Association (English name: "Atheist Refugee Relief"), the start-up funding and presented the autobiography of the co-founder Rana Ahmad "Women are not allowed here dream" for the first time to the public on Foundation seat in the house vision before.
Hans Albert Institute (2020)
On the occasion of the 99th birthday of gbs Advisory Board Hans Albert on February 8, 2020, the foundation established the Hans Albert Institute (HAI). The HAI aims to strengthen “critical-rational, evidence-based thinking”. Leading experts from various disciplines meet in the scientific advisory team.
Foundation prices
Deschner Prize
On the 80th birthday of the writer Karlheinz Deschner in 2004, the foundation announced the establishment of the Deschner Prize. The sponsorship award is endowed with 10,000 euros and is intended to honor people or organizations "who contribute in particular to strengthening secular, scientific and humanistic thinking and acting". It has been awarded twice: to Richard Dawkins (2007) and Raif Badawi as well as his wife Ensaf Haidar (2016).
Ethics award
The Ethics Prize of the Giordano Bruno Foundation is endowed with 10,000 euros and, according to the foundation, stands “for the development of positive alternatives in the sense of evolutionary humanism”. Prize winners are Paola Cavalieri and Peter Singer (2011).
Cheeky Mario Art Prize
The foundation supports the Art Prize Der cheeky Mario . It has been awarded for blasphemy works of art in various genres (including cartoons, sculptures, texts, cabaret contributions, pieces of music, short films) since 2008 and aims to abolish Section 166 of the Criminal Code ( abuse of denominations, religious societies and ideological associations ). It is endowed with prize money of up to 6,000 euros. The award winners include Katharina Greve , Piero Masztalerz , Til Mette , Holger Paetz , Martin Perscheid and Jan-Michael Richter .
According to a report by the hpd in 2007 , the children's book author and gbs advisory board member Janosch transferred all rights to his work to the foundation , which, however, has a symbolic value in view of previous rights relationships. He made drawings available for the gbs Art Collection. The then Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber (CSU) called Janosch a “false prophet” based on the drawing of an infant baptism, who was not allowed to have “access to our children's rooms”. The foundation then clearly criticized Stoiber and increased the educational offer for children and young people with books and materials. Janosch said he was happy to be "noticed at all" by Stoiber. Die Welt wrote in an article marked as satire that Stoiber had "given his political life's work the golden shot" and declared his "exit from the Tiger Duck Club ".
In 2015, gbs produced its own stamp set so that it no longer had to fall back on Deutsche Post 's “often religious stamp motifs”, according to the foundation . The set contains four copies: postage stamp 1 ( Giordano Bruno / painting: Wolfram P. Kastner ), postage stamp 2 ( gbs-Leonardo / Manifest ), postage stamp 3 ( Karlheinz Deschner , photo: Evelin Frerk), postage stamp 4 ("Lighthouse of the Enlightenment" , Caricature: Jacques Tilly ).
Criticism and replies from the gbs
The naming of the foundation after Giordano Bruno was occasionally criticized in the press; he was not an atheist, but a pantheist - and Dominican - was. According to the philosopher Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Bruno's world view stands for religion and metaphysics rather than for enlightenment and positivism. The foundation replies that it does not represent an atheist, but rather a naturalistic position that is compatible with Bruno's pantheism. For this reason, the foundation has nothing to criticize about a god who is in harmony with the laws of nature.
The FAZ journalist Thomas Thiel accused the foundation of representing “flat naturalism” or “ scientism ”. In this context, the attacks by the biologist and then member of the advisory board of the gbs Ulrich Kutschera against the humanities are criticized, which were defended by the humanistic press service that nothing in the humanities makes sense except in the light of biology.
At the end of 2011, the philosopher Norbert Hoerster stepped down from the foundation's advisory board. Hoerster stated in a comment in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that he rejected the content, campaigns and argumentation style represented by its spokesman Schmidt-Salomon. He also finds the “ New Atheism ” of the biologist Richard Dawkins , who also represents the foundation, less than convincing . “I don't see why evolutionary theory can refute or even replace belief in God,” wrote Hoerster. The blogger Harald Stücker countered that the task of the theory of evolution is not to refute or replace the belief in God, but to explain nature. According to the application of the scientific principle of economy , a consequence of the theory of evolution is that the divine hypothesis to explain the origin and development of species is unnecessary. In addition, the foundation is not committed to a “new atheism”, but to evolutionary humanism . As for the comment in the FAZ, Schmidt-Salomon said that two main points of dissension had been well marked by Hoerster. One concerns the philosophical approach, the other the media strategy. According to Schmidt-Salomon, Hoerster takes the view that one can solve philosophical problems by "arguing almost exclusively philosophically". However, the foundation assumes a “unity of knowledge”, whereby philosophy should be linked with natural and social sciences.
- Linus Hauser : The Giordano Bruno Foundation in a cultural-historical context. In: Journal for religious and ideological issues. 74 (2011), pp. 139-144.
- Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Manifesto of Evolutionary Humanism. Plea for a contemporary leading culture . Alibri, Aschaffenburg 2005, ISBN 978-3-86569-011-1 .
- Niels Weidtmann, Dirk Evers (Ed.): The concept of the Giordano Bruno Foundation and its concerns in public discourse. In: Cosmology - Evolution - History 1. Man at the interface between nature and culture: naturalism, natural ethics, neuroenhancement, humor, space. LIT Verlag , 2013, ISBN 978-3-643-12193-6 , pp. 176-187.
Web links
- Own website
- gbs articles in the Humanist Press Service ( hpd )
Individual evidence
- ^ Website of the gbs: "Leitbild" / "Der Stiftungsname", accessed on February 19, 2012
- ↑ Statutes of the Giordano Bruno Foundation, § 2 Purpose of the Foundation , current version from July 2013, p. 1.
- ↑ bruno. The annual magazine of the Giordano Bruno Foundation 2019 (PDF; 7.8 MB), p. 62.
- ↑ Michael Schmidt-Salomon: Manifesto of evolutionary humanism. Plea for a contemporary leading culture . 2nd Edition. Alibri, Aschaffenburg 2014, ISBN 978-3-86569-711-0 , pp. 55 .
- ↑ gbs: Excerpt from the gbs annual magazine 2019 with the symbol of the Vitruvian man. Retrieved April 16, 2020 .
- ↑ gbs: display "Leo". Retrieved April 16, 2020 .
- ^ Postage stamps with portraits of Giordano Bruno and Karlheinz Deschner. gbs, July 20, 2015, accessed April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ New foundation headquarters in Oberwesel - gbs moves from the Hunsrück to the Upper Middle Rhine Valley (, October 24, 2011)
- ↑ Asset overview 2017 on the website of the Giordano Bruno Foundation
- ↑ Employees and scholarship holders. Retrieved April 15, 2020 .
- ↑ Board of Directors
- ^ Gbs website: "Kuratorium", accessed on January 18, 2020
- ↑ The Vatican gets religious critics as advisors. In: pro , December 15, 2011.
- ↑ bruno. The annual magazine of the Giordano Bruno Foundation 2019 (PDF; 7.8 MB).
- ↑ bruno. The annual magazine of the Giordano Bruno Foundation 2019 (PDF; 7.8 MB), p. 61.
- ↑ Dates. Retrieved April 15, 2020 .
- ↑ Chronology of the most important events. Retrieved April 15, 2020 .
- ↑ gbs film "Hope Man - The History of Evolutionary Humanism". Retrieved April 15, 2020 .
- ↑ image: Dinomobil and Benedict. In: . 2005, accessed April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ DER SPIEGEL: Protest against World Youth Day: lots of fun instead of bigotry - DER SPIEGEL - Panorama. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ^ Lutz Kinkel: The heretics of Cologne. In: August 20, 2005, accessed April 13, 2020 .
- ^ Lutz Kinkel: The heretics of Cologne. In: August 20, 2005, accessed April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Gert Pickel (Ed.): Religion and Politics in United Germany: What Remains of the Return of the Religious? (Politics and religion). Springer VS, 2013, pp. 142–143.
- ↑ Niels Weidtmann et al.: Cosmology - Evolution - History. 2013, p. 178.
- ↑ Religious Affiliations 2018. Accessed April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Katrin Seddig: "Values and Norms" as a new school subject: Compass for society . In: The daily newspaper: taz . November 6, 2019, ISSN 0931-9085 ( [accessed April 13, 2020]).
- ^ Gert Pickel: Religion Monitor. Philosophical diversity and democracy. How religious plurality affects political culture. Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2019, accessed April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ hpd. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ The Humanist Press Service | About us. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Interview with Michael Schmidt-Salomon in the Humanist Press Service ( Memento from October 21, 2007 in the Internet Archive ).
- ↑ Lisa Dorn: Chairwoman of the Central Council of Ex-Muslims - "From my point of view, all religions are misogynistic". Deutschlandfunk, 2016, accessed on April 13, 2020 .
- ^ Critical Islam Conference has come to an end. Giordano against "false tolerance". In: the daily newspaper . June 2, 2008.
- ↑ Niels Weidtmann et al.: Cosmology - Evolution - History. 2013, p. 180.
- ^ Central Council of Ex-Muslims Against New Mosque Buildings. In: Deutschlandradio . October 6, 2007.
- ^ Against the headscarf and honor killing Central Council of Ex-Muslims. In: n-tv . March 19, 2007.
- ↑ Activities / education instead of covering up. ( Memento of August 19, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) from the gbs website, accessed on January 29, 2012.
- ^ ZdE demands the dissolution of the Islam Conference. ( Memento from July 15, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) In: , April 30, 2007.
- ^ Website of the Giordano Bruno monument at Potsdamer Platz. February 26, 2008, accessed April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Memorial plaques in Berlin - Memorial plaque advertisement. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ WORLD: Bronze monument for Giordano Bruno unveiled . In: THE WORLD . March 3, 2008 ( [accessed April 13, 2020]).
- ↑ Jens Lubbadeh, DER SPIEGEL: Campaign in German cities: Advertising for a life without God - DER SPIEGEL - Science. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ^ Anna Fischhaber: Hell trip through Munich. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Film documentation of the 2009 bus campaign. Accessed on April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Victims of abuse want to demonstrate through government districts. Tagesspiegel, 2010, accessed April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Kerstin Schulz, DER SPIEGEL: Heimkinder-Demo: "Many are afraid, even today" - DER SPIEGEL - Panorama. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Now let's talk! Former home children defend themselves. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Lennart Pyritz: Animal Welfare: Basic Law for Gorillas? ZEIT Knowledge No. 5/2012, July 31, 2012, accessed on April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ - Great Ape Project. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ About us - GerDiA. Retrieved April 15, 2020 .
- ↑ | An initiative of the Giordano Bruno Foundation | Retrieved April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ LTO: Ethics Council Members Discuss Circumcision: Banned Everywhere in 50 Years. Retrieved April 20, 2020 .
- ^ Rolf Dietrich Herzberg: Circumcision: The Right Judgment! Zeit, July 12, 2012, accessed April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Rolf Dietrich Herzberg: Open letter from the President of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Munich and Upper Bavaria Charlotte Knobloch: When religious regulations take precedence over legal ones. hpd, December 23, 2019, accessed April 22, 2020 .
- ^ Till Schwarze: Circumcision: "A pathetic bill". Zeit, January 1, 2012, accessed April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Reinhard Merkel: The skin of another. Süddeutsche Zeitung, August 30, 2012, accessed on April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Miriam Eckert: Is the circumcision law unconstitutional? Passau criminal lawyer criticizes disregard for children's rights - “Law paves the way for girls' tailoring” , Passauer Neue Presse of February 2, 2013, page 28.
- ↑ Süddeutsche Zeitung: Circumcision of boys for religious reasons is a criminal offense. Retrieved April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ "Parliament has a duty to abolish the circumcision law". gbs, May 7, 2017, accessed April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ World Day of Genital Self-Determination 2020 | World genital self-determination day. Retrieved April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ Evokids website. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ^ University of Gießen : The Evokids Project , accessed on June 28, 2014.
- ↑ Why evolution should already be explained to children. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . June 26, 2014.
- ↑ State Institute for School and Media Berlin-Brandenburg : Evokids Prize 2014 for innovative teaching ideas on the subject of "Evolution". May 13, 2014.
- ↑ Katharina Laszlo: Max Kruse: Urmel rushes through time. (from 8 years). In: Review note on Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Pearl Divers, September 7, 2013, accessed April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ KinderZEIT editorial team: A new story to read ( aloud ): Place there, the Urmel is coming! June 20, 2013, accessed April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Euthanasia - My end is mine! Retrieved April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ Evelyn Finger: "We doctors are there for life. But life also includes dying". DIE ZEIT, December 4, 2014, accessed on April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ Federal Constitutional Court - Press - Prohibition of commercial promotion of suicide unconstitutional. February 26, 2020, accessed April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ Michael Schmidt-Salomon: 1. Statement of the gbs on the constitutional complaints against § 217 StGB. gbs, October 4, 2016, accessed April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ Jacqueline Neumann: 2nd statement of the gbs on the constitutional complaints against § 217 StGB. gbs, February 27, 2017, accessed April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ Uwe-Christian Arnold: The political testament of the death helper Uwe-Christian Arnold: "Please do not close your eyes to reality!" hpd, April 11, 2019, accessed April 20, 2020 .
- ^ Statement by Michael Schmidt-Salomon before the Federal Constitutional Court. gbs, April 16, 2019, accessed April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ The tough struggle for self-determination at the end of life: Review of a successful campaign :. gbs, February 28, 2020, accessed April 20, 2020 .
- ↑ team. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ LTO: Abuse scandal: Jura-Profs file criminal charges. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Writings on Weltanschauung. In: Nomos Verlag. Institute for Weltanschauungsrecht, accessed on April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ "Women are not allowed to dream here - My escape from Saudi Arabia, my way to freedom". Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ^ Founding of the institute on the 99th birthday of Hans Albert. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ Advisory Board - Hans Albert Institute. Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ a b The Foundation's prices. In:
- ^ Deschner Prize to Richard Dawkins. In: , May 28, 2007.
- ^ I would go for the Deschner Prize. In: , October 15, 2007.
- ↑ Richard Dawkins receives Deschner Prize Press portal, October 1, 2007.
- ^ Deutsche Welle ( Giordano Bruno Foundation honors Badawi and Haidar | DW | 04/24/2016. Retrieved January 18, 2020 .
- ^ Art Prize "The Cheeky Mario". Retrieved April 13, 2020 .
- ↑ hpd: Janosch: “Grüß Gott, Herr Stoiber!” June 14, 2007, accessed on April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Janosch: Child Baptism. gbs, 2008, accessed April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Thumbnails of the gbs-Art-Collection I. gbs, 2007, accessed on April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Stoiber calls Janosch "false prophet" in children's rooms | DOMRADIO.DE. Domradio, June 8, 2007, accessed April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Janosch. Sächsische Zeitung, June 12, 2007, accessed on April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Stoiber attacks Janosch, GBS starts counter-offensive. gbs, June 9, 2007, accessed April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ "Save the little piglet!" - Giordano Bruno Stiftung and Alibri Verlag launch campaign. gbs, January 30, 2008, accessed April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Janosch: "Grüß Gott, Herr Stoiber!" Hpd, June 14, 2007, accessed on April 22, 2020 .
- ^ Esq: Kulturkritik: Stoiber resigns from the Tiger Duck Club . In: THE WORLD . June 13, 2007 ( [accessed April 22, 2020]).
- ^ Gbs: Postage stamps with portraits of Giordano Bruno and Karlheinz Deschner. July 20, 2015, accessed April 22, 2020 .
- ↑ a b c Atheism, too, cultivates its saints. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung via Max Planck Society , March 5, 2008 ( PDF , 97 kB).
- ↑ Image brochure of the Giordano Bruno Foundation ( Memento from December 25, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 2.8 MB)
- ↑ Alexander Kissler : Attack on the "verbal scientist". In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . May 17, 2010.
- ^ Claudia Knepper: Giordano Bruno Foundation. Exit with publicity. In: Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauung questions .
- ↑ Norbert Hoerster can help with this. ( Memento from February 2, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) on: , December 11, 2011.
- ↑ Evolutionary Humanism. ( Memento of January 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) on the gbs website, accessed on January 28, 2012.
- ^ Website of the gbs: "Hamed Abdel-Samad new member of the foundation", from November 28, 2011