Humanistic press service

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The Humanist Press Service (hpd) has been providing information on free-spirited humanist topics since 2006. According to its own information, the hpd website has more than 3.5 million page views per year and an average of more than 10,000 visitors per day.



The hpd was founded in 2006 on the initiative of the Giordano Bruno Foundation (gbs) and the Humanist Association of Germany (HVD) and started online in August 2006. Today, the hpd website has more than 3.5 million page views per year and an average of more than 10,000 visitors per day, which makes the press service the most far-reaching organ of the secular scene in German-speaking countries. The most read article of 2019 was Belief in the afterlife is falling , with over 72,000 views .

Sponsoring association

To finance the editorial work, the support association Humanistischer Pressedienst (hpd) eV based in Berlin was founded in 2006 .

The association's president is Rainer Rosenzweig, Natalie Grams is vice-president and Ricarda Hinz is the treasurer. Its members include the Coordination Council of Secular Organizations (KORSO), the Federation for Freedom of the Mind (bfg), the German Society for Human Dying (DGHS), gbs, the Humanist Association of Germany - Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg Kdö.R., the Humanist Association of Austria and the International Federation of the non-denominational and atheists (IBKA).

editorial staff

Publisher was the former ZDF presenter Volker Panzer . The editorial team consists of Frank Nicolai (editor-in-chief), Daniela Wakonigg (deputy editor-in-chief), Inge Hüsgen, Gisa Bodenstein and Hella Camargo. Carsten Frerk was editor-in-chief from its inception until 2013 .

In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, freelance authors work for the hpd primarily on a voluntary basis. Hamed Abdel-Samad , Valentin Abgottspon , Mina Ahadi , Dieter Birnbacher , Colin Goldner , Natalie Grams , Rolf Dietrich Herzberg , Philipp Möller , Michael Schmidt-Salomon , Armin Pfahl-Traughber , Rüdiger Vaas and Bernd Vowinkel write regularly .

Content orientation

According to its own statements, the hpd presents "enlightening, humanistic and free-spirited positions on current events". The hpd uses various journalistic formats such as news, commentary, review, interview, essay and caricature.

The main topics include:

  • Humanism , atheism , agnosticism , criticism of religion
  • Education, ethics, values ​​education
  • Human rights, civic engagement, civil courage
  • Freedom of religion, separation of church and state
  • Personal rights, data protection
  • Education, sexual and reproductive self-determination
  • Wills , euthanasia , hospice care
  • Philosophy, science


  • hpd news
  • hpd review
  • hpd ticker
  • hpd video
  • Dubito magazine (for a young target group aged 15 to 35)
  • Caricature Yearbook Thank You # 1

The hpd products beyond the daily news include:

  • Documentation (May 19, 2015) of a conversation between Hamed Abdel-Samad and Mouhanad Khorchide about "Islamic humanism"
  • Citation of the article " Anti-Muslim racism" - analytical category or polemical catchphrase? "In the bpb right-wing extremism dossier" Islamophobia, Islamophobia, Islam criticism - a guide through the jungle of terms ".
  • Video interview with Richard Dawkins (November 12, 2018). The translated written version was published in hpd and was printed in 2019 in the anthology by Helmut Ortner (Ed.) Exit: Why we need less religion .

Criticism of the hpd and media criticism of the hpd

Shortly after the founding of the hpd, Andreas Fincke wrote in the material service 4/2007 of the Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauungsfragen that the name of the hpd expresses "secret competition" with church offers, furthermore: "It can be assumed that the hpd will be well received by media representatives . The church critics and free spirits have thus achieved another coup. "

In 2008, the Berlin lawyer and initiator of the Pro Reli referendum , Christoph Lehmann (CDU), accused the Tagesspiegel of "religious hatred and defamation of people of other faith" on the basis of the article "The religious training of children".

In 2015, the blog Ruhrbarone and Ulrich Kutschera criticized the fact that the publication of a comment by Kutschera on creationism and gender theory had been reduced.

In the hpd, media criticism appears occasionally, for example in 2018 on an article in the Tagesspiegel on the Berlin Neutrality Act or in 2019 on the presentation of Waldorf schools in the daily topics .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Humanist Press Service | About us. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  2. 2019: A successful year for the hpd. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  3. statutes hpd eV Retrieved on April 14, 2020 .
  4. Sponsoring Association | hpd. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  5. The Humanist Press Service | About us. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  6. hpd. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  7. Review | hpd. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  8. Humanistic Press Service (@hpdticker) | Twitter. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  9. hpdvideo. Accessed April 14, 2020 (German).
  10. dubito. Accessed April 14, 2020 (German).
  11. hpd (ed.): Thank you for ridicule # 1 . Alibri Verlag, Aschaffenburg 2019, ISBN 978-3-86569-312-9 .
  12. Humanism as Islam's last chance? University of Münster, accessed on April 14, 2020 .
  13. "Anti-Muslim Racism" - analytical category or polemical catchphrase? Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  14. Armin Pfahl-Traughber: Islamophobia, Islamophobia, Islam criticism - a guide through the jungle of terms | bpb. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  15. Daniela Wakonigg interviews Richard Dawkins. hpd, November 21, 2018, accessed April 14, 2020 .
  16. "Science is the poetry of reality". Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  17. Helmut Ortner (ed.): Exit: Why we need less religion . Nomen Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2019, ISBN 978-3-939816-61-4 , pp. 299 ff .
  18. ^ EZW: Material service. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .
  19. Thomas Häntsch: The religious dressage of the child. hpd, March 8, 2008, accessed April 14, 2020 .
  20. ^ Claudia Keller: Popular initiative: Pro-Reli dispute escalates. Der Tagesspiegel, December 29, 2008, accessed on April 14, 2020 .
  21. Humanist press incapable of gender criticism? Ruhrbarone, April 30, 2015, accessed on April 14, 2020 (German).
  22. ^ Frank Nicolai: Ulrich Kutschera, the hpd and the "censorship". hpd, June 2, 2015, accessed April 14, 2020 .
  23. Jürgen Roth: On the comment of Malte Lehming in the Tagesspiegel: A journalist on the wrong track. hpd, January 18, 2018, accessed April 14, 2020 .
  24. ↑ Commercial breaks for Waldorf schools in the daily topics. Retrieved April 14, 2020 .