Alexander Häusler (social scientist)

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Alexander Häusler 2015 in Wuppertal

Alexander Häusler (* 1963 ) is a German social scientist . He works as a research assistant in the research focus right-wing extremism / neo-Nazism at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences . Häusler deals mainly with Islamophobia and right-wing populism and is co-editor of the scientific series Edition right-wing extremism at Springer VS .


Scientific career

Häusler is a graduate social scientist. He was a research assistant at the Department of Social Sciences / Department of Political Science (today Institute for Comparative Educational Research and Social Sciences - Political Science, Educational Policy and Political Education ) at the University of Cologne . Already in Cologne he dealt with right-wing extremism , so he led a project group on the subject.

He then switched to the neo-Nazism department at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences , which is now known as the Research Focus Right-Wing Extremism / Neo-Nazism . Häusler researches and publishes there mainly on the topics of right-wing populism and autonomous nationalists . In addition, he focuses on research on the extreme right in Germany and Europe, as well as conflict and integration research .

He has published academic books and articles in the field since the 2000s. Häusler also published in scientific journals such as in the research journal Social Movements and in the Journal of History . In addition, since 2011 he and Fabian Virchow , head of research, have been the publisher of the social and political science series Edition Right-Wing Extremism published by Springer VS (formerly VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften ) .

Public appearances and journalistic activities

Alexander Häusler (right) on July 1, 2016 in a panel discussion at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf on the day against anti-Muslim racism , u. a. with Ali Baş , MdL (B'90 / The Greens, far left).

Häusler applies to national media (including Handelsblatt Online , WirtschaftsWoche Online ), public broadcasters (including Bayerischer Rundfunk , , WDR-Studio Düsseldorf , Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio Kultur ) and state educational institutions such as the Federal Agency for Civic Education and the State Centers for Political Affairs Education as an expert in the field of right-wing extremism and right-wing populism and topics such as Autonomous Nationalists , Identitarian Movement , Alternative for Germany , Vigils for Peace , Pegida and Pro-Movement . Among other things, he published on the NPD ban proceedings and right-wing populism in the opinion and debate magazine The European and, together with Fabian Virchow, on the Norwegian right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik on Zeit Online . For the Atlas of Globalization by Le Monde diplomatique , he wrote an article on right-wing extremism in Europe and for the right-wing extremism dossier of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) an essay on hostility towards Muslims . Häusler's contributions can also be found in specific media of the political left, such as in the science magazine Forum Wissenschaft and in the specialist journal Sozialismus , in the institute 's journal DISS-Journal and in anti-fascist papers including Lotta , Antifaschistisches Infoblatt and Der Rechts Rand, as well as in brochures from regional alliances and initiatives against Right-wing extremism and for intercultural dialogue . For example, he is co-author of the lexicon of Netz gegen Nazis , the Internet portal of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation . In these networks, the texts focus on right-wing populist parties, ideologies and fields of action.

Häusler represents the working group of the Ruhr area cities against right-wing extremist tendencies among young people on the advisory board of the information and documentation center for anti-racism work in North Rhine-Westphalia. Educational institutions such as the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung repeatedly invited him to lectures and panel discussions.

Scientific work

His theses are taken up in political science , in particular party and populism research .

Häusler initially dealt with discourses on the political right and identified “German identity ” as an essential topic . To date, right-wing extremists have used national myths such as that of Hermann the Cheruscan as a “ cipher for national identity constructions”. However, conservative politicians and the media also used individual positively reinterpreted components. Häusler sees a direct connection between national pride and the main culture debate. The asylum debate of the 1990s was an icebreaker for riots in Rostock-Lichtenhagen and elsewhere because it created a clear image of the enemy .

Just like Florian Hartleb , Häusler was able to point out similarities between right-wing extremism and right-wing populism. Like Richard Stöss , he argues that right-wing populism is a “stylistic device of modernization” of the extreme right. Together with Christoph Butterwegge , Häusler recognizes an “interrelationship between the center and the periphery” and therefore does not speak of the extremism of the center , but of the “erosion of the political center”.

Häusler states that criticism of Islam has been gaining more and more popularity in Europe since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 . He sees the dispute over the construction of minarets and mosques in particular as an issue that is also being exploited by right-wing populist parties. Populists would use cultural racist vocabulary. Central is the warning against the supposed “ Islamization of Europe”. For the political right, campaigns with such references have become a “propagandistic recipe for success”. He names the NPD , the Republicans , Pro Köln and Pro NRW .

He dealt intensively with right-wing parties . Häusler paid particular attention to the pro-movement , in which he identifies a network from the middle of society to the far right. In his assessment, similar to that of Christoph Butterwegge and Gudrun Hentges , the associations are both right-wing extremist and right-wing populist at the same time. The classification made by Häusler that citizens in anger are racist was criticized by Florian Hartleb, as this party credibly distances itself from extremism. His most recent, very extensive research relates to the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. In 2014 he examined their importance for the “right fringe” and identified a large number of content-related overlaps with and personnel changes in the AfD from associations such as the NPD or “Die Freiheit”, the fraternity “Ring of Freedom Students”, the “Ring of Liberal Youth “Or the German Defense League. The “base of the AfD” is clearly positioned to the right of the line given at the federal level. In the meantime (2015) he sees the "right-wing populist gap" in the party system of the FRG that has existed up to now closed.

Book reviews

Häusler's anthology right-wing populism as “citizens' movement” campaigns against Islam and mosque construction and communal counter-strategies (2008), published by VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, “takes a closer look at the pro-movement for the first time” and places it “in the populism discussion”, so the sociologist Christoph Busch from the Ministry of the Interior in North Rhine-Westphalia . Furthermore, the "anthology offers a good handout for political education and a first working basis for political science."

Political scientist and extremism researcher Armin Pfahl-Traughber reviewed the anthology Autonome Nationalisten (2011) , also published by VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, with Jan Schedler : “[He] contains an abundance of essays on a current in right-wing extremism that are active , Habit, clothing oriented towards the left-wing extremist autonomists. The individual authors provide important information on this relatively new phenomenon, but limit their findings by refusing to make comparative considerations. "The political scientist Robert Chr. Van Ooyen stated :" From a theoretical perspective, the editors distance themselves from a concept of extremism. [...] Although the meaning and limits of the term extremism will remain controversial, with this volume Schedler and Häusler present the first comprehensive scientific inventory that, beyond this dispute, is worth reading, especially with regard to its wealth of information and the different access to information of the authors involved. "

The Göttingen social and political scientist Samuel Salzborn judges the joint study The right “courage” citizens. Origin, development, personnel & positions of the 'Alternative für Deutschland' (2015) as “a well-readable and well-informed book”, which “provides information about the personal, organizational and ideological dimensions of the AfD”. He goes on to say that “that the AfD is one of the most important institutions of a 'cultural struggle from the right' [...] [...] is unquestionably true and convincing in the volume, despite the criticism of the use of the term populism [which seems to be trivializing] and documented with a wealth of material. ”For Armin Pfahl-Traughber , the work, which is based on preliminary studies, sometimes seems fragmentary. On the one hand, it offers a wealth of information, but on the other hand it neglects democratic-theoretical evaluations, in particular the descriptions of party history, personnel and individual political positions require closer examination. Overall, however, the work is stimulating enough for the reader to deal with the party in more detail.

Fonts (selection)


Editing and conference proceedings

  • Right-wing populism as a "citizens' movement". Campaigns against Islam and the construction of mosques and communal counter-strategies . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften , Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-15919-5 .
  • with Hans-Peter Killguss: The enemy of Islam. Right-wing populist culturalization of the political. Documentation for the symposium of September 13, 2008 of the NS Documentation Center Cologne (= contributions and materials from the information and education center against right-wing extremism . 1). NS Documentation Center of the City of Cologne , Cologne 2008, ISBN 978-3-938636-07-7 .
  • with Jan Schedler: Autonomous Nationalists. Neo-Nazism on the move. A new generation of neo-Nazis on the rise? (= Right-wing extremism edition ). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-531-17049-7 .
  • with Hans-Peter Killguss: The business with fear. Right-wing populism, hostility towards Muslims and the extreme right in Europe. Conference documentation (= contributions and materials from the information and education center against right-wing extremism . 6). NS Documentation Center of the City of Cologne, Cologne 2012, ISBN 978-3-938636-18-3 .
  • The alternative for Germany. Program, development and political positioning . Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2016, ISBN 978-3-658-10638-6 .
  • with Fabian Virchow , Martin Langebach: Handbuch right-wing extremism (= right-wing extremism edition ). Volume 1: Analyzes . Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2016, ISBN 978-3-531-18502-6 .
  • with Bernhard Müller a. a .: New social movement from the right? Fears of the future, relegation of the center, resentment: a pamphlet. VSA-Verlag , Hamburg 2016, ISBN 978-3-89965-711-1 .
  • Völkisch-authoritarian populism: the shift to the right in Germany and the AfD. VSA-Verlag, Hamburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-89965-835-4 .

Articles in anthologies and manuals

  • Scene, style, subculture or movement? In: Christian Dornbusch , Jan Raabe (Ed.): RechtsRock. Inventory and counter-strategies . Unrast Verlag, Hamburg et al. 2002, ISBN 3-89771-808-1 , p. 263 ff.
  • Image of the enemy Muslim: a door opener from the far right into the center? In: Gideon Botsch , Olaf Glöckner , Christoph Kopke , Michael Spieker (eds.): Islamophobia and anti-Semitism - a controversial comparison (= European-Jewish studies, controversies . Volume 1). De Gruyter , Berlin et al. 2002, ISBN 3-11-026510-9 , p. 169 ff.
  • The “invisible hand” of the school market. In: Werner Rügemer (Ed.): The consultants. their work in the state and society . transcript Verlag , Bielefeld 2004, ISBN 3-89942-259-7 , p. 111 ff.
  • “MultiKulti” as a threat scenario in the media of the extreme right. In: Christoph Butterwegge, Gudrun Hentges (Ed.): Mass media, migration and integration. Challenges for journalism and political education (= intercultural studies . Volume 17). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 3-531-15047-2 , p. 109 ff.
  • What were the first successes of the NPD based on? and Why did the NPD fail to enter the Bundestag in 1969? In: Fabian Virchow, Christian Dornbusch (Ed.): 88 questions and answers on the NPD. Worldview, strategy and appearance of a right-wing party - and what democrats can do about it . Wochenschau Verlag , Schwalbach 2008, ISBN 978-3-89974-365-4 , p. 23 ff. And p. 26 ff.
  • Right-wing extremism and intercultural conflicts in the immigrant society. In: Dietmar Molthagen , Lorenz Korgel (Hrsg.): Handbook for the communal discussion of right-wing extremism . Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Forum Berlin, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-86872-107-2 , p. 289 ff.
  • Anti-Islamic right-wing populism in the extreme right - the "PRO" movement as a new force? In: Stephan Braun , Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster : Strategies of the extreme right. Background - analyzes - answers . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-531-15911-9 , pp. 130 ff.
  • Selective use of the democratic. Right-wing populist politics of enemy images in the name of freedom of expression. In: Stephan Braun, Alexander Geisler (Ed.): The disgruntled democracy. Modern popular rule between departure and frustration . Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2012, ISBN 978-3-531-18410-4 , p. 131 ff.
  • The PRO movement. A new motor of anti-Islamic right-wing populism within the extreme right in Germany. In: Humayun Ansari , Farid Hafez (Ed.): From the far right to the mainstream. Islamophobia in party politics and the media . Campus-Verlag , Frankfurt am Main 2012, ISBN 978-3-593-39648-4 , p. 29 ff.
  • Citizens Movement Pro North Rhine-Westphalia (pro NRW). In: Frank Decker , Viola Neu (Ed.): Handbook of German political parties . 2nd, revised and expanded edition. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2013, ISBN 978-3-658-00962-5 , p. 181 ff.
  • Postmodern Nazis. The 'Autonomous Nationalists' between 'radical chic' and SA nostalgia. In: Yves Müller, Reiner Zilkenat (Ed.): Civil War Army . Research on the National Socialist Sturmabteilung (SA) . Peter Lang Edition , Frankfurt am Main 2013, ISBN 978-3-631-63130-0 , p. 433 ff.
  • Anti-Muslim right-wing populism - a hallmark of the modernized extreme right in Europe. In: Peter Bathke, Anke Hoffstadt (ed.): The new right in Europe. Between neoliberalism and racism . Papyrossa Verlag , Cologne 2013, ISBN 978-3-89438-507-1 , p. 155 ff.
  • with Rainer Roeser: Beloved enemy? Islamism as a mobilization resource for the extreme right. In: Thorsten Gerald Schneiders (ed.): Salafism in Germany. Origins and dangers of an Islamic fundamentalist movement . transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2014, ISBN 978-3-8376-2711-4 , p. 301 ff.
  • with Rainer Roeser: The »Alternative for Germany« - an answer to the right-wing populist loophole? In: Stephan Braun, Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster (eds.): Strategies of the extreme right: Backgrounds - Analyzes - Answers . 2nd updated and expanded edition. Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-01983-9 , p. 101 ff.

Expertise and handouts

  • with Christoph Butterwegge: Issues of the Right? Middle themes. Right-wing extremist influences on debates on migration, integration and multicultural coexistence . Media expertise on behalf of the state working group of municipal migrant representatives in North Rhine-Westphalia . Düsseldorf 2001. (PDF)
  • The municipal integration concept for Oberhausen. First report on the integration of immigrants, new immigrants and citizens with a migration background (= contributions to urban development . No. 86). Published by the city of Oberhausen , Department 3 - Family, Education, Social Affairs, Oberhausen 2006.
  • Right-wing populism in the form of a “citizens' movement”. Structure and political methodology of PRO NRW and PRO DEUTSCHLAND . Published by the youth welfare office of the city of Essen and AK Ruhr - Ruhr working group against right-wing extremist tendencies among young people, state working group of municipal migrant representatives in North Rhine-Westphalia, created by the research focus right-wing extremism / neo-Nazism at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf 2010. (PDF)
  • The "PRO movement" and anti-Muslim cultural racism from the far right (= Expertise for Democracy . 2011.1). Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung , Forum Berlin, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-86872-702-9 . (PDF)
  • "Maximum provocation". How to deal with right-wing populist election campaigns in the run-up to the NRW state elections in 2012 . Handout on behalf of the State Integration Council of North Rhine-Westphalia, created by the research focus on right-wing extremism / neo-Nazism at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf 2012.
  • The “Alternative for Germany” - A right-wing populist party? Published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation NRW, created by the research focus right-wing extremism / neo-Nazism at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf 2013. (PDF)
  • Vote against racism and right-wing agitation! Right-wing propaganda in NRW before the European and local elections in 2014 . Handout on behalf of the State Integration Council of North Rhine-Westphalia, created by the research focus right-wing extremism / neo-Nazism of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf 2014. (PDF)
  • Courage to truth? Context, development and socio-political positions of the “Alternative for Germany” . Expertise on behalf of the German Trade Union Federation , prepared by the research focus right-wing extremism / neo-Nazism at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Berlin 2014. (PDF)
  • The AfD. Right-wing angry bourgeois party at the crossroads (= Expertise for Democracy . 2015.1). Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Forum Berlin, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-95861-163-4 . (PDF)

Web links

Commons : Alexander Häusler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Interviews and discussions (videos) with Alexander Häusler:

Individual evidence

  1. see list of authors in: Gideon Botsch , Olaf Glöckner , Christoph Kopke , Michael Spieker (eds.): Islamophobia and anti-Semitism - a controversial comparison (= European-Jewish studies, controversies . Volume 1). De Gruyter , Berlin et al. 2002, ISBN 3-11-026510-9 , p. 256.
  2. ^ Institute for Comparative Educational Research and Social Sciences - Political Science, Educational Policy and Political Education , University of Cologne , accessed on February 1, 2015.
  3. Christoph Butterwegge : Introduction. In: Christoph Butterwegge ao: Topics of the Right - Topics of the Middle. Immigration, demographic change and national awareness . Leske + Budrich , Opladen 2002, ISBN 3-8100-3419-3 , p. 8.
  4. ^ Profil , FH Düsseldorf, accessed on February 1, 2015.
  5. see authors in: Humayun Ansari , Farid Hafez (Hrsg.): From the far right to the mainstream. Islamophobia in party politics and the media . Campus-Verlag , Frankfurt am Main 2012, ISBN 978-3-593-39648-4 , p. 207.
  6. a b see authors in: Jan Schedler, Alexander Häusler: Autonome Nationalisten. Neo-Nazism on the move A new generation of neo-Nazis on the rise? (= Right-wing extremism edition ). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-531-17049-7 , p. 325.
  7. ^ Edition right-wing extremism , Springer VS, accessed on February 1, 2015.
  8. ^ Rat muslimischer Student eV (ed.): Day against anti-Muslim racism: Why we need this day , accessed on July 2, 2017.
  9. dpa: "Chaos and political bungling shape the image of the AfD" (interview). Handelsblatt Online July 15, 2013.
  10. Konrad Fischer: “Clearly right-wing populist, but not right-wing extremist” (interview). Wirtschaftswoche Online, October 9, 2013.
  11. Christoph Gurk: "These groups make racism hip" ( Memento from February 28, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) (interview). BR Puls , April 17, 2013.
  12. Patrick Gensing : "The danger lies in brutalizing politics" (interview). , March 12, 2013.
  13. Patrick Gensing: “There is room for a right-wing collecting party” (interview). , September 10, 2010.
  14. Benjamin Sartory: "The right-wing agitators see an outlet there!" ( Memento from February 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (Interview)
  15. Marina Schweizer: "Reminds of right-wing extremism in the 90s" (interview). Deutschlandfunk , December 12, 2014.
  16. Christiane Kaess: "No organized new force" (interview). Deutschlandfunk, April 24, 2014.
  17. Katrin Heise: "This right wing splinter party has succeeded in a media coup" (interview). Deutschlandradio Kultur , September 19, 2012.
  18. Stephan Karkowsky: "New form of agitation from the right wing" (interview). Deutschlandradio Kultur , September 19, 2008.
  19. Thomas Hummitzsch: Interview: Right-wing extremism on the advance . In: Newsletter Migration and Population. ed. by the Migration in Europe network , December 10, 2012.
  20. ^ Welcome culture: the specter of Islamization . Brandenburg State Center for Civic Education , March 2015, accessed on June 8, 2015.
  21. Alexander Häusler , The European , accessed on February 2, 2015.
  22. Alexander Häusler, Fabian Virchow : Breivik's profane apocalypses . Zeit Online , July 26, 2011.
  23. Alexander Häusler: Hostility to Muslims as a right-wing extremist gateway . , March 17, 2014.
  24. Alexander Häusler , Linksnet , accessed on February 2, 2015.
  25. Imprint , Netz gegen Nazis , accessed on February 9, 2015.
  26. Advisory Board ( Memento from February 9, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), information and documentation center for anti-racism work in North Rhine-Westphalia
  27. Erwin Siebenborn: How dangerous are Europe's rights? In: Rhein-Zeitung . February 13, 2014, p. 17.
  28. Andreas Schröder: Disguised as a citizens' initiative - Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung informs about forms of right-wing populism. In: Allgemeine Zeitung , June 4, 2008.
  29. a b c Birgit Rommelspacher : We were united by hatred. Young right-wing extremists and their exit from the scene . Campus, Frankfurt am Main 2006, ISBN 3-593-38030-7 , p. 110 f.
  30. a b Jonathan Roth: 2000 Years of the Varus Battle - Anniversary of a Myth? A cultural anthropological case study on the culture of remembrance (= Mainz contributions to cultural anthropology, folklore . Volume 5). Waxmann, Münster et al. 2012, ISBN 978-3-8309-2704-4 , pp. 73 ff.
  31. a b Richard Stöss : The right edge of the party system. In: Oskar Niedermayer (Ed.): Handbook of political party research . Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2013, p. 579.
  32. ^ Klaus Schroeder : Right-wing extremism and youth violence in Germany. An east-west comparison . Schöningh, Paderborn et al. 2003, ISBN 3-506-71751-0 , p. 110.
  33. Wolfgang Aschauer: The perception of upheavals, inequalities and insecurities as new explanatory factors for xenophobia and Islamophobia in Europe. In: Elisabeth Klaus, Clemens Sedmak , Ricarda Drüeke , Gottfried Schweige (eds.): Identity and Inclusion in the European Social Area (= VS research ). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17682-6 , p. 105.
  34. a b c Farid Hafez : Islamophobic Populism. Mosque and minaret building bans by Austrian parliamentary parties (= VS research ). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17152-4 , p. 20.
  35. Wolfgang Benz : Prejudices against Muslims - enemy image Islam. In: Anton Pelinka (Ed.): Prejudices. Origins, forms, meaning . De Gruyter, Berlin et al. 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-026839-3 , p. 213.
  36. Sebastian Edathy , Bernd Sommer: The two faces of right-wing extremism in Germany - topics, power resources and mobilization potential of the extreme right. In: Stephan Braun , Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster (eds.): Strategies of the extreme right. Background - analyzes - answers. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-531-15911-9 , p. 45.
  37. Carina Klammer: Imaginations of the downfall. On the construction of anti-Muslim external images in the context of the FPÖ's identity policy (= sociology . Volume 81). Lit, Vienna et al. 2013, ISBN 978-3-643-50520-0 , p. 52.
  38. ^ Christoph Butterwegge : Financial market crisis, poverty and right-wing extremist politics. In: Christoph Kopke (Ed.): The limits of tolerance. right-wing extremist milieu and democratic society in Brandenburg. Balance sheet and perspectives , Potsdam 2011, p. 49.
  39. Florian Hartleb : Citizens in anger (BIW). In: Frank Decker , Viola Neu (Ed.): Handbook of German political parties . 2nd, revised and expanded edition, Wiesbaden 2013, p. 191.
  40. ^ A b David Bebnowski: The alternative for Germany. Rise and social representation of a right-wing populist party , Wiesbaden 2015, p. 2f.
  41. Alexander Häusler / Rainer Roesler, Right-wing populism in Europe and the right-wing populist gap in Germany, Erfurt 2014, see also: [1] .
  42. Christoph Busch : Right-wing populism as a “citizen movement” campaigns against Islam and the construction of mosques and communal counter-strategies (review). Political Science Portal , October 7, 2008.
  43. Armin Pfahl-Traughber : Neo-Nazis on the move (review). Humanistic Press Service , May 19, 2011.
  44. ^ Robert Chr. Van Ooyen : Public security and freedom. Studies on the state, police and defensive democracy. 2nd Edition. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2013, ISBN 978-3-8487-0446-0 , p. 266 f .; Robert Chr. Van Ooyen : Jan Schedler / Alexander Häusler (eds.): Autonomous Nationalists. Neo-Nazism on the move (review). Political Science Portal , June 23, 2011.
  45. ^ Samuel Salzborn : Alexander Häusler / Rainer Roeser: The right "courage" citizens. Origin, development, personnel and positions of the “Alternative für Deutschland (review). Political Science Portal , March 12, 2015.
  46. Armin Pfahl-Traughber: Who or what is the “Alternative for Germany”? (Rec.). Humanistic Press Service , May 7, 2015.