Udo Ulfkotte

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Udo Ulfkotte (2007)

Udo Konstantin Ulfkotte (born January 20, 1960 in Lippstadt ; † January 13, 2017 ) was a German journalist and publicist . From 1986 to 2003 he was political editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) . From the late 1990s he wrote several bestsellers and increasingly represented right-wing populist , Islamophobic and conspiracy-theoretical positions. Most recently he published without exception at Kopp Verlag .


Udo Konstantin Ulfkotte was born in 1960 in Lippstadt, Westphalia , and grew up in Dorsten and Warburg . After graduating from high school in 1978 at the Marianum grammar school in Warburg, he said he studied law and political science at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg , according to the Kopp Verlag, " Criminology , Islamic Studies and Politics". In 1987 he was at the University of Freiburg, one of Dieter Oberdörfer supervised dissertation on American continuity and change and Soviet policy in the Near and Middle East from 1967 to 1980 to the Dr. phil. PhD.

In October 1986 he became a member of the political editorship of the FAZ, where he was part of the foreign policy department until 2003 and dealt in particular with Africa , the Arab states and the United Nations . According to his own statements, which were doubted by Jan Fleischhauer , between 1986 and 1998 he lived mainly in Islamic countries (including Iraq , Iran , Afghanistan , Saudi Arabia , Oman , United Arab Emirates , Egypt and Jordan ) and traveled to over sixty countries. These stays helped shape his image of Islam. Finally, according to Michael Schmidt-Salomon , he should have understood himself as a “born again Christian ”.

During his studies he was an employee of the CDU- affiliated Konrad Adenauer Foundation and was a member of the foundation's planning staff from 1999 to 2003. He was considered a specialist in security management and industrial espionage . From 1999 to 2007, Ulfkotte was a lecturer in security management in the business administration department at Leuphana University Lüneburg and taught competition monitoring in the USA. From June 2005 to June 2006 he was chief correspondent for the personality magazine Park Avenue of the Hamburg publisher Gruner + Jahr . His articles have appeared in the magazines Capital , Cicero , Junge Freiheit and the news agency ddp . Ulfkotte was a guest on several talk shows and in the press club .

In 2004 the public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt am Main searched the journalist's private and office space on the grounds of “suspicion of inciting the disclosure of official secrets ” ( Section 353b of the Criminal Code ). Ulfkotte is said to have known about state security procedures before they became public. The author denied allegations of bribery and described the suspicion as politically motivated. The German Association of Journalists (DJV) was reluctant to comment on the measure: "If it were a question of silencing a journalist in times of widespread fear of terror, there would have to be massive protests" (DJV press spokesman Hendrik Zörner). The proceedings were closed in 2005.

Ulfkotte wrote books on intelligence and Islamism . From 2008 his books were published by Kopp Verlag , which is known for its esoteric , conspiracy-theoretical and right-wing populist offerings. There he was also a regular author of the Internet portal Kopp-Online and editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine Kopp-Exklusiv . Because of his provocative right-wing theses, he was considered one of the key figures between the New Right and Kopp.

Ulfkotte, who had been in poor health for several years, died of a heart attack on January 13, 2017 at the age of 56 .

Relationship to Islam

The war in our cities

Ulfkotte's book The War in Our Cities , published by Eichborn Verlag in March 2003 , led to several lawsuits and trials . It was taken off the market in the same year against the background of an application by the Islamic Federation Berlin (IFB) for an injunction at the Berlin Regional Court . The litigation concerned the claim made in the book that the Islamic Federation is a regional association of the Islamic Community of Millî Görüş (IGMG). According to Eberhard Seidel , who complained in the taz about the lack of support for Ulfkotte by the media, an "avalanche of litigation" rolled towards the publisher because various Muslim associations, organizations, companies and private individuals were also suing the book. In 2004 an updated and revised new edition of the book was published by S. Fischer Verlag .

The Islamic scholar Henner Kirchner accused Ulfkotte of Islamophobia and a lack of seriousness. In reference to the anti-Semitic inflammatory pamphlet Protocols of the Elders of Zion , Kirchner used the phrase “The Protocols of the Elders of Mecca ” with reference to Ulfkotte's book The War in Our Cities . Ulfkotte's views are "an Islamophobic equivalent to the anti-Semitic hate speech". Ulfkotte sued Kirchner on charges of sedition and several blogs criticizing the book. In response to his lawsuit, Kirchner was sentenced by the Berlin Regional Court to pay € 5,000 in compensation for pain and suffering.

At the time, Stefan Weidner criticized Ulfkotte's book in particular with its "largely questionable, if not absurd [e]" conclusions. In the Neue Zürcher Zeitung it was said by Heribert Seifert: "A wrong book about a correct and important topic wastes the chance to provide the necessary information."

The political and Islamic scholar Julia Gerlach described Ulfkotte's approach, which does not promote scientific discourse, as "hysterical" and "prejudicial". Several reviewers devoted Ulfkotte's book to Extremism and Democracy in the yearbook . Hans-Gerd Jaschke considers the "utility value of this study [for] low". They have exclusively "illustrative character". The source work is "nebulous and not verifiable". Peter Schütt described Ulfkotte as an "undercover agent" who encouraged conspiracy theories. The journalist Ulfkotte is throwing his " professional ethos overboard". The book is an "intolerant and hostile work that systematically stirs up prejudice and almost always operates with anti-Islamic clichés ". Rudolf Wassermann , on the other hand, sees the book's merit in “having shown the methodology and extent of the threat”.

For the journalist Claudia Dantschke , who published in the texts on internal security of the Federal Ministry of the Interior on the subject of “ Islamism ”, Ulfkotte is promoting “ racism against Muslims” with the book . The attempt to market himself as a “defender of press freedom ” is unbelievable, especially when he instrumentalizes “in Junge Freiheit, the organ of the New Right , Islamist intimidation campaigns against critics and the illegal actions of individual Islamists”. In this context, Dantschke sees “xenophobia”. The Islamic scholar and terrorism researcher Guido Steinberg considers the book to be “largely unusable” and the political scientist and extremism researcher Armin Pfahl-Traughber calls it a “generalized, unproven and ideological conspiracy” contribution.

Holy war in Europe

The publicist Hannes Schwenger wrote in the Tagesspiegel about the book Holy War in Europe , published in 2007 by Eichborn . How the radical Muslim Brotherhood threatens our society: Ulfkotte sees the fall of the West “within reach” and writes there of a “central secret society that seeks to destroy European culture with boundless hatred and a long-term strategy: the Muslim Brotherhood”. Schwenger sees in these and other remarks again parallels to the conspiracy theory about the falsified protocols of the Elders of Zion: “But that is exactly what his book is about, which on 300 pages still presents the most abstruse evidence of a new world conspiracy; often enough without citing the source or citing newspaper reports and reports on the protection of the constitution , the sources of which are not known. ”In the Austrian weekly newspaper Falter , Ulfkotte, the reviewer Franz Thalmair judged widespread conspiracy theories and described them using reductionist methods; he is not interested in the fact that “the reality content of the examples is approaching zero”.

Scientists like Benz, to whom Ulfkotte devotes several pages under the heading “Conspiracy Fantasies”, criticized the fact that the sources used were “vague references or even just assertions, often quotations” that could not be checked. Benz attests Ulkotte's text " mission-conscious indignation, polemics and incrimination of attitudes".

In the journal Internationale Politik, Joseph Croitoru reviewed :

“Despite the abundance of facts, Ulfkotte succeeds at best [...] in proving his thesis that it is the Muslim Brotherhood that pulls the strings in the background everywhere. His demographic forecasts are also tendentious and ultimately belong in the realm of speculation [...]. With a good dose of alarmism , the horror scenario of the threat of Islamization of Germany [...] is conjured up and there is hardly any distinction made between Muslim migrants and Islamists. The fear-mongering, however, has a clear political purpose: the book should [...] not least serve to attract Ulfkotte's founding anti-Islamist party. "

- Josef Croitoru

The Islamic Federation of Berlin obtained a court ban on the sale of this book.

Political activities

Ulfkotte at a Pegida demonstration in January 2015

Ulfkotte was a co-founder of the right-wing populist association Pax Europa in 2006 (left in 2008). In 2007 he initiated the European Association for Democracy and Values . In the 2007 election for Bremen's citizenship , he supported the right-wing populist voters' association Bürger in Wut (BIW), which he joined in June 2007. The German Center Party was before the Hamburg state election in 2008 announced that Ulfkotte as a non-party candidate on list place 2 behind the party chairman Dirk cam man standing, the election but he has not raced for. In 2008, Die Welt reported online death threats against Ulfkotte and his wife in connection with an anti-Islamic video posted on YouTube that was not made by the Ulfkottes but was falsely attributed to them.

Pax Europa planned a Europe-wide demonstration against the “Islamization of Europe” in Brussels for September 11, 2007 together with the Danish SIAD (Stop Islamiseringen af ​​Danmark) and the British No Sharia Here . This was banned on August 9, 2007 by the Mayor of Brussels, Freddy Thielemans ( PS ). The clubs then sued the ban and were represented by the Belgian lawyer Hugo Coveliers , whom Philip Dewinter , the leader of the right-wing extremist group Vlaams Belang , had mediated. The lawsuit was dismissed on August 30, 2007. After the demonstration in Brussels was banned, the association Pax Europa announced that it wanted to demonstrate in Cologne. After an initial cooperation, Ulfkotte and Pax Europa distanced themselves at the beginning of September 2007 from Vlaams Belang and the Cologne branch of the German League for People and Homeland (DLVH), the citizens' movement pro Cologne , which had called for participation in the demonstrations. At the beginning of December 2008, Ulfkotte left the citizens' movement Pax Europa, which he founded, because of this, according to Ulfkotte, “increasingly extremist course” and accused him of spreading “racist and possibly inciting images in the striker style ”.

FAZ editor Günther Nonnenmacher , who knew Ulfkotte from his time as FAZ editor, called him a “colorful dog” in 2007, according to Tagesspiegel . Regarding Ulfkotte's plans to found a party (Pax Europa), Nonnenmacher said that Ulfkotte “does not have a closed worldview ” and is jumping on a trend. Astrid Geisler criticized in the taz that Ulfkotte "mainly tells stories". In connection with the ban on the so-called demonstration against the “Islamization of Europe” in Brussels in 2007, the publicist Jörg Lau described its organizers and supporters as a “horde of rather shady anti-Islam hysterics” and explicitly named Ulfkotte's then “Pax Europa” association . Lau accused Ulfkotte of only half-heartedly distancing himself from “right-wing radicals”. Spiegel editor Erich Follath said that Ulfkotte “likes to spread panic”.

In an analysis entitled Anti-Islamic right-wing populism in the extreme right (2009), the social scientist Alexander Häusler from the research focus right-wing extremism / neo-Nazism at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences also looked at Ulfkotte. Häusler originally saw him "courted" by Stefan Herre from Politically Incorrect . Ulfkotte would stylize himself as an “Islam expert” in order to be able to appear at events related to the pro-movement with populist rhetoric such as the “creeping Islamization of Europe”.

On December 22nd, 2014, Ulfkotte appeared as the “official” speaker at the Bogida demonstration controlled by PRO NRW , where he made “16 arguments” public in support of Pegida. As a speaker, he took part in a Pegida event in Dresden on January 5, 2015 . According to the specialist journalist Olaf Sundermeyer , he had "gradually radicalized himself into a right-wing populist" in recent years.

On March 27, 2015 in Dietzenbach there was a dispute between Ulfkotte and a group of young socialists who tried to disrupt a reading by Ulfkotte at an AfD “Bürgerstammtisch” . According to an eyewitness report, Ulfkotte physically attacked an underage listener in this context. He was flanked by the Hessian NPD state chairman Stefan Jagsch and his deputy Daniel Lachmann. According to the taz, an investigation was initiated against Ulfkotte because of the incident , as the initial suspicion of a bodily harm had arisen. Ulfkotte denied having committed an act of bodily harm. He also "didn't know those around him". According to his account, Ulfkotte only asked one of the troublemakers to leave the room and grabbed the shoulder, the young activist "immediately dropped".


Ulfkotte operated the website akte-islam.de . The political scientist Peter Widmann described this in 2008 in an analysis of right-wing populist critics of Islam as " boulevardesque ". Ulfkotte is waging an “ occidental struggle for existence” there.

Heiner Bielefeldt , holder of the Erlangen chair for human rights and human rights policy, counts Ulfkotte's work as "Islamophobic propaganda literature". He draws “monstrous fearful scenarios”, for example with prophecies that a “ Eurabia ” will emerge in Europe, that Sharia will be introduced here around 2050 and that Islamization (key word: birth rate ) is imminent, which in turn is comparable to the neutron bomb . Ulfkotte is striving to “make the term Islamophobia taboo ” and thus hinder an enlightened debate. For the linguist Sabine Schiffer , Ulfkotte disseminates right-wing and evangelical approaches on the Internet , similar to Stefan Herre ( Politically Incorrect ) or Willi Schwend ( Federal Association of Citizens' Movements ). However, Ulfkotte filed a lawsuit that the counter-initiative Watchblog Islamophobie had to cease operations. According to Thorsten Gerald Schneiders , "critics of Islam" like Ulfkotte are not professionally qualified to make profound statements about theological aspects, even with their own experiences from Islamic countries . With their activities, they carried out a scandal based on individual examples that are supposed to prove a moral or legal guilt on the part of the Muslims. With “ridicule” and “ creation of legends ”, German society is alleged to have given way to Islam, for example in the case of separate school sports lessons.

2010 Compatible Ulfkotte the theses of the bestseller Germany abolishes itself by Thilo Sarrazin . Christoph Kopke from the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies in Potsdam described Ulfkotte in a brochure (2013) for the Brandenburg Ministry of the Interior as "Islam-critical [or] Islamophobic authors" and placed him in a row with Geert Wilders and Thilo Sarrazin, but also with organizations like the blog Politically Incorrect , the party Die Freiheit , the weekly newspaper Junge Freiheit and the Kopp Verlag.

In 2011, cultural scientist Gabriele Dietze assigned Ulfkotte's criticism of Islam to the area of ​​right-wing conspiracy theory and described the construction of European superiority as Occidentalism . Political scientist Farid Hafez and religious studies scholar Ernst Fürlinger made similar statements in 2013 . The former accused Ulfkotte of promoting a self-contained Islamophobic conspiracy theory of "Eurabia".

For the FAZ editor Patrick Bahners (2011), Ulfkotte's criticism of Islam has abandoned the “classic political-historical method” in recent years, so that when he appears on TV, “in the name of journalistic objectivity, bizarre fantasies and macabre simulation games become normal elements of public discussion”.

Heribert Schiedel from the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance described Ulfkotte as an "anti-Muslim conspiracy mystic".

The anti-Semitism researcher Wolfgang Benz compared Ulfkotte's argumentation structures in 2014 with those of anti-Semitism of the 19th century . Benz sees similarities in terms of infiltration and overpowering fantasies, the concentration on one-sidedly interpreted religious texts in order to postulate a “bad moral doctrine”, and with regard to the assumption of a world conspiracy. Ulfkotte conjures up a “Muslim world revolution” and a “secret plan to infiltrate non-Muslim states”, which only comes from his imagination, as in the case of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, however, xenophobes are sufficient insurance. As an author, Ulfkotte is “certainly not to be taken too seriously” because he is a “ populist ” who sells his books with “scaremongering”. For the historian Yasemin Shooman , Ulfkotte is one of the "cues from the right-wing populist-Islamophobic scene in Germany".

Further publications

Ulfkotte books were partly in the bestseller list of the mirror out: Verschlußsache BND (1997: 5) The war in our cities (2003: 9) and Purchased journalists (2014/15: 3); and the Focus : Classified BND (1997: 7), Thieves ' Market Place (1999: 4), The War in Our Cities (2003: 7), SOS Occident (2008: 19), Beware of Civil War! (2009: 20) and Purchased Journalists (2014/15: 6). The content of his bestsellers tends to be negated by German feature pages.

Environmental destruction by Shell in Nigeria

In 1996, Ulfkotte's position on the responsibility of the Shell oil company for environmental degradation in the Niger Delta became a political issue . With articles like The Legend of the Environmental Catastrophe on Niger, in which Ulfkotte denied the existence of extensive environmental damage and relativized statements by Nigerian activist Ken Saro-Wiwa , the author drew criticism from environmentalists and human rights activists . In this context, Ulfkotte was accused of participating in a journalists' trip organized and financed by Shell, whereby he had concealed the sponsorship by Shell in his articles. Ulfkotte's reporting in the FAZ was shell-friendly. Karl Rössel wrote in 1997 in the journal Konkret that Ulfkotte had been "smeared" and that his newspaper had prostituted himself for Shell. The FAZ and Ulfkotte complained about the omission of these two statements. However, the Cologne regional court did not evaluate Rössel's assertion as an insulting criticism , but as a permissible expression of opinion.

Bought journalists

Albrecht Müller from the Nachdenkseiten considers the book to be a "compendium of interesting information on communication campaigns by NATO , the USA, the various secret services, wealthy big business " and on the journalistic networks of the journalists of leading German media mentioned there, but pointed out that these findings were already among other things are contained in the serious research work of Uwe Krüger and are not based on Ulfkotte's own research. The portrayal of the corruptibility of journalists, including Ulfkotte's own marketability, is "worth reading". Overall, however, the book is disappointing because it is contradicting itself and its evaluations are misleading.

In the German edition of the Huffington Post , Sebastian Christ referred to various false claims by Ulfkotte and came to the conclusion that "Ulfkotte's theory of the 'ban on reporting' German media on this subject [...] can be safely rejected".

Like Müller, the media journalist Stefan Niggemeier also pointed out that Ulfkotte only takes up third-party research results on "[t] relevant journalistic [n] scandals [n] and dubious [n] practices", as well as making his own dubious theories and taking part "Exaggerations, perversions and falsehoods" work. Despite all the justified criticism of the state of German journalism, Ulfkotte was "neither a reliable witness nor a useful chronicler". Niggemeier also declared some of Ulfkotte's allegations "simply and demonstrably false."

In 2014, Marc Reichwein agreed with Stefan Niggemeier in Die Welt : “He exposed a number of false facts, albeit only on a random basis. Nobody will do the job of deconstructing such a book entirely. Because the principle is quickly clear: conspiracy theory meets media criticism. "

A team of authors from Der Spiegel magazine (including Jörg Schindler ) wrote in 2014 that the book was peppered with “conspiracy theories”. Jan Fleischhauer commented in 2015, also in Der Spiegel , that the book was "essentially a settlement with the Frankfurter Traditionsblatt", ie the FAZ as Ulfkotte's former employer.

Günther Nonnenmacher , until 2014 one of the editors of the FAZ , dismissed in 2014 in Medium Magazin the allegations of buyability and corruptibility, among others against journalists of his newspaper, as "ridiculous and abstruse". Nonnenmacher attested his former editor "a kind of personality change".

The literary critic Denis Scheck commented on Deutschlandfunk in 2014 : "This tirade, written for the worst version of the German regulars' table, by an offended and frightened petty bourgeois [...]." Was a "rampage in book form".

The extremism researchers Uwe Backes , Alexander Gallus and Eckhard Jesse also attested Ulfkotte "sweeping blows with a conspiracy-theoretical tenor".

Die Zeit pointed out that Ulfkotte was allowed to present his book at the AfD 's New Year's reception in2015, and called this a “give and take”.

The asylum industry

According to the political scientist Farid Hafez , who reviewed the book Die Asyl-Industrie for the yearbook Extremism & Democracy , Ulfkotte's "sources" included not only serious ones, but also tabloid and politically tendentious ones (including Junge Freiheit and Politically Incorrect ). Overall, Ulfkotte twisted facts, uttered untruths and led people astray.


Publications (selection)

Web links

Commons : Udo Ulfkotte  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arnold Bergstraesser Institute (ed.): Dieter Oberndörfer on his 75th birthday. On November 5, 2004. Freiburg 2004, ISBN 3-928597-40-X , p. 125.
  2. ulfkotte.de: Udo Ulfkotte
  3. Kopp online: Udo Ulfkotte ( Memento from July 17, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ Sebastian Liebold : Dieter Oberndörfer (born 1929) . In: Eckhard Jesse , Sebastian Liebold (Hrsg.): German political scientists - work and effect. From Abendroth to Zellentin. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2014, ISBN 978-3-8329-7647-7 , pp. 569-582, here p. 575.
  5. a b Ingeborg Lukas: You edit and write. FAZ, Frankfurt am Main 2000, pp. 119, 134.
  6. a b Jan Fleischhauer : In the forest . In: Der Spiegel , issue 11/2015, March 7, 2015, pp. 98-100.
  7. ^ Website of Udo Ulfkotte .
  8. Georg Anastasiadis, Werner Menner: “A Tsunami of Islamization” (interview). merkur-online.de , July 30, 2007.
  9. Cf. Michael Schmidt-Salomon : The limits of tolerance: Why we open society (= Piper . 31031). Piper, Munich a. a. 2016, ISBN 978-3-492-31031-4 , p. 19.
  10. ^ Jan-Philipp Hein: Author Ulfkotte plans anti-Islamic party. Spiegel Online , March 16, 2007.
  11. a b c d e f g h Wolfgang Benz : The enemies from the Orient. How the fear of Muslims endangers our democracy (=  Beck'sche series. 6073). 2nd edition, Beck, Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-406-66260-7 , p. 71 ff.
  12. a b c Astrid Geisler : The Savior on the Cross . In: The daily newspaper . July 18, 2007, p. 5.
  13. ^ Jan Rübel: Public prosecutor searches the private and office space of the author Udo Ulfkotte. In: Die Welt , vol. 59, April 1, 2004, No. 78, p. 4.
  14. Ulrike Heß-Meining: Right-Wing Esotericism in Europe. In: Uwe Backes , Patrick Moreau (Eds.): The Extreme Right in Europe. Current trends and perspectives. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2011, ISBN 978-3-525-36922-7 , pp. 383-408, here p. 402 f.
  15. Anna Hunger: Well networked - The Kopp publishing house and the dazzling right-wing journalist scene . In: Stephan Braun , Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster (eds.): Strategies of the extreme right: Backgrounds - Analyzes - Answers. 2nd updated and expanded edition, Springer, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-01983-9 , p. 431.
  16. Controversial journalist Udo Ulfkotte is dead , Spiegel Online , January 14, 2017.
  17. Christoph Butterwegge : Migration reporting, media education and political education. In: Christoph Butterwegge, Gudrun Hentges (Ed.): Mass media, migration and integration. Challenges for journalism and political education (=  intercultural studies 17). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 978-3-531-35047-9 , pp. 187-237, here p. 201.
  18. a b Stefan Weidner : Terrorism: How to stir up civil war fears. In: Die Zeit No. 21 from May 15, 2003.
  19. a b Eberhard Seidel: In the name of God. In: the daily newspaper , May 20, 2003, p. 12.
  20. Heribert Seifert: Creeping Emaciation of Curiosity: German Media and Radical Islamism. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , May 16, 2003, p. 71.
  21. Julia Gerlach : The practice of prohibiting clubs from being in conflict with democracy. To prohibit or not to prohibit? (=  Extremism and Democracy. Volume 22). Nomos, Baden-Baden 2012, ISBN 978-3-8329-7456-5 , p. 43 f. (Slightly amended version of the dissertation at the Technical University of Chemnitz 2011, 570 pages, under the title: Ban or not ban? )
  22. Hans-Gerd Jaschke , Peter Schütt , Rudolf Wassermann : “Controversial discussed”. Are radical Islamists infiltrating Germany? In: Uwe Backes , Eckhard Jesse (ed.): Yearbook Extremism and Democracy . Volume 16, 2004, ISBN 3-8329-0996-6 , pp. 278-285, here pp. 280, 282, 285.
  23. Claudia Dantschke : Freedom of intellectual-political debate - Islamist pressure on civil society actors. In: Federal Ministry of the Interior (ed.): Islamism. Texts on internal security. Berlin 2004, pp. 118–152, here pp. 120 f.
  24. Guido Steinberg : Islamism in decline? 20 comments on the theses of Gilles Kepels, Olivier Roys and European research on Islamism. In: Federal Ministry of the Interior (ed.): Islamism. Texts on internal security. Berlin 2004, pp. 20–47, here p. 41.
  25. Armin Pfahl-Traughber : Ideologies of Islamist, Left and Right Extremism in Germany - A Comparative Consideration. In: Uwe Backes , Eckhard Jesse (Hrsg.): Danger to freedom. Extremist ideologies in comparison (=  writings of the Hannah Arendt Institute for Research on Totalitarianism. Volume 29). Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 2006, ISBN 3-525-36905-0 , pp. 205–221, here 208.
  26. Hannes Schwenger : Which Islam would you like to have? In: Der Tagesspiegel . May 21, 2007, p. 7.
  27. Stefan Thalmair: Aufgeblättert (review). In: Falter . 14/07, April 4, 2007, p. 54.
  28. The new fear of Islam In: International Politics . September 9, 2007, pp. 132–135, here p. 133.
  29. Paul Lucardie : Populism in the party system in Germany and the Netherlands . In: From Politics and Contemporary History . No. 35–36 / 2007, pp. 41–46, here p. 44.
  30. Florian Hartleb : Citizens in anger (BIW). In: Frank Decker , Viola Neu (Ed.): Handbook of German political parties. 2nd revised and expanded edition. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2013, ISBN 978-3-658-00962-5 , pp. 189–193, here p. 191.
  31. Astrid Geisler , Olaf Ballnus: Gottlieb Gnadenlos . In: the daily newspaper . February 19, 2008, p. 5.
  32. Ansgar Graw : Death Threats: Critics of Islam on the Run from Extremists . In: The world . July 23, 2008, p. 4.
  33. Kerstin Engelmann, Friederike Günther, Nele Heise, Florian Hohmann, Ulrike Irrgang: Muslim Weblogs. Islam in the German-speaking Internet (=  media and political communication - Middle East and Islamic world. Volume 20). Frank & Timme, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86596-239-3 , p. 132.
  34. Ik verdeel de bevolking in twee kampen, ik been en breekijzer . In: De Morgen (via blogger.com ). August 17, 2007, p. 6 (“Anti-Islam politician Udo Ulfkotte meets with Philip Dewinter and Hugo Coveliers: 'I divide the population into two camps, I am a crowbar.' Udo Ulfkotte (left) is a guest Philip Dewinter: 'Of course I was happy to accept Dewinter's suggestion to find a lawyer for our organization. The Vlaams Belang had also suggested that we help, for example with his security service, but we refused. We do not work with this party . '")
  35. Alexander Häusler : Right-wing populism as a "citizen movement". Campaigns against Islam and the construction of mosques and communal counter-strategies. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-15919-5 , p. 164.
  36. Fredy Gareis: The steam of cultures . In: Der Tagesspiegel . April 26, 2007, April 26, 2007, p. 3.
  37. Jörg Lau : Is it allowed to demonstrate against the “Islamization of Europe” in Brussels? In: Zeit Online . August 27, 2007.
  38. Jörg Lau: How right-wing populists discredit criticism of Islam. In: The time . September 5, 2007, No. 37, p. 10.
  39. Erich Follath : Germany, your gunmen . In: Der Spiegel . No. 35 , 2010, p. 124 ( online ).
  40. Alexander Häusler : Anti-Islamic right-wing populism in the extreme right - the "PRO" movement as a new force? In: Stephan Braun , Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster : Strategies of the extreme right. Background - analyzes - answers. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-531-15911-9 , pp. 130–147, here p. 142 f.
  41. a b Volker Weiß : Are they the people? Pegida - the Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West . In: Dossier right-wing extremism from the Federal Agency for Civic Education . January 6, 2015.
  42. ^ Olaf Sundermeyer : PEGIDA and the radicalization of the right - observations of an inhumane movement. In: Andreas Zick , Beate Küpper : Anger, contempt, devaluation. Right-wing populism in Germany. Edited for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation by Ralf Melzer and Dietmar Molthagen . Dietz, Bonn 2015, ISBN 978-3-8012-0478-5 , pp. 167–177, here: 167 f.
  43. Alina Leimbach: AfD event disrupted: Udo Ulfkotte takes revenge on teenagers . In: The daily newspaper. March 30, 2015, with an amendment of July 6, 2015.
  44. ^ Fabian Scheuermann, Annette Schlegl: AfD event: Ulfkotte on the defensive . In: Frankfurter Rundschau . March 30, 2015.
  45. Peter Widmann: The enemy comes from the Orient. Right-wing populist “Islamic critics” around the publicist Hans-Peter Raddatz are looking for a community of victims with Jews. In: Yearbook for Research on Antisemitism . No. 17, 2008, pp. 45-68, here p. 47.
  46. ^ Heiner Bielefeldt: The image of Islam in Germany. On dealing with the fear of Islam in public. In: Thorsten Gerald Schneiders (Ed.): Islamophobia. When the lines of criticism blur. 2nd edition, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17440-2 , pp. 173–206, here pp. 175, 195 and 197.
  47. Sabine Schiffer: Limitless hatred on the Internet. As “Islam-critical” activists argue in weblogs. In: Thorsten Gerald Schneiders (Ed.): Islamophobia. When the lines of criticism blur. Wiesbaden 2010, pp. 355–376, here pp. 359 and 366.
  48. Thorsten Gerald Schneiders: The dark side of criticism of Islam. Presentation and analysis of the argumentation strategies by Henryk M. Broder, Ralph Giordano, Necia Kelek, Alice Schwarzer and others. In: The same (ed.): Islamophobia. When the lines of criticism blur. Wiesbaden 2010, pp. 417-446, quotations pp. 417, 421, 425 and 440 f.
  49. Hannah Schuttes, Siegfried Jäger : Racism included - the economic principle in Thilo Sarrazin. In: Thorsten Gerald Schneiders (Ed.): Hardened Fronts. The difficult road to a reasonable criticism of Islam. Springer, Wiesbaden 2012, ISBN 978-3-531-18140-0 , pp. 97–117, here p. 109.
  50. Christoph Kopke: enemy image police. How do right-wing extremists talk about the police? Ministry of the Interior of Brandenburg, Potsdam 2013, p. 36.
  51. Gabriele Dietze: Antifundamentalism as Fundamentalism. Reading Thilo Sarrazin through Joseph McCarthy. Some Thoughts on Supremacy, Secularism, Gender, and Culturalization. In: Ulrike Auga and others (Ed.): Fundamentalism and Gender: Scripture-Body-Community. Pickwick Publications, Eugene 2013, ISBN 978-1-62032-392-2 , pp. 171-189, here p. 176.
  52. Farid Hafez: Islamophobic World Conspiracy Theories ... and how Obama went from Muslim to Muslim Brother. In: Journal für Psychologie Vol. 21, Edition 1, 2013, pp. 1–22, here pp. 5 f.
  53. Patrick Bahners: The alarmists. The German fear of Islam. A polemic. Beck, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-406-61645-7 , pp. 62 and 84.
  54. Heribert Schiedel: Extreme rights in Europe. Steinbauer, Vienna 2011, ISBN 978-3-902494-54-2 , p. 46.
  55. Wolfgang Benz: Source text: Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are similar to one another. In: Right-wing extremism dossier from the Federal Agency for Civic Education , March 17, 2014.
  56. Yasemin Shooman: "... because that's their culture". Narratives of Anti-Muslim Racism. transcript, Bielefeld 2014, ISBN 978-3-8376-2866-1 , p. 92.
  57. Best seller list: A great stranger and the German spelling. Börsenblatt , July 17, 2009, accessed on November 29, 2017 .
  58. Alexander Michel: Another downfall . In: Südkurier , November 20, 2008, p. 3.
  59. ^ Rüdiger Scheidges: In search of the lost identity of the Federal Intelligence Service . In: Der Tagesspiegel , No. 16050, July 25, 1997, p. 5.
  60. Wolfgang Gast: Contaminated hashish . In: the daily newspaper , July 22, 1997, p. 11.
  61. ^ Schmiere - Shell AG and the German journalists. Rhenish journalists office , July 11, 1997.
  62. Jedrzej George Frynas: Author's reply. Shell in Nigeria. A further contribution . In: Third World Quarterly , 21 (2000) 1, pp. 157-164, here p. 162. doi: 10.1080 / 01436590013288 ; Jedrzej George Frynas: Corporate and state responses to anti ‐ oil protests in the Niger Delta . In: African Affairs , 100 (2001) 398, pp. 27-54, here p. 46. doi: 10.1093 / afraf / 100.398.27
  63. Manfred Loimeier : The power of the word. On the journalistic interview as a form of reception of African literatures in the Francophone, Anglophone and German-language press - using the example of Ousmane Sembène (Senegal) and Wole Soyinka (Nigeria) (=  Bayreuth African Studies Series . 79). Breitinger, Bayreuth 2006, ISBN 3-927510-94-7 , p. 71 ff.
  64. Albrecht Müller : Ulfkotte's “Bought Journalists” - an exciting title and a disappointing book. Reflection pages , October 9, 2014.
  65. Sebastian Christ : Ulfkotte sticks to his conspiracy theories - and the Huffington Post follows up . Huffington Post , October 17, 2014
  66. Stefan Niggemeier : The truth about the lies of the journalists. Krautreporter , October 24, 2014.
  67. Marc Reichwein : I know things that you would never believe . In: Die Welt , November 22, 2014, No. 273, p. 7.
  68. Maik Baumgärtner, Jörg Diehl, Frank Hornig, Maximilian Popp, Sven Röbel, Jörg Schindler , Wolf Wiedmann-Schmidt , Steffen Winter: New German Wave . In: Der Spiegel , No. 51, December 15, 2014, p. 23.
  69. Annette Milz : “The worst are naive journalists” (interview with Günther Nonnenmacher). In: Medium Magazin , 11/2014, pp. 18-19.
  70. Denis Scheck : A critical look at the "Spiegel" bestseller list . Book market ( Deutschlandfunk ), November 21, 2014.
  71. ^ Uwe Backes , Alexander Gallus , Eckhard Jesse : Annotated Bibliography . In this. (Ed.): Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie , Volume 27 (2015), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2015, ISBN 978-3-8487-2522-9 , pp. 445–475, here: p. 473.
  72. Katharina Kühn: A give and take . In: Die Zeit , January 29, 2015, No. 5, p. 3.
  73. Farid Hafez : Literature from the "scene": A product of the conspiracy industry . In: Uwe Backes , Alexander Gallus , Eckhard Jesse (eds.): Yearbook Extremism & Democracy , 28th year (2016), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2016, ISBN 978-3-8487-3567-9 , pp. 330–332 .
  74. ^ Citizenship Award, Annette Barthelt Foundation, accessed on February 17, 2003.
  75. Sebastian Friedrich : Doubtful delimitation . Kritisch-lesen.de, updated in December 2010, accessed on November 25, 2017. The review was published in slightly abbreviated form in: analyze & kritik , No. 542, September 2009.