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Primary service
Primizsegen in Wilburgstetten 1956

Under a first Mass ( Latin primitiae "first fruits", "first crop") refers basically the first of a Roman Catholic or Old Catholic priest (or an Old Catholic priest ) as the main celebrant celebrated Holy Mass .

Seminar or order primitive

In the Roman Catholic Church, the primacy is usually celebrated a few days after the ordination in the seminary , the so-called seminar primacy . For members of the order this is replaced by the order primitive . In the Old Catholic Church , on the other hand, the primacy usually takes place in the community in which the newly consecrated person is active at that time.

Home prime

As a rule, on one of the following Sundays, there is a solemn primacy in the priest's home parish, the home primacy . Other priests or bishops are usually present there.

Primary regulations

Primary sermon

Usually the newly ordained priest is the celebrant of the mass and the sermon is given by another (mostly friends) priest. It is considered an honor to be able to give the primary sermon. Often times, the primary preacher has additional responsibilities during the primary celebrations. First Mass for newly ordained priests received the first Mass robe first Mass chalice and paten ( paten ).

Prime blessing

The Primary Blessing is donated in two ways: general and personal. The first blessing is held in high regard as the “first blessing of the priest”. At the end of the primary mass, the general primary blessing replaces the final blessing of the fair.

Primizkrone, around 1930

In the Roman Catholic Church , Pope Paul VI. every primitive was given the opportunity to give the blessing once as a papal blessing . In connection with him, the believer can, with the appropriate disposition, obtain complete relief from the temporal penalties for sin. As a rule, the primitive makes use of it in the home primitive and uses the solemn form of blessing.

In the Old Catholic tradition there are no liturgical texts for the primary blessing. The Primiziant usually formulates an individual blessing when making a donation.

After the end of the Mass or, if a community festival follows, during the thanksgiving service, the new priest first donates the individual priestly blessing to the clergy present and then to the entire community. He lays hands on the believers and, invoking the saints, blesses each one individually. In the vernacular it is said "For a prime blessing you run through a pair of shoe soles".

The usual primary blessing is:

“By spreading my hands and by invoking the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint N. and all saints, may Almighty God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit bless and keep you. Amen."


If the priest celebrates another primacy somewhere else, for example at an earlier place of activity, one speaks of a "post-primacy", of which there can be several. Usually these take place in the first weeks and months after the consecration . However, from a canonical point of view , the new priest can hold secondary primaries until the next ordination of the diocese or the order to which the new priest belongs.

regional customs

"Spiritual bride" with a crown, Upper Swabia, mid-19th century

Primices were celebrated in a similar way to weddings until the 20th century, with the involvement of the entire parish. The new priest moved from his parents' house in procession to the church. A “Primizbraut” (also “spiritual bride”) dressed in white carried a “Primizkrone” or a chalice on a noble pillow. It was also common for the congregation to erect a decorative “triumphal arch” through which the new priest entered the town or church. In many cases, devotional pictures with the date and place of the priestly ordination and primary ceremony and the request for prayer are distributed on the back.

Web links

Commons : Primiz  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Primiz  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Duden online: Primiz
  2. In the time before the liturgical reform in 1969 there were cases in which a new priest celebrated his first holy mass as a silent mass for family or personal reasons. The “solemn primacy” was not always the first holy mass.
  3. Wording “ P .: God bless you through the eternal high priest Jesus Christ; he grant you the grace to know and love him. A: Amen. P .: He sanctify you through the truth and let you be one in love so that you may see his glory. (A .: Amen. ) P .: He will keep you and protect you from evil so that none of you will perish (A .: Amen. ) P .: The triune God, the Father and the Son + and the Holy Ghost. A .: Amen. “Developed by the international working group of liturgical commissions in the German-speaking area; Published by the liturgical institutes Salzburg - Trier - Zurich: Benediktionale: Study edition for the Catholic dioceses of the German-speaking area. Benziger , Einsiedeln, 1978, ISBN 3-545-50512-X . Herder: ISBN 3-451-17984-9 , pp. 117ff.
  4. Johann Werfring: The silk cushion for the "priest wedding". Wiener Zeitung , supplement “ProgrammPunkte”, May 16, 2012, p. 7 , accessed on December 1, 2016 .
  5. Erna Horn: High school of the way of life. Pröster, Kempten 1955, DNB 452104203 , section on church festivals.