Ken Jebsen

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Ken Jebsen 2014 at an award ceremony of the blog NRhZ-Online

Ken Jebsen (actually Kayvan Soufi Siavash , * 1966 in Hüls ) is a German web video producer , activist and journalist .

Until 2011 he worked as a television and radio presenter , most recently at Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB). After Henryk M. Broder had criticized Jebsen's statements as anti-Semitic , the broadcaster initially defended him against the allegations, but dismissed him shortly afterwards for violating journalistic standards. Since then, Jebsen has mainly been active on his website KenFM . There and as a YouTuber , he spreads conspiracy theories, among other things, on the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 and on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation during the COVID-19 pandemic .

In 2014 and 2015, he was a keynote speaker at the controversial Vigil for Peace .

Origin and name

Born in 1966 in what is now the Krefeld district of Hüls , his real name is Kayvan Soufi Siavash, has German and Iranian roots. Because his real name seemed too difficult to understand for German radio listeners, he later adopted the stage name Ken Jebsen . The surname should be reminiscent of the maiden name of his German mother, a woman from Hamburg .

In a detailed interview with Mathias Bröckers , Jebsen rejected his own biographical information on Radio Fritz , his maiden name was Moustafa Kashefi and he was born on a plane in Iranian airspace as a self-made “absurd bio” and easily recognizable “gag”.

Radio presenter (1987-2011)

Ken Jebsen in the studio of Radio Fritz, 2005

From 1987 to 1991 Jebsen presented often under the name Keks on the private broadcaster Radio Neufunkland in Reutlingen. He then worked at DW-TV as a television reporter. In 1994 he hosted the then moonlight show on ZDF 16 times . When Radio 4U of SFB he worked as a radio reporter. He then moderated the program Die Radiofritzen am Morgen with Volker Wieprecht on Radio Fritz . In 1999 he moderated the ProSieben MorningShow with Steffen Hallaschka , Wigald Boning , Tommy Wosch and Arzu Bazman .

From April 28, 2001, he presented the weekly radio show KenFM for Radio Fritz . It broadcast from various locations in Berlin-Mitte , initially every Saturday morning from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. from a fashion store on Marienstraße, later from Peugeot-Avenue, Mini-Berlin ( Friedrichstraße ) and the Sony Center . Every week he introduced at least one music group that performed some songs live. Jebsen coordinated the music with other broadcast content. Occasionally he invited writers, hobby poets or alternative musicians . From 2004, the broadcast took place on Sundays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Fritz Studios in Babelsberg without a dress rehearsal . With his company "sektor_b", Jebsen was also the producer, planned the broadcast sequence precisely and divided the program into 15 sections each, including "Press Smart", "Retrospect" and a discussion with unusual or prominent guests on topics from research, technology, History and philosophy. He demarcated his concept strictly from programs like that of Stefan Raab and called Ray Cokes and Sammy Davis, Jr. as his role models. The taz praised the program as "parody of stupid-stupid radio that radiates broadcast minutes".

Since January 2006, broadcast excerpts have been offered as podcasts , and since March 2006 a playlist has been added to Events that took place elsewhere, on different days of the week, or that timed out were recorded and then broadcast. A band was filmed during their performance, a video of the performance and an interview with band members were published in the following days on, later on the YouTube channel KenFM2008 . Every two to three months, KenFM was the "Office for Entertainment" where artists could introduce themselves for about 15 minutes.

In 2007, Jebsen and Susanne Wündisch won the Civis Media Prize as a radio award in the field of short programs for the contribution Irgendwo hinbetween, rbb on March 16, 2006. The topic of the contribution was a Kurdish educator and choreographer in Berlin who crossed the border between Islamic tradition and the western way of life dared.

Controversy over allegations of anti-Semitism and separation from the rbb

According to the Tagesspiegel , Jebsen wrote an email to a listener in early November 2011 that he knew that Edward Bernays had " invented the Holocaust as PR". Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels read his book and implemented appropriate campaigns. Henryk M. Broder published Jebsen's email in full on his website The Axis of the Good and stated that the recipient had forwarded it to him. Broder accused Jebsen of anti-Semitism and informed the broadcaster rbb. As a result, the broadcaster suspended Jebsen's broadcast from November 6, 2011 until the allegations were clarified. Jebsen did not deny that he had written the mail, but rejected the accusation of anti-Semitism: He had condemned the Holocaust in many posts as a crime against humanity. He is ready for a clarifying conversation with Broder.

On November 9, 2011, after talks with Jebsen, the rbb management decided to continue employing him: The "allegations against the moderator that he spreads anti-Semitic ideas and denied the Holocaust [...] are considered unfounded". Program director Claudia Nothelle said that when he expressed his opinions pointedly, he “exceeded the limit in some cases” without “adhering to journalistic standards”. Jebsen began to incorporate political analysis into the original entertainment program; the editors failed to intervene. Nothelle said that Jebsen will in future take less political issues into the program, discuss these issues and their form of presentation with the editorial team, as is customary, and focus the program more on entertainment and the music scene.

Broder emphasized that he had not ended Jebsen's show, but wanted to point out repeated hatred of Israel and anti-Americanism in his contributions. Jebsen would like to see “a Palestinian Yad Vashem ” for “crimes of the Israelis” and thereby draw “a parallel between Israel today and the Nazis yesterday”. That is anti-Semitic. Historian Juliane Wetzel thought it was right to draw attention to such statements, but not necessarily in an alarmist way. Jebsen only takes up socially widespread moods. Oliver Gehrs saw Broder as a “false key witness” who raised anti-Semitism allegations for any reason. The journalist Robert Meyer ( Neues Deutschland ) defended Jebsen: His statement on the Holocaust was "completely isolated by the media" and did not contain any Holocaust denial .

On November 23, 2011, the rbb announced the separation from Jebsen. According to Claudia Nothelle, "many of his contributions did not meet the journalistic standards of the rbb". Because he had "repeatedly not kept" to the agreement with the rbb, he was dismissed. The rbb did not provide any details; The reason for dismissal is "Jebsen's overall behavior". However, press commentators attributed the move to the ongoing public criticism of Jebsen. On the same day, Fritz program director Stefan Warbeck also took responsibility for "several not adequately editorially checked and approved contributions" Jebsen and resigned.

Jebsen again denied the allegations and announced that he would continue broadcasting on the Internet. The sentence about the Holocaust was a quote. The broadcaster rbb has not yet proven any specific reason for termination. He sued the labor court in Potsdam against his dismissal. The proceedings ended with an out-of-court settlement, the details of which were agreed not to disclose.

Freelance journalist (since 2011)

After the termination of his employment relationship, Jebsen relocated his activities to the Internet. Since January 2012, interviews, group discussions, monologues and comments ("KenFM in conversation", "KenFM about" and others) have been published regularly on the YouTube channel KenFM . The declared role model for the interviews is for Jebsen Günter Gaus . Since April 1, 2012, he has offered a 90-minute video and audio broadcast free of charge on various video portals every Sunday at 2 p.m. It continued most of the components known from the rbb, supplemented at irregular intervals with audio contributions on current topics. Jebsen finances the programs through crowdfunding .

Jebsen presents KenFM as a “free press portal” that is supposed to counteract a current threat to democracy. He expects the "Internet to close again as free space" because the state has currently lost its information monopoly and will do everything in its power to regain it. Jebsen’s central themes at KenFM include Israel’s politics, Germany’s sovereignty, the global political role of the USA and the role of the media, the power of the elites, the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 and covert warfare . His interview partners include Reiner Braun , Volker Bräutigam , Mathias Bröckers , Andreas von Bülow , Jürgen Elsässer , Daniele Ganser , Wolfgang Gehrcke , Tommy Hansen, Christoph Hörstel , Hans Jürgen Krysmanski , Albrecht Müller , Jürgen Roth , Werner Rügemer , Udo Ulfkotte , Gaby Weber , Willy Wimmer and Wolfgang Wodarg . Among the guests are authors from Kopp Verlag and the monthly magazine Compact . Jebsen published numerous videos of joint appearances with Jürgen Elsässer. Despite their relatively long duration, some of the videos achieved six-figure access numbers and thousands of comments.

Jebsen has been publicly advocating conspiracy theories on September 11, 2001 since 2011 . On the tenth anniversary, he described the attacks on that day as a "terror lie" and the collapse of the World Trade Center as a "warm demolition". He claims that the US government itself brought about the attacks, that WTC 7 was blown up in a generally visible manner, the Western press ignores this, and that a “global media staging” enables the ongoing war on terror . He also links material from the 9/11 Truth Movement .

On April 5, 2012, Jebsen published the monologue " Zionist Racism " on KenFM . In it he referred to the criticism of the poem What must be said by the writer Günter Grass at the time . He attributed the criticism to Jewish and Israeli lobbyists, who had great influence in the United States and who manipulated the mass media. This "media weapon of mass destruction " helps "that we have been shut up for over 40 years when people are exterminated en masse on behalf of the State of Israel". Israel systematically exterminates the Palestinians to "make room for the chosen people"; it wanted a "final solution" for Palestine. While the West is forcing Iran to prove that it does not build nuclear weapons, Israel has been secretly developing and making nuclear weapons. Henryk Broder, one of Grass' critics, "would have made an excellent camp commandant in the Third Reich ". With these statements, according to the Tagesspiegel, Jebsen can finally be located in the "conspiracy theorists" category. The sociologist Felix Schilk sees this contribution as an example of Jebsen's anti-Semitism, even if he tries to disguise this in a kind of detour communication (instead of the Jews in question, Jebsen usually uses “Zionists”). In 2014, Jebsen wrote in an open letter to the Chancellor that “National Zionists” had “occupied Israel like Nazis occupied Germany in '33”. In one of his videos he spoke of "radical Zionists with US passports whose hobby is Israel and whose favorite sport is the slaughter of Arabs".

In June 2014, Jebsen described geopolitical interests of the US and the EU as the main cause of the war in Ukraine on KenFM . He sees special forces of the US Army as the masterminds of the war there, which he describes as a civil war, and criticizes Western media reports of the crisis as warmongering. The Eastern European historian and political scientist Susanne Spahn counts Jebsen among the German partners of Russian state media; in their reasoning, cause and effect are inverted. Russia, which has violated the territorial integrity of Ukraine, is becoming a victim, and Ukraine and the West are stylized as perpetrators. The former Attac activist Pedram Shayar, who spoke to Jebsen at the peace vigil, supported Jebsen's criticism of the media, but left it open as to whether the allegation of covert US intervention could be proven.

The political scientist Markus Linden described Jebsen as an “anti-American preacher” who scourged the “supposedly US and financial market-driven German politics” with “messianic zeal”. His web appearances are “sermon-like monologues or long interviews with alternative war reporters, renegade or marginalized politicians and conspiracy theorists.” The political scientist Martin Höpner, on the other hand, defended Jebsen: During the refugee crisis in Germany in 2015/2016, he repeatedly pleaded for openness and humanity when accepting refugees . KenFM is wrongly defamed as " new right ".

In February 2017, Jebsen speculated that the Women's March on Washington on the occasion of the inauguration of US President Donald Trump was directed by investor George Soros . Soros is hoping for an increase in abortions to earn money from selling dead embryos to pharmaceutical manufacturers. Jebsen, who, according to Sebastian Leber, likes to complain that journalists only write about him but never speak to him, left an interview request unanswered, another one of Jebsen's employees declined. When New Germany wrote some questions to Jebsen in the same year, Jebsen did not answer, but passed them on to the online magazine Rubikon . Contrary to journalistic standards, they were published there and provided with derogatory comments.

In December 2017, the blog NRhZ-Online awarded the fifth Cologne Karls Prize for committed literature and journalism to Ken Jebsen in the Babylon cinema in Berlin . The cinema operator, as the landlord of the premises, initially canceled the original date, for which Evelyn Hecht-Galinski was also planning a speech , after the Berlin Senator for Culture Klaus Lederer ( Die Linke ) intervened. Lederer wrote on Facebook: “I am appalled that a cultural venue in Berlin is offering a stage for this annual market for those who believe in conspiracies and aluminum hats.” NRhZ-Online successfully took legal action against the termination. The Babylon cinema stated in the court hearing that the cancellation was "due to pressure from the Berlin Senate" and because of security concerns. The award ceremony took place in the absence of Jebsen, who had canceled his participation. Oskar Lafontaine (Die Linke) defended him with the words: "Terms like 'conspiracy theorists' [...] come from the arsenal of the secret services."

In the course of the COVID-19 pandemic , Jebsen compared the security measures taken with the seizure of power in a video clip and described them as an "obedience experiment". Even during the Nazi era and on the nights of bombing, a “curfew” was never imposed. It is "incredibly dangerous now in Germany to say something that deviates from mainstream opinion," said Jebsen. In another video published on May 4, 2020 with the title "Gates kapert Deutschland!", Which reached 5 million views within three days, Jebsen spoke about the couple Bill and Melinda Gates and their Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation . The couple had " hacked into world democracies through the WHO " and would now decide on lockdown or wearing respiratory masks. It now has "more power than Roosevelt , Churchill , Hitler and Stalin combined". In a fact check, the ZDF determined that the video was “full of errors, conspiracy myths and inaccuracies”. Fact checks from , Focus Online , and SWR3 also came to this result.

further activities

Jebsen belongs to a group of German media workers who work with Russian state media. He frequently appears as an interview partner on the Russian state broadcaster Russia Today , where he is featured as a German "expert" and top journalist. Jebsen publishes Russia-friendly content on his online portal KenFM and represents Russia's foreign policy positions at public events. He appeared as a supporter of one of the Compact Sovereignty Conferences organized by Jürgen Elsässer in 2012 and 2013, which he organized together with the Russian government-affiliated Institute for Democracy and Cooperation . In return, Russian state media report on the events organized or attended by their German media partners.

In spring 2014, Jebsen was the main speaker alongside Elsässer and Lars Mährholz at vigils for peace , demonstrations in favor of Russia in the war in Ukraine. Die Zeit described these three as "professional conspiracy theorists", Spiegel TV referred to Jebsen in the article Class reunion of the conspiracy theorists on May 18, 2014 as the "pack leader of the Monday pack". Matthias Meisner (Tagesspiegel) counted Jebsen to a "network for Putin and Pegida ". According to Niklas Lämmel, Jebsen has taken up “vague anti-intellectual attitudes of the audience” and radicalized them into “anti- enlightenment resentment”. In 2018, Jebsen traveled with politicians from the AfD and the Left Party to the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula in Ukraine . There he took part in an economic conference organized by the Russian government, which was supposed to attract Western investors despite the EU sanctions against Russia .

In 2014, Jebsen tried to have the song Beate Zschäpe Listen U2 of the group Antilopen Gang forbidden because he saw himself defamed by some statements in it. The Regional Court of Cologne gave him to understand that an application for a ban would be futile because of artistic freedom and "statements made by the applicant in the past". He then withdrew the application for an injunction. He had to bear the legal costs.

After Jebsen called for the “Peace Winter” demonstration in autumn 2014, some representatives of the peace movement distanced themselves from it, including Tobias Pflüger (Die Linke) and Monty Roboter ( DFG-VK ). Otmar Steinbicker ( Aachen Peace Prize Association ) described Jebsen and Mährholz as "new right conspiracy theorists" with whom he did not want to have anything to do with. The Left faction decided on 16 December 2014 to support henceforth no organized by Jebsen and Mährholz "Peace Winter" events financially: The Alliance will become of "world conspirators, Monday demonstrators and Reich citizens dominated".

After Elsässer appeared as a speaker at Pegida and Legida in January 2015 , Jebsen distanced himself from him, also because of Elsasser's position in the refugee crisis .

In an interview in March 2015, Monty skull pleaded for ending cooperation with the Monday vigils before the Easter marches , as they were "at least open to the right". Thereupon Jebsen attacked him sharply at the Berlin vigil on March 16, 2015: Skull is a "cross frontier" and "enemy" and "bought by NATO ". The right-wing extremism was "the smallest problem in this country." As a result of this reaction, parts of the peace movement showed solidarity with Skull: The DFG-VK withdrew its support for the "Peace Winter", the Cooperation for Peace distanced itself from Jebsen, its spokesman Reiner Braun declared that he was leaving his office for the time being.

In June 2015, Jebsen supported the political campaign “The dead are coming” and called for a “march of the undecided”, but was publicly invited by the organizer.

According to Erik Peters in the taz , on April 11, 2020, while participating in an unregistered demonstration against the measures of the federal government in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic on Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin, the riot police "ab [ guided". He had previously interviewed the initiator Anselm Lenz "on his YouTube channel [...] and thus advertised the event".

He is the operator of the KenFM News & Politics app , which is offered as an ad-free version for € 4.99 per month.

Scientific reception

In his dissertation on the history of conspiracy theories as the history of the media, the media scientist John David Seidler dedicates a separate section to Jebsen, in which, in addition to his allegations about the 9/11 attacks, he also analyzes his statements about the media and, in particular, the Internet . Jebsen argue this quite contradictory, by one hand, the Internet as a utopian antidote to the mainstream media celebrate: This he compare with the conformist media of the Nazi period , because they were "then as now, manipulated by the elites"; On the other hand, however, he attaches apocalyptic fears to the Internet, since due to the equivalence of all reports in the social media and their increasing entertainment character, the network runs the risk of becoming “the greatest method of enslavement of mankind”: “ Today, Goebbels would primarily be the mastermind active on YouTube , Facebook , Tumblr or Twitter . Google would be called Goegls ”. In this context, Jebsen also expressed understanding for the US terrorist Theodore Kaczynski and his letter bomb attacks in January 2014 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Andreas Lünser, Roman Lehberger, Thomas Heise, Der Spiegel : Attack on “heute show”: Ken Jebsen uses the studio of the attacked TV production company - Der Spiegel - Panorama. Retrieved May 18, 2020 .
  2. Ronald Galenza, Kerstin Topp, Philip Meinhold (eds.): An, loud, strong! Fritz - The book on the radio. Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-89602-440-X , p. 56.
  3. ^ A b Henning Kober: Brain research instead of a competition. taz , March 8, 2004.
  4. Ken Jebsen, Mathias Bröckers: The Ken Jebsen case or How journalism can regain its independence on the Internet. The maker of KenFM in conversation with Mathias Bröckers. Westend Verlag , Frankfurt am Main 2016, ISBN 978-3-946778-00-4 , pp. 151 ff. And 166.
  5. TV wish list: Ken Jebsen
  6. Ken Jebsen
  7. Anja Popovic: People of the world. Welt Online , April 30, 2001.
  8., June 2007: European CIVIS Radio Prize Winner 2007 ( Memento from October 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  9. ^ Accusation of anti-Semitism against Fritz moderator Ken Jebsen. Retrieved August 26, 2019 .
  10. Henryk M. Broder: "I know who invented the holocaust as PR", November 6, 2011
  11. a b Kurt Sagatz: Holocaust PR ?: Accusation of anti-Semitism against Fritz moderator Ken Jebsen. Der Tagesspiegel, November 2011.
  12. RBB calls anti-Semitis allegations against Jebsen "unfounded". Retrieved August 26, 2019 .
  13. Ken Jebsen remains the moderator at Fritz. rbb, November 11, 2011
  14. Ekkehard Kern: Moderator Jebsen now has to discuss issues. Berliner Morgenpost , November 12, 2011.
  15. a b Christoph Richter: Fuss about rbb radio moderator. Deutschlandfunk, November 12, 2011
  16. Robert Meyer: Throwing out an uncomfortable one. New Germany, November 25, 2011
  17. Stefan Warbeck hands over program responsibility for the rbb youth program "Fritz" - rbb separates from moderator Ken Jebsen. rbb, November 23, 2011
  18. Simon Hurtz: Ken Jebsen goes on the offensive. Berliner Zeitung , November 25, 2011
  19. Felix Dachsel: Ken Jebsen and the RBB: "I use humor as a weapon". taz, January 20, 2012
  20. Ken Jebsen: Unlawful termination. Tagesspiegel, December 22, 2011.
  21. ^ RBB: Settlement outside the court. Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, April 20, 2012.
  22. ^ Michael Meyen et al .: Qualitative research in communication science. A practice-oriented introduction. 2nd Edition. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2019, ISBN 978-3-658-23529-1 , p. 102.
  23. Ex-RBB moderator demands 100,000 euros: Ken Jebsen does not give up. Berliner Zeitung, January 11, 2012
  24. ^ Wolfgang Storz: "Querfront" - career of a political-journalistic network. OBS working papers No. 18, 2015, ISSN  2365-1962 , p. 12 (PDF; 0.5 MB)
  25. Sebastian Leber: The coronavirus cosmos of the unreasonable. Full parks and charlatans. Der Tagesspiegel , March 20, 2020, accessed on April 6, 2020 .
  26. ^ Wolfgang Storz: "Querfront" - career of a political-journalistic network. OBS working papers No. 18, 2015, ISSN  2365-1962 , pp. 11–13, 26, 30–32 (PDF; 0.5 MB)
  27. John David Seidler: The conspiracy of the mass media: A cultural history from the bookseller's plot to the lying press. transcript, 2016, ISBN 3-8376-3406-X p. 299 f.
  28. Nik Afanasjew , Joachim Huber: Ex-RBB moderator Jebsen: "Israel wants final solution for Palestine". Tagesspiegel, April 7, 2012.
  29. Elsa Koester and Sebastian Bähr: Anti-Semitism in Ken Jebsen: "Jebsen incapacitates his audience" . , December 14, 2017, accessed September 6, 2019.
  30. Roger Schawinski: Conspiracy! The fanatical hunt for the evil in the world. NZZ Libro, Zurich 2018, p. 126.
  31. ^ A b Susanne Spahn: Analysis: The Ukraine image in Germany. Federal Agency for Civic Education, June 6, 2016
  32. Martin Reeh: Ex-Attac activist on Monday demos: “Why should I whistle?” Taz, May 5, 2014
  33. Markus Linden: Everything is a lie. The European, November 11, 2014
  34. Markus Linden: Guest Commentary - Warriors on the Keyboard. Süddeutsche Zeitung, November 6, 2015
  35. a b Markus Linden: Medialer Populismus: In the net of the angry citizens and conspiracy theorists. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, February 2, 2015
  36. ^ Martin Höpner: Sozialnationalismus, Querfront, AfD light: To the loser of the political discourse. Macroscope. Critical analyzes of politics and the economy, April 1, 2016
  37. ^ Sebastian Leber : Vigils in Berlin. How conspiracy theorists tick. Tagesspiegel, March 27, 2017.
  38. ^ Matthias Holland-Letz: Approaching an Internet Phenomenon. New Germany, December 14, 2017.
  39. Erik Peter: No room for Jebsen: Querfront award ceremony canceled. taz, November 14, 2017
  40. Jebsen is to be honored in Babylon. taz, December 8, 2017
  41. Judgment: Honor for Jebsen may take place in Babylon. New Germany, December 8, 2017
  42. Anita Fünffinger: Anti-Semitism on the Left? Dispute in the Left Party. Bayerischer Rundfunk , December 14, 2017
  43. Marcus Bensmann, Carol Schaeffer: The AfD, the coronavirus and the blown echo chamber. In: Correctiv . April 9, 2020, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  44. a b Patrizia Kramliczek: Corona Myths: Why Bill Gates is a target., May 6, 2020, accessed on May 6, 2020 .
  45. a b Video about Corona Measures - Why You Shouldn't Trust Ken Jebsen. In: ZDF today. May 8, 2020, accessed May 10, 2020 .
  46. Fabian Scheler: The war over movies. , May 12, 2020, accessed on May 15, 2020 .
  47. Bill Gates has become a target for conspiracy theorists. Coronavirus pandemic., May 6, 2020, accessed on May 6, 2020 .
  48. Jonas Mueller-Töwe: That’s the turn of Ken Jebsen’s great Gates conspiracy. In: . May 8, 2020, accessed May 10, 2020 .
  49. Till Eckert, Alice Echtermann: Big conspiracy on the coronavirus? How Ken Jebsen stirs up the mood with misleading claims. In: , May 8, 2020.
  50. Lena Glöckner: Three million people saw it, but Ken Jebsen's Corona video is all wrong. In: Focus Online . May 12, 2020, accessed May 12, 2020 .
  51. Fact check: KenFM video “Gates captures Germany!” In: SWR 3 , May 15, 2020.
  52. a b c d Susanne Spahn: Ukraine in the Russian Mass Media: Germany as an example of Russian information policy. In: Timm Beichelt, Susann Worschech (Ed.): Transnational Ukraine? Networks and Ties that Influence (d) Contemporary Ukraine. ibidem, Stuttgart 2016, ISBN 978-3-8382-0964-7 , p. 211.
  53. Timo Stein: RT German: Don't be afraid of propaganda. Cicero, November 28, 2014
  54. ^ Propaganda for the Kremlin: Putin's German assistants. Spiegel Online , April 29, 2014.
  55. Thomas Korn, Andreas Umland: Russia: Jürgen Elsässer, Kremlin propagandist. Zeit Online, July 19, 2014
  56. Erik Peter: New rights “peace movement”: In the fight against the media mafia. taz, April 16, 2014
  57. Prize for ex-RBB presenter Ken Jebsen: Dealing with cross-front activists divides Left Party. Markus Decker in conversation with Dieter Kassel. Deutschlandfunk Kultur, December 14, 2017
  58. Frida Thurm: The very own world of the Monday demonstrators. Die Zeit , April 22nd, 2014
  59. Quoted from John David Seidler: The conspiracy of the mass media. A cultural history from the bookseller plot to the lying press . transcript, Bielefeld 2016, ISBN 978-3-8376-3406-8 , p. 284 (accessed via De Gruyter Online).
  60. ^ Matthias Meisner: A network for Putin and Pegida. Tagesspiegel, August 16, 2015.
  61. Niklas Lämmel: "Falsche Propheten 2014." In: Samuel Salzborn : Antisemitismus since 9/11. Events, debates, controversies. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2019, p. 229
  62. Christoph Kluge, Tilman Steffen, Steffen Dobbert: Russia Sanctions: Left-Right Alliance in the Crimea. Zeit Online, April 19, 2018
  63. ^ Daniel Hackbarth: Antilopen Gang in Stuttgart: Rap rhymes against tangled heads. Stuttgarter Zeitung, February 12, 2015; Matthias Schwarzer: No song ban for the "Antilopen Gang": Ken Jebsen fails in court. Wilhelmshavener Zeitung, February 10, 2015
  64. Martin Kaul: Peace Movement wants to rejuvenate - Good night, friends. taz, November 25, 2014
  65. Pascal Beucker: Highly problematic spectrum taz, November 27, 2014
  66. Matthias Meisner: Left faction is distancing itself from the "peace winter". Tagesspiegel, December 17, 2014.
  67. Wolfgang Storz: Elsässer, Ken Jebsen and Co .: Expand the mainstream in the media. Tagesspiegel, August 24, 2015.
  68. Martin Kaul: "An attempt that failed". Interview with Monty Skull. taz, March 13, 2015
  69. Martin Kaul: War of Peace Friends. taz, March 30, 2014
  70. The dead are coming. New Germany, June 20, 2015
  71. Erik Peter: Brown chain of infection. In: The daily newspaper . April 12, 2020, accessed April 12, 2020 .
  72. DER SPIEGEL: How Kayvan Soufi-Siavash became the conspiracy ideologist Ken Jebsen - DER SPIEGEL - Panorama. Retrieved June 17, 2020 .
  73. John David Seidler: The Conspiracy of the Mass Media. A cultural history from the bookseller plot to the lying press . transcript, Bielefeld 2016, ISBN 978-3-8376-3406-8 , pp. 299–307 (accessed via De Gruyter Online).