Bruno Kreisky Prize for the political book

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The Bruno Kreisky Prize for the political book has been awarded annually since 1993 in memory of the former Austrian Chancellor and SPÖ party leader Bruno Kreisky from the SPÖ Political Academy , namely the Karl Renner Institute in Vienna. In addition to the main prize, special prizes are awarded for a life's work, for special publishing achievements and recognition prizes. The main prize and the special prize for the entire journalistic work are endowed with 7,000 euros each, all other prizes with 2,500 euros.

The award honors and promotes Bruno Kreisky's life's work, which stands for freedom, equality, social justice, solidarity, tolerance, the fight against right-wing extremism and for the freedom of art.

Award winners









  • Ian Kershaw Hitler 1889–1936 and Hitler 1936–1945
  • Jeremy Rifkin Access - The Disappearance of Property
  • Felix Kreissler for the complete journalistic work
  • Karin Ballauf and Martina Kopf and Johanna Meraner: Recognition award for The language of resistance is old as the world and its wish. Women in Austria write against the right.
  • Beqe Cufaj
  • Alisa Douer
  • Givat Haviva
  • Gerald Leitner
  • Werner Perger and Thomas Assheuer
  • Erika Thurner
  • PICUS Verlag, Vienna


  • Amartya Sen , Economy for Humans - Paths to Justice and Solidarity in the Market Economy
  • Ruth Klüger for the complete work
  • Milo Dor for the complete works
  • Siglinde Bolbecher and Konstantin Kaiser
  • Erwin Hirtenfelder and Bertram K. Steiner: Recognition award for crime scene Koligsaal
  • Robert Schlesinger and Melita H. Sunjic
  • Milena Verlag (Vienna): Publishing price





  • Oliver Rathkolb for The Paradox Republic
  • Jürgen Habermas for his entire literary and journalistic oeuvre
  • Michael Amon for collateral damage (Association Everyday Publishing)
  • Nikolaus Dimmel / Josef Schmee (eds.) For Political Culture in Austria 2000-2005 (Promedia Verlag)
  • BEIGEWUM - Advisory Board for Societal, Economic and Environmental Political Alternatives for Myths of the Economy - Instructions for intellectual self-defense in economic issues (VSA Verlag)
  • Helmut Kramer / Vedran Dzihic for The Kosovo Balance Sheet. Is the international community failing? (LIT Verlag)
  • Hamid Sadr for The Memory Secretary (Deuticke Verlag)


  • Tony Judt for the history of Europe from 1945 to the present
  • Gerda Lerner for her literary and journalistic oeuvre
  • Marta S. Halpert Acknowledgment Prize for “Gone and Stayed” - résumés after the Hungarian uprising in 1956





  • Charles Taylor for A Secular Age
  • Hans Mommsen for his complete journalistic work
  • Traude Bollauf recognition award for maid emigration to England. The flight of Jewish women from Austria and Germany to England in 1938/39
  • Sandra Innerwinkler Recognition Prize for the book Linguistic Innovation in Political Discourse: An Analysis of Selected Examples from the Political Discourse between 2000 and 2006 in Austria
  • Gregor Mayer / Bernhard Odehnal Recognition award for deployment. The right danger from Eastern Europe
  • Wieser Verlag special award from the Austrian Social Democratic Business Association for publishing services


  • Maja Haderlap for Angels of Oblivion
  • Christine Nöstlinger special award for the complete journalistic work
  • Maria Wirth recognition award for the book Christian Broda .
  • Markus Marterbauer Recognition award for the book Pay please! We all bear the costs of the crisis .
  • Edition Lex Liszt 12, Burgenland; Special award from the Austrian Social Democratic Business Association for publishing services


  • Eric Kandel for The Age of Knowledge
  • Imre Kertész , special prize for the complete journalistic work
  • Renée Lugschitz , recognition award for women fighters in Spain. Foreign women in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
  • Christiane Rothländer , recognition award for the beginnings of the Viennese SS
  • Nischen Verlag , Vienna, special award from the Austrian Social Democratic Business Association for publishing services



  • Najem Wali , Main Prize for the 2014 Political Book for Baghdad Marlboro
  • Gudrun Harrer , Prize for the complete journalistic work
  • Peter Ulrich Lehner , recognition award for persecution, resistance and struggle for freedom in Hernals. Events, characters, places, traces in a Viennese workers' district.
  • Johann Skocek , recognition award for Mister Austria. The life of the club secretary Norbert Lopper . Soccer player. Concentration camp inmate. World citizens.
  • Wieser Verlag , award for special publishing services


Award ceremony on April 18, 2016
  • Axel Honneth for The Idea of ​​Socialism
  • Anton Pelinka , Prize for the complete journalistic work
  • Wilhelm Filla , Special Prize “Working Worlds - Educational Worlds” for From Free to Integrated Adult Education. Approaches to the history of adult education in Austria
  • Margit Franz , Awards for Gateway India. German-speaking exile in India between British colonial rule, Maharajas and Gandhi
  • Nina Horaczek and Sebastian Wiese, recognition award for counter prejudice. How to defend yourself against stupid claims with good arguments
  • Everyday publishing house , price for special publishing services


  • Branko Milanović for The Unequal World. Migration, the one percent and the future of the middle class
  • Armin Thurnher , Prize for the complete journalistic work
  • Elke Gruber and Werner Lenz , special award for adult and continuing education in Austria
  • Ingrid Brodnig , special prize for hate on the net. What we can do about agitation, bullying and lying
  • nap - new academic press , award for special publishing achievements





Awarding of the Bruno Kreisky Prize on June 28, 2021
  • Roger de Weck , main prize for The Power of Democracy. An answer to the authoritarian reactionaries
  • Paul Lendvai and Ruth Wodak , Prize for the complete journalistic work
  • Melisa Erkurt , special prize “Working Worlds -Educational Worlds ” for Generation haram. Why schools have to learn to give everyone a voice
  • Gerald Knaus , Recognition Award for Which Limits Do We Need? Between empathy and fear - flight, migration and the future of asylum
  • Falter book publisher, award for special publishing services


Other winners without a year

Leon Zelman , Lojze Wieser .

See also

Web links

Commons : Bruno Kreisky Prize  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Imprint of the Karl Renner Institute ; Retrieved Oct. 4, 2016
  2. ^ Kreisky Prize for the Lafontaines. Hersfelder Zeitung, December 11, 1998, p. 2
  3. Milena Verlag receives a special prize from the Free Trade Association of Vienna
  4. Kreisky Prize winners 2003
  5. Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book 2014, award winners 2014 , press release, December 29, 2014
  6. - Milanovic receives Kreisky Prize for the 2016 Political Book . Article from January 3, 2017, accessed on January 3, 2017.
  7. Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book 2017 goes to Arundhati Roy . OTS report of January 9, 2018, accessed on January 17, 2018.
  8. Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book 2018 to Julian Nida-Rümelin and Nathalie Weidenfeld . OTS report from January 1, 2019, accessed on January 1, 2019.
  9. Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book 2019 to Martin Schürz. January 9, 2020, accessed on January 9, 2020 (Austrian German).
  10. Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book 2020 to the publicist Roger de Weck. In: January 1, 2021, accessed January 1, 2021 .
  11. Bruno Kreisky Prize 2021 goes to Eva Menasse. In: . January 1, 2022, accessed January 1, 2022 .
  12. Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book 2021 to Eva Menasse. In: January 1, 2022, accessed January 1, 2022 .