ProSieben MorningShow

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Television broadcast
Original title ProSieben MorningShow
Biller & Vass
Working days
genre Comedy
Theme music Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting

The ProSieben morning show was a comedy - morning show that on weekdays between 6 September and 23 December 1999 from 06:30 on ProSieben aired. It was broadcast live from a café in the middle of Berlin .

The show consisted of the following parts:

  • Infotainment (current news at 7:00 a.m. presented by Julia Böhm )
  • Talks with celebrities or guests of the café
  • Short comedy series (such as the morning round , a hospital satire)
  • Music clips

In addition to Wigald Boning and Steffen Hallaschka , Ken Jebsen and Arzu Bazman also performed the show, and Tommy Wosch was added to the cast in later episodes .

As a theme song was Carl Douglas ' Kung Fu Fighting used.

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