Anton Pelinka
Anton Pelinka (born October 14, 1941 in Vienna ) is an Austrian lawyer and political scientist .
Pelinka published mainly in the areas of democratic theory , the Austrian political system and the comparison of political systems . After academic positions in the Federal Republic of Germany, he was full professor at the University of Innsbruck from 1975 to 2006 , where he helped set up the Institute for Political Science . Since 2006 he has been a professor in the Nationalism Studies Program at the Central European University in Budapest.
For many years he was Scientific Director of the Institute for Conflict Research in Vienna, from 1994 to 1997 he was the Austrian representative in the European Commission against Racism and Xenophobia , and he was also involved in the founding of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies . In 1970/71 and 1984/85 he was chairman of the Austrian Society for Political Science , of which he became an honorary member. Pelinka has received numerous awards for his life's work and his journalistic work; he is one of the leading, internationally known scientists in his field in Austria. His political science school has established itself primarily in Innsbruck and popularizes its results beyond the university in the leading regional medium of the Tyrolean daily newspaper .
Anton Pelinka was born in Vienna in 1941 in "attached" Austria; his father's family (an insurance employee) had Czech roots, his mother's German ( Westphalia ). Although relatives were quite inclined to National Socialism, he came from a conservative family home, which was initially “anti-Marxist”, later “anti-Nazi”. Pelinka, socialized in the Catholic milieu , first attended a Catholic grammar school, then a public school in Vienna until she graduated from high school.
After studying - 1960-1964 - the Law (Jus) at the University of Vienna , he was in 1964 for Dr. jur. PhD. In the 1960s, social science aroused his interest and in 1965/66 he started studying political science at the Vienna Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS). There he was influenced by the Austrian-American sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld with his election research . In 1966/67 he was the editor of the Catholic-oriented weekly newspaper Die Furche , headed by Kurt Skalnik at the time , based in Vienna; in the editorial team he was one of the more progressive journalists. The military service in the armed forces followed; he holds the rank of corporal in the reserve.
From 1968 to 1971 he returned as a research assistant to the Department of Political Science at the Institute for Advanced Studies, headed by Peter Gerlich . In 1971 he worked as an assistant at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Salzburg . There he completed his habilitation a year later with the social philosopher and political scientist Norbert Leser and received the venia legendi for political science. He went to West Germany for two years as a scientific adviser or (full) professor, taught at the University of Essen in 1973/74 and at the University of Education in Berlin in 1974/75 . In 1975 he was appointed full professor for political science at the University of Innsbruck . From 1976 to 1986 or from 1989 he headed the political science institute there, which he helped to build up. From 1987 to 1989 he was dean of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences in Innsbruck. From 1993 to 2006 he was co-editor of the joint project Contemporary Austrian Studies at the University of New Orleans / University of Innsbruck. From 2004 to 2006 he was dean of the recently founded Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Innsbruck; his successor was the political scientist Fritz Plasser . He then joined a private university in the English-language Budapest Central European , where he has since the Department of Political Science Studies as professor in the Nationalism Studies Program ( Nationalism Studies teaches).
He accepted several visiting professorships in Europe and abroad, in 1977 at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi (India), as well as three stays in the USA : 1981 at the University of New Orleans in Louisiana, 1997 on the “ Austrian Chair "at the Department of Political Science at Stanford University in California and from 2001/02 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor / Michigan, subsequently also on the" Chair Bernheim d 'Etudes sur la Paix "at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). From 2011 to 2013 he was visiting professor at the European Forum of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). For research purposes he also stayed as a “Schumpeter Fellow” at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University in Cambridge / Massachusetts in 1990/91, as a Senior Fellow at the Wissenschaftskollegium Budapest (Hungary) in 1994 and as a Fellow at the International Center for Cultural Studies in 2012/13 in Vienna, which is now subordinate to the University of Artistic and Industrial Design Linz . The postgraduate Diplomatic Academy Vienna also identifies him as a lecturer.

From 1990 to 2012 he took over the scientific management of the Institute for Conflict Research (IKF) in Vienna, which specializes in the interdisciplinary research of “political, social and individual conflicts”; his successor was Birgitt Haller . From 1994 to 1997 he was the Austrian representative in the European Commission against Racism and Xenophobia . In addition, he was the founding director of the Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies in Vienna , but then resigned from his position in 2009 due to differences of opinion with the Vienna Jewish Community . Until 2012 he was chairman of the scientific advisory board at the Sir Peter Ustinov Institute , which conducts prejudice research . Furthermore he was u. a. Member of the following advisory boards: Yearbook for Islamophobia Research , Journal for Comparative Political Science and Information on Political Education (Austria) as well as “Project Gedenk- und Lernort Äußeres Burgtor ” for the redesign of the Austrian hero monument. In Austria he is jointly responsible for the coordination of the magazine for parliamentary questions . He is currently chairman of the Society for Political Enlightenment (GfpA), which was founded in 1982 and is committed to “promoting the quality of Austrian democracy”. In 2009 he became a member of the Commission for Comparative Media and Communication Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences . In addition, he is u. a. Member of the Austrian Society for Political Science (ÖGPW) and the American Political Science Association (APSA); he was one of the founding members of the ÖGPW and chaired it in 1970/71 and 1984/85. He later became an honorary member of the ÖGPW. He is also a member of the advisory board of Austrian Gay Professionals .
In addition to his scientific work and his honorary posts, Pelinka also appears as a commentator in German-language media ( profil , Der Standard and Die Zeit as well as ORF, among others). Pelinka is politically independent. He has not yet made any election recommendations; only in the national elections in Austria in 1994 did he give the impression that one vote for the Liberal Forum could be one against Haider. Pelinka was one of those well-known scientists who had been repeatedly "attacked" by the FPÖ under Jörg Haider in a defamatory and propagandistic manner. After he accused Haider on Italian television of playing down National Socialism in 1999 , he was sued by Haider, Governor of Carinthia . In the legal dispute, Pelinka was acquitted in the last instance after a judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna on March 21, 2001 of the accusation of defamation . The contemporary historian Michael Gehler assessed the course of the process as "walking a tightrope in connection with maintaining the freedom of (political) science in Austria".
From 2018 to 2023 he is a member of the University Council of the University of Innsbruck .
Pelinka married the journalist Marta (* 1947), b. Marková, and has one child. He is a brother of the journalist Peter Pelinka , former editor-in-chief of the news magazine News and Format , and the uncle of Niko Pelinka .
Research and Teaching
Pelinka's focus is on democracy theory , political system and political culture in Austria and comparative party and association research. Concerning Austria (and beyond) he is a sought-after expert on the topics of right-wing extremism (including the author of the DÖW collections Right-Wing Extremism in Austria after 1945 and the Handbook of Austrian Right-Wing Extremism and the Handbook of German Right-Wing Extremism ) and xenophobia in society.
He is considered a central figure and "synonym" of Innsbruck political science. According to Innsbruck political scientists Ferdinand Karlhofer and Fritz Plasser , Pelinka “made a decisive contribution to the visibility and attractiveness of the location”. The political scientist Andrei S. Markovits and the contemporary historian Anson Rabinbach call him: “Austria's leading political scientist”. Other scholars, such as the historian Bruce F. Pauley, judge its importance similarly.
His academic students include: a. Clemens Heni , Andreas Maislinger , Gerhard Mangott and Hubert Sickinger .
In many publications, Pelinka deals with his main research areas, above all with the Austrian political system .
He depicts the changes in Austrian society on a historical level in his book Five Questions for Three Generations. The anti-Semitism and we today. to. In contrast, he also analyzed outstanding stages in Austria's politics, such as the upswing of the FPÖ and its then chairman Jörg Haider, in The Haider Phenomenon (2001). In other publications he clarifies the influence of parties as well as economic, social and cultural factors on society .
Example: On the glamor and misery of the parties (2005):
- Investigation of the importance of parties for democracy
Austrian politics over the past 50 years has been shaped to a particularly high degree by parties.
- Status of the major parties SPÖ and ÖVP
- Change in the political landscape in Austria since the early 1980s
His stay in New Delhi motivated him to question the democracy of India ( Democracy in India. Subhas Chandra Bose and the becoming of political culture , 2005) - because despite the classification as a developing country there has been a surprisingly stable, functioning democracy in this state for decades - the largest in the world in terms of population. He analyzes these with a view to the history of the country, especially since independence, as well as the influence of the diverse cultural currents.
Various publications on comparative party and association research have also appeared, which mainly serve as an introduction to this branch of political science. Example: Comparison of political systems (2005):
- Typology of the most important areas of political systems: constitution , electoral system, etc.
- Transformation of Political Systems
- Case studies on the US , EU and various small states
- Specific case study: China - India
Awards and honors
- 1969: State prize for journalistic achievements in the interests of intellectual national defense
- 1992: Single player award from the Council of Carinthian Slovenes and the Slovenian Cultural Association
- 1998: Willy and Helga Sale-Verlon Prize of the Documentation Archive of Austrian Resistance
- 2005: Prize of the City of Vienna for the humanities and social sciences - laudation: Hubert Ehalt
- 2009: Concordia Prize of the Concordia Press Club (honorary prize for his life's work) - Laudation: Charles E. Ritterband
- 2010: Honorary member of the Austrian Society for Political Science
- 2013: Heinz Nittel Award of the Austrian-Israeli Society
- 2015: “Renewal of the doctoral degree” by the University of Vienna on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the award day
- 2015: Bruno Kreisky Prize for the political book of the Dr. Karl Renner Institute (Prize for the complete journalistic work) - Laudation: Hannes Swoboda
Fonts (selection)
- with Manfried Welan : Democracy and Constitution in Austria . Europa-Verlag, Vienna a. a. 1971, ISBN 3-203-50161-2 .
- Stand or class? The Christian labor movement in Austria 1933–1938. (= Publications of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the History of the Labor Movement ). With a foreword by Karl R. Stadler , Europa-Verlag, Vienna a. a. 1972, ISBN 3-203-50400-6 .
- Dynamic democracy. On the concrete utopia of social equality . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart a. a. 1974, ISBN 3-17-001397-1 .
- Politics and Modern Democracy . Scriptor-Verlag, Kronberg 1976, ISBN 3-589-20398-6 .
- Citizens' initiatives, dangerous or necessary? (= Ploetz pocket books on current affairs . Volume 1). Ploetz, Freiburg im Breisgau a. a. 1978, ISBN 3-87640-171-2 .
- with Albert Kadan : The basic programs of the Austrian parties. Documentation and analysis . Verlag Niederösterreichisches Pressehaus, Sankt Pölten 1979, ISBN 3-85326-485-9 .
- Social Democracy in Europe. Power without principles or principles without power? Herold publishing house, Vienna u. a. 1980, ISBN 3-7008-0184-X .
- Trade unions in the party state. A comparison between the German and the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions (= contributions to political science . Volume 37). Duncker and Humblot, Berlin 1980, ISBN 3-428-04583-1 .
- Model case Austria ?. Possibilities and limits of social partnership (= studies on Austrian and international politics . Volume 4). Braumüller, Vienna 1981, ISBN 3-7003-0290-8 .
- with Rainer Nick : Civil War - Social Partnership. The political system of Austria - 1st and 2nd republic. A comparison . Jugend und Volk, Vienna 1983, ISBN 3-224-16561-8 . (2nd edition 1984)
- Calm. Complaints about Austria . Medusa-Verlag, Vienna a. a. 1985, ISBN 3-85446-114-3 .
- with Rainer Nick: Political regional studies of the Republic of Austria (= contributions to contemporary history . Volume 20). Colloquium-Verlag, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-7678-0763-7 .
- On the Austrian identity. Between German unification and Central Europe . Ueberreuter, Vienna 1990, ISBN 3-8000-3360-7 .
- with Rainer Nick: Austria's political landscape . Haymon, Innsbruck 1993, ISBN 3-85218-149-6 . (2nd edition 1996)
- The little coalition. SPÖ – FPÖ, 1983–1986 (= studies on politics and administration . Volume 48). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 1993, ISBN 3-205-98052-2 .
- Jaruzelski or the politics of the lesser evil. To reconcile democracy and "leadership" . Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 1996, ISBN 3-631-49893-4 .
- Austria. Out of the shadow of the past . Westview Press, Oxford 1998, ISBN 0-8133-2918-3 .
- with Sieglinde Rosenberg : Austrian politics. Basics - structures - trends . WUV, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-85114-513-5 . (2nd edition 2002, 3rd edition. 2007)
- Principles of political science (= Böhlau study books ). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2000, ISBN 3-205-99291-1 . (UTB 2004, 2nd edition 2010 with Johannes Varwick )
- with Manfried Welan: Austria revisited. Democracy and Constitution in Austria . WUV, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-85114-543-7 .
- with Waldemar Hummer : Austria under "EU quarantine". The "Measures of the 14" against the Austrian Federal Government from a political science and legal point of view. Chronology, commentary, documentation . Linde, Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-7073-0351-9 .
- with Barbara Liegl: Chronos and Oedipus: The Kreisky-Androsch conflict . Braumüller, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-7003-1476-0 .
- From the splendor and misery of the parties. Structural and functional change in the Austrian party system (= Austria - Second Republic . Volume 6). Studienverlag, Innbruck-Wien-Bozen 2005, ISBN 3-7065-4171-8 .
- Comparison of political systems . Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2005, ISBN 3-205-77397-7 .
- Democracy in india. Subhas Chandra Bose and the Becoming of Political Culture . Studienverlag, Innsbruck-Wien-Bozen 2005, ISBN 3-7065-4030-4 .
- Europe. A plea . Braumüller, Vienna 2011, ISBN 978-3-99100-043-3 .
- Jaruzelski or the politics of the lesser evil . Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck 2011, ISBN 978-3-902811-79-0 .
- We are all Americans. The canceled US decline . Braumüller, Vienna 2013, ISBN 978-3-99100-099-0 .
- Israel. Exceptional or normal state . Braumüller, Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-99100-163-8 .
- The unholy alliance. The right and left extremists against Europe . Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2015, ISBN 978-3-205-79574-2 .
- The failed republic. Culture and Politics in Austria 1918–1938 . Böhlau, Cologne 2017, ISBN 978-3-205-20236-3 .
Editions / Editorships
- with Heinrich Neisser (Ed.): For a majority-promoting right to vote in Austria: 8 pleadings . Wedl, Vienna a. a. 1971.
- with Peter Dusek , Erika Weinzierl : Contemporary history in outline. Austria from 1918 to the 1980s . TR-Verlagsunion, Vienna a. a. 1981, ISBN 3-224-10527-5 . (4th edition 1995)
- with Rolf Steininger (Ed.): Austria and the winners. 40 years of the 2nd Republic - 30 years of the State Treaty . Braumüller, Vienna 1986, ISBN 3-7003-0681-4 .
- (Ed.): Populism in Austria . Junius, Vienna 1987, ISBN 3-900370-90-7 .
- with Fritz Plasser (ed.): The Austrian party system (= studies on politics and administration . Volume 22). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 1988, ISBN 3-205-08910-3 .
- with Alfred Pfabigan , Michael Potacs , Georg Rundel (eds.): Between Austromarxism and Catholicism. Festschrift for Norbert readers . Braumüller, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-7003-1003-X .
- with Max-Joseph Halhuber , Ferdinand Obenfeldner (ed.): "Mein Kampf" - read again today . Österreichischer Studienverlag, Innsbruck 1993, ISBN 3-901160-28-0 .
- with Erika Weinzierl (Ed.): Hermann Langbein on his 80th birthday. Festschrift . Braumüller, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-7003-1007-2 .
- with Andreas Maislinger (ed.): Handbook for the modern history of Tyrol . Volume 2: Contemporary History . Overall direction: Helmut Reinalter, Wagner, Innsbruck 1993, ISBN 3-7030-0259-X .
- (Ed.): Karl Renner : Writings . Residenz-Verlag, Salzburg u. a. 1994, ISBN 3-7017-0887-8 .
- (Ed.): EU referendum. On the practice of direct democracy in Austria (= series of publications by the Center for Applied Political Research . Volume 6). Signum-Verlag, Vienna 1994, ISBN 3-85436-165-3 .
- with Christian Schaller , Paul Luif : Weg EG ?. Domestic political motives of a foreign policy reorientation (= studies on politics and administration . Volume 47). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 1994, ISBN 3-205-98051-4 .
- with Christian Smekal (Ed.): Chambers on the test stand. Comparative analyzes of institutional functional conditions (= series of publications by the Center for Applied Political Research . Volume 10). Signum-Verlag, Vienna 1996, ISBN 3-85436-198-X .
- with Helmut Reinalter (ed.): The democratic movement in Germany from the Late Enlightenment to the Revolution 1848/49: A selection of sources with commentary (= series of publications by the International Research Center for Democratic Movements in Central Europe 1770–1850 . Vol. 25). Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-631-32240-2 .
- with Helmut Reinalter (ed.): The beginnings of the democratic movement in Austria from the late Enlightenment to the revolution of 1848/49: a commented selection of sources (= series of publications by the International Research Center for Democratic Movements in Central Europe 1770–1850 . Vol. 19). Lang, Frankfurt a. a. 1999, ISBN 3-631-49257-X .
- with Fritz Plasser, Wolfgang Meixner (ed.): The future of Austrian democracy. Trends, forecasts and scenarios (= series of publications by the Center for Applied Political Research . Volume 22). Signum-Verlag, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-85436-309-5 .
- with Helmut Reinalter (ed.): Austrian Association and Party Lexicon (= interdisciplinary research . Volume 10). Studien-Verlag, Innsbruck 2002, ISBN 3-7065-1442-7 .
- with Max-Joseph Halhruber , Daniela Ingruber : Five questions for three generations. Anti-Semitism and we today . Czernin-Verlag, Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-7076-0137-4 .
- with Ruth Wodak (Ed.): The Haider phenomenon in Austria . Transaction Publ., New Brunswick et al. a. 2002, ISBN 0-7658-0883-8 .
- with Ruth Wodak (Ed.): Dreck am Stecken. Politics of exclusion . Czernin-Verlag, Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-7076-0152-8 .
- with Michael Gehler , Günter Bischof (Ed.): Austria in the European Union. Balance of its membership = Austria in the European Union (= series of publications of the DDr.-Herbert-Batliner-Europainstitute, Research Institute for European Politics and History . Vol. 7). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2003, ISBN 3-205-77116-8 .
- with Hans Niessl , Wilhelm Toth , Franz Vranitzky (eds.): Building bridges: Fred Sinowatz on his 75th birthday . Steirische Verlagsgesellschaft, Graz 2004, ISBN 3-900323-74-7 .
- with Hannes Androsch , Manfred Zollinger (ed.): Karl Waldbrunner: Pragmatic visionary for the new Austria . Gerold, Vienna 2006, ISBN 978-3-900812-13-3 .
- with Fritz Plasser (ed.): European thinking and teaching. Festschrift for Heinrich Neisser . Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck 2007, ISBN 978-3-902571-36-6 .
- with Hubert Sickinger , Karin Stögner : Kreisky - Haider. Break lines of Austrian identities . Braumüller, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-7003-1644-2 .
- with Karin Bischof , Karin Stögner (Ed.): Handbook of Prejudice . Cambria Press, New York 2009, ISBN 978-1-60497-627-4 .
- (Ed.): Global Ethic and Law (= series of publications by the Global Ethic Initiative Austria . Volume 4). Lit, Vienna a. a. 2011, ISBN 978-3-643-50293-3 .
- with Herwig Büchele (Ed.): Peace Power Europe: Dynamic Force for Global Governance? (= World order, religion, violence . Vol. 6). Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck 2011, ISBN 978-3-902719-79-9 .
- with Herwig Büchele (ed.): Qualitative economic growth - a challenge for the world . Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck 2012, ISBN 978-3-902811-65-3 .
- (Ed.): Prejudices. Origins, forms, meaning . De Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-026839-3 .
- with Herwig Büchele : World domestic politics . Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck 2013, ISBN 978-3-902936-21-9 .
- with Gertraud Diendorfer , Blanka Bellak , Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Peace research, conflict research, democracy research. A manual (= Böhlau study books: Fundamentals of studies ). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2016, ISBN 978-3-205-20203-5 .
Series of publications
- with Ilse König and Birgitt Haller (eds.): Study series on conflict research . Braumüller, Vienna 1979 ff. ISSN 1814-568X
- with Helmut Reinalter (ed.): Comparative history of society and history of political ideas . Braumüller, Vienna 1980 ff. ISSN 1814-5671
- with Erhard Busek : OUR TIME: Thinking ahead. Understood backwards . GALILA Verlag, Etsdorf am Kamp 2014, ISBN 978-3-902533-63-0 .
- Pelinka, Anton . In: Fritz Fellner , Doris A. Corradini: Austrian History in the 20th Century. A biographical-bibliographical lexicon (= publications of the Commission for Modern History of Austria. Vol. 99). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2006, ISBN 978-3-205-77476-1 , pp. 311-312.
- Michael Freund: On the nature and value of democracy. In: Ders .: GeistesBlitzen. Portraits of important Austrian scientists . With contributions by Heide Korn and Rüdiger Maier, Springer, Vienna a. a. 1997, ISBN 3-211-83047-2 , pp. 10-12.
- Elisabeth Horvath: The Pelinkas. In: Der Österreichische Journalist 10 + 11/2010, pp. 56–59.
- Andrei S. Markovits : On the 60th birthday of Anton Pelinka: laudation . In: Illustrierte Neue Welt , October 2001.
- Andrei S. Markovits, Sieglinde K. Rosenberger (Ed.): Democracy. Modus and Telos. Contributions for Anton Pelinka . Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2001, ISBN 3-205-99342-X .
- Ellen Palli, Bettina Posch, Elisabeth Rieder: Encounters with Anton Pelinka . Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck 2006, ISBN 3-901249-97-4 .
- Anton Pelinka: After the calm. A political autobiography . Lesethek, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-99100-006-8 .
Web links
- Literature by and about Anton Pelinka in the catalog of the German National Library
- Short biography and reviews of works by Anton Pelinka at
- Entry on Anton Pelinka in the Austria Forum (in the AEIOU Austria Lexicon )
- Anton Pelinka on
- Anton Pelinka at the Central European University
- CV of Anton Pelinka at the Institute for Conflict Research in Vienna
- CV of Anton Pelinka at the Institute for Research and Promotion of Regional and Transnational Cultural Processes
Individual evidence
- ↑ Michael Freund: GeistesBlitze. Portraits of important Austrian scientists . Vienna 1997, p. 10.
- ↑ a b c d e f g h Michael Freund: GeistesBlitze. Portraits of important Austrian scientists . Vienna 1997, p. 12.
- ↑ a b c Michael Freund: GeistesBlitze. Portraits of important Austrian scientists . Vienna 1997, pp. 11, 12.
- ↑ a b c Michael Freund: GeistesBlitze. Portraits of important Austrian scientists . Vienna 1997, p. 11.
- ↑ Pelinka, Anton , Diplomatic Academy Vienna, accessed on March 30, 2016.
- ^ History , Sir Peter Ustinov Institute, accessed April 1, 2016.
- ^ Article by Anton Pelinka , Zeit Online, accessed on March 30, 2016.
- ^ Brigitte Bailer , Wolfgang Neugebauer : The FPÖ. From liberalism to right-wing extremism . In: Ders .: Handbook of Austrian Right-Wing Extremism . Edited by the Documentation Archive of Austrian Resistance , 2nd edition, Deuticke, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-216-30053-6 , p. 383 f.
- ↑ Michael Gehler : Counterproductive Intervention: The "EU 14" and the case of Austria or the triumph of the "primacy of domestic policy" 2000-2003 . In: Michael Gehler, Anton Pelinka, Günter Bischof (Eds.): Austria in the European Union. Balance of its membership = Austria in the European Union (= series of publications of the DDr.-Herbert-Batliner-Europainstitute, Research Institute for European Politics and History . Vol. 7). Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2003, ISBN 3-205-77116-8 , p. 123.
- ↑ University councils are almost complete now . Article dated April 30, 2018, accessed May 2, 2018.
- ^ University Council of the University of Innsbruck . Retrieved May 2, 2018.
- ^ Elisabeth Horvath: The Pelinkas. In: The Austrian Journalist . Edition 10/11 2010. Accessed December 29, 2011.
- ↑ Ferdinand Karl Hofer , Fritz Plasser : Innsbruck's political science: consolidating and profiling. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 41 (2012) 1, pp. 95–112, here: pp. 96, 110.
- ^ Andrei S. Markovits , Anson Rabinbach : The case of Austria, new series. The dark side of Austrian social democracy. In: Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik 10/2000, pp. 1229–1239, here: p. 1235.
- ^ Bruce F. Pauley : Anton Pelinka. Austria: Out of the Shadow of the Past. Nations of the Modern World: Europe. In: Austrian History Yearbook 30/1999, pp. 316–317, here: p. 316.
- ↑ "Einplayerpreis" to ORF general director Gerhard Weis and state director Gerhard Draxler . APA notification dated November 16, 2000, accessed March 21, 2015.
- ↑ Online presence of the Institute for Political Science Innsbruck (PDF; 477 kB) Invitation to the presentation of the Willy and Helga Sales-Verlon Prize of the DÖW for Austrian and anti-fascist journalism
personal data | |
SURNAME | Pelinka, Anton |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Austrian lawyer and political scientist |
DATE OF BIRTH | October 14, 1941 |