GDCh award for journalists and writers

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The GDCh Prize for Journalists and Writers is an award that has been given at irregular intervals since 1980 by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) to people who have made subject-specific problems and solutions in chemistry transparent to the public through their literary work.

Since 1997, the award has been given alternately to journalists and writers . Since 2008, the invitation to tender has been aimed at writers and journalists at the same time. In addition to a certificate, the prize includes prize money of 7500 euros.

Award winners

Prize for journalists

Prize for writers

Prize for journalists and writers

Award ceremony 2016 to the chemistry editor

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Renate Hoer: Chemistry lecturer conference in Heidelberg. Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, press release from February 25, 2016 from Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (, accessed on February 25, 2016.