Prussian Provincial Councilor

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The Provincial Council was a body to participate in the affairs of the general state administration of a Prussian province. It was created in the last quarter of the 19th century with the provincial order . The members carried the official title of Prussian Provincial Councilor .

These were the high president or his deputy as chairman, a senior administrative officer who had to be appointed by the minister of the interior, and five members elected by the provincial committee for six years who did not have to belong to the state parliament, but to the province. The provincial committee itself was elected by the provincial assembly to prepare and implement the resolutions of the provincial assembly.

After Hitler came to power , which in Prussia included the elimination of the provincial parliaments as the bearers of self-government, its composition was changed as part of the Gleichschaltung . For the purposes of the leader principle that from certain Prussian State Ministry enacted law on the provincial council from July 17, 1933 senior officials, high officials of the NSDAP and its organizations and deserved resident in the province of Councils of State as members. In place of the election by the provincial committee, there was an appointment by the prime minister. The Provincial Council had an advisory and not a decision-making role. He could be heard in particular when establishing the budget charter and important legal transactions.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fabian Scheffczyk: The Provincial Association of the Prussian Province of Brandenburg 1933–1945. Regional performance and steering administration under National Socialism (= contributions to the legal history of the 20th century. Vol. 58). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2008, ISBN 978-3-16-149761-2 , p. 78, (also: Frankfurt (Oder), Europa-Univ., Diss., 2008).

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