Alexander Kluge

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Alexander Kluge (2020)
Signature of Alexander Kluge.gif

Alexander Ernst Kluge (born February 14, 1932 in Halberstadt ) is a German filmmaker , television producer , writer , screenwriter , visual artist , philosopher and lawyer .

Kluge is considered one of the most versatile German intellectuals. He became known in the 1960s and 1970s as one of the most influential representatives of the New German Cinema , which he co-founded and further developed in theory and practice. As an author he made a name for himself mainly through short stories and belonged to the group 47 , he also wrote writings on cultural, philosophical and political topics. In 1987 he founded the dctp production company , with which he succeeded in creating a platform for independent programs on German private television .


Alexander Kluge (1983)

Alexander Kluge was born in 1932 as the son of the doctor Ernst Kluge. He is the older brother of Alexandra Kluge (1937–2017), whom he later used as an actress in several of his films. Initially enrolled in Gotha, he then attended the Halberstadt Cathedral High School. His parents separated in early 1945. On April 8, 1945, the thirteen-year-old experienced the destruction of his hometown by the air raid on Halberstadt . He barely survived when an explosive bomb fell ten meters away from him. He then moved with his mother to Berlin-Charlottenburg , where he graduated from what is now the Heinz-Berggruen-Gymnasium . From 1950 he studied law , history and church music in Freiburg im Breisgau , Marburg and Frankfurt am Main . In 1956 he was given a dissertation supervised by Rudolf Reinhardt on the university self-administration. Your history and current legal form to become a Dr. iur. PhD.

Kluge went to Frankfurt am Main to do his legal clerkship with Hellmut Becker , the legal advisor at the Institute for Social Research . Adorno referred Kluge to Fritz Lang , who was supposed to dissuade him from his literary endeavors, since he considered literature to be a "closed field".

After passing his assessor exam in 1958, he settled in Berlin and later in Munich as a lawyer. However, it was not long before he turned to literary work. In 1958, Kluge completed a traineeship at CCC-Film while Fritz Lang shot the film The Indian Tomb there .

At the 8th West German Short Film Festival in Oberhausen in 1962, Kluge was one of the initiators of the Oberhausen Manifesto , a political and aesthetic declaration of independence by young German filmmakers who called for the abandonment of old German film. In the 1960s, through films such as Farewell from Yesterday (1966) , Kluge became an important representative of New German Cinema and auteur films .

From 1963 he taught as a professor at the Ulm School of Design and headed the film design department with Edgar Reitz . In the same year he also founded his own production company Kairos-Film . In 1973 he became an honorary professor at the University of Frankfurt am Main .

On April 26, 2007 Alexander Kluge was awarded the Great Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany by Federal President Horst Köhler .

Kluge has been married to Dagmar Steurer since 1982 and has a daughter (* 1983) and a son (* 1985). He has lived in Munich for many years.

Writer and theorist

Alexander Kluge, 2009, in his acceptance speech for the Adorno Prize

In collaboration with the sociologist Oskar Negt , he authored several writings and books, including Public and Experience (1972), History and Stubbornness (1981) and Measures of Politics (1992). These books were re-edited by the two authors together in 2001 under the title The Underestimated Man .

Kluge is considered an authority in the field of film theory and is the author of various standard works on film analysis . His theoretical concept was formative for the avant-garde and intellectual New German Film of the 1970s and 1980s.

Most of his literary work is of a literary nature - mostly short and very short stories . The invitation to group 47 in 1962 can be seen as the beginning of his career. He sees himself more as an author than as a filmmaker: “I am and will primarily remain a book author, even if I have made films or TV magazines.” The Chronicle of Emotions , published in 2000, with the two sub-volumes Basic Stories and CVs is a collection of the literary work by Alexander Kluge that had been published by then. In 2003, Die Lücke, which the devil leaves, appeared, a compilation of 500 new stories that deal in particular with the events of September 11, 2001 . In 2006 Alexander Kluge published 350 more stories under the title Door to Door with Another Life .

In June 2012, at the invitation of the Goethe University Frankfurt, he gave the poetry lectures, in which he dealt with the theory and practice of narration. Under the title Theory of Narration , Kluge gave four lectures that were both extremely well attended and enthusiastically discussed in the features section. In April 2013, the poetry lectureship was also published on DVD with a detailed booklet and a reading in the Literaturhaus Frankfurt , which took place immediately after the final lecture and followed it up again.

Its pluriverse. The poetic power of theory - exhibition, which he showed in 2017 at the Folkwang Museum in Essen and in Vienna in 2018, and the following year at the Literaturhaus in Munich , offers a retrospective of Kluge's artistic work. His incessant storytelling and linking follows the cabinet of curiosities principle, whereby he never tires of emphasizing how much Hans Magnus Enzensberger influenced him.

Television producer

By founding the dctp (Development Company for Television Program) in 1987, he succeeded in creating a platform for independent programs in German private television . The shareholders of dctp are Alexander Kluge (37.5%), the Japanese advertising agency Dentsu (37.5%), Spiegel-Verlag (12.5%) and Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG (12.5%).

Since then, Alexander Kluge has been responsible for the independent TV culture magazines 10 vor 11 and prime-time / late edition on RTL Television , News & Stories on Sat.1 as well as midnight magazine , dctp reportage and partly dctp night club in VOX . The hour of the filmmakers is also broadcast roughly monthly in the night program on Sat.1. According to Kluge's homepage, “his goal” is “to keep television open to what takes place outside of television”.

The DCTP's involvement with RTL has, among other things, registered him with the accusation that the DCTP has unjustifiably privileged access or a monopoly position as a so-called “third-party broadcaster” with RTL. The former ARD Tagesthemen moderator Ulrich Wickert filed a lawsuit against the responsible state media authority in Lower Saxony in August 2008 with the Hanover Administrative Court . RTL and Alexander Kluge were also invited. All three parties rejected the allegations.

Between June 1988 and November 1995, Alexander Kluge conducted numerous interviews and discussions with his friend, the East German playwright Heiner Müller , for the DCTP culture magazines , which have been publicly available on a joint website of Cornell University and the University of Bremen since 2007 .

On the occasion of Alexander Kluge's 75th birthday, a comprehensive retrospective of all 57 films (short and feature films, supplemented by selected television works and texts) was released in 2007; these were published jointly by the Goethe-Institut , the Filmmuseum München and the Kulturstiftung des Bundes .

In 2015 he gave his archive to the Akademie der Künste for research purposes.


In September 2019, together with around 250 cultural workers, he criticized that the city of Dortmund had revoked the award of the Nelly Sachs Prize to the writer Kamila Shamsie for supporting the BDS campaign ( Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions ).



  • 1958: The university self-government. Your history and current legal form . (Dissertation), Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main.
  • 1962: CVs . Goverts, Stuttgart; also: Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1986 (extended edition), ISBN 3-518-01911-2 .
  • 1964: Description of the battle . Walter, Olten / Freiburg im Breisgau; also: Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1993 (extended and modified new edition, 2nd edition), ISBN 3-518-11193-0 .
  • 1968: The artists in the big top: at a loss. The unbeliever. Project Z. Sprüche from Leni Peickert . Piper, Munich.
  • 1972: Alexander Kluge, Oskar Negt : Public and Experience - For the organizational analysis of the bourgeois and proletarian public , Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main.
  • 1973: Learning processes with a fatal outcome . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1988 (4th edition), ISBN 3-518-10665-1 .
  • 1975: Casual work by a slave. To the realistic method . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 3-518-10733-X .
  • 1977: the eeriness of time. New stories. Issues 1-18, Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 3-518-10819-0 .
  • 1979: The Patriot. Texts / pictures 1–6 . Two thousand and one, Frankfurt am Main.
  • 1981: Alexander Kluge, Oskar Negt : history and obstinacy . Two thousand and one, Frankfurt am Main; also: Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1993, ISBN 3-518-11700-9 .
    • Volume 1: Historical Organization of Labor Capabilities .
    • Volume 2: Germany as a production public .
    • Volume 3: Violence of Context .
  • 1984: The Power of Emotions . Two thousand and one, Frankfurt am Main
  • 1996: The Guardians of the Sarcophagus. 10 years of Chernobyl . Rotbuch, Hamburg, ISBN 3-88022-401-3 .
  • 1999: Wolfgang Lenk (Ed.): Critical Theory and Political Intervention: Oskar Negt on his 65th birthday , Offizin, Hanover, ISBN 3-930345-19-6 .
    • In danger and in dire straits, the middle way brings death. Texts on cinema, film, politics . Edited by Christian Schulte. Vorwerk 8, Berlin, ISBN 3-930916-28-2 .
  • 2000: Chronicle of Emotions . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 3-518-41202-7 .
    • Volume 1: Basic Stories .
    • Volume 2: CVs .
  • 2001: Alexander Kluge, Oskar Negt : The underestimated person. Common philosophy in two volumes . Two thousand and one, Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 3-86150-427-8 .
    • Volume 1: Search terms / public sphere and experience / proportions of the political .
    • Volume 2: History and Obstinacy .
  • 2001: Undercover investigation. Berlin: Merve Verlag . ISBN 978-3-88396-168-2 .
  • 2003: the art of making differences . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 3-518-41448-8
  • 2004: Fontane - Kleist - Germany - Büchner: On the grammar of time . Wagenbach, Berlin, ISBN 3-8031-1224-9 .
  • 2006: next door to another life. 350 new stories. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 3-518-41864-5 , ISBN 3-518-41823-8 ( table of contents )
  • 2007: Stories from the Cinema . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 3-518-45830-2 ( table of contents )
    • Ownership of the curriculum vitae - everything in the work of Alexander Kluge , radio play
  • 2009: debit and credit. TV talks (with Joseph Vogl ), diaphanes, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-03734-051-6 .
    • The labyrinth of tender power. 166 love stories . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main, ISBN 978-3-518-42125-3 .
    • Chronicle of feelings . Radio play, Bayerischer Rundfunk.
  • 2010: Alexander Kluge, Gerhard Richter : December . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-22460-1 .
  • 2011: Drilling hard boards. 133 political stories , collaboration and editing: Thomas Combrink and with a guest contribution by Reinhard Jirgl , Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-42219-9 .
  • 2012: The fifth book: New CVs. 402 stories , collaboration: Thomas Combrink, Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin ISBN 978-3-518-42242-7 .
  • 2013: The equivalent of an oasis. Essay for the digital generation . Mikrotext, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-944543-01-7 (eBook).
  • 2013: "He who speaks a word of comfort is a traitor." 48 stories for Fritz Bauer . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-42350-9 .
  • 2013: Alexander Kluge, Gerhard Richter : News of quiet moments . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-22477-9 .
  • 2014: April 30, 1945 - The day Hitler shot himself and the Germans began to bind the Germans to the West. With a guest contribution by Reinhard Jirgl . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-42420-9 .
  • 2014: Le Moment fugitif . Nimbus, Wädenswil, ISBN 978-3-03850-009-4 .
  • 2015: Kong's big hour. Chronicle of the context . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-42494-0 .
  • 2016: long distance calls. About Eisenstein, Marx, capital, love and the power of tenderness. (with Rainer Stollmann), Vorwerk 8, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-940384-76-8 .
  • 2017: Alexander Kluge, Georg Baselitz : World-Changing Anger: Message from the Antipodis . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-22501-1 .
  • 2018: Snow over Venice , with Ben Lerner , ISBN 978-395-905253-5 .
  • 2020: Russia container , Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-42892-4 .
  • 2020: Nevertheless , with Ferdinand von Schirach , Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich, ISBN 978-3-630-87658-0 .
  • 2020: Sinker of Stories , with Joseph Vogl , Diaphanes, Zurich, ISBN 978-3-0358-0347-1 .
  • 2022: Circus / Commentary , Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-43023-1 .
  • 2022: The Book of Commentaries. Restless garden of the soul , Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, ISBN 978-3-518-43024-8 .

Radio plays and features


  • Leslie A. Adelson : Cosmic Miniatures and the Future Sense. Alexander Kluge's 21st-Century Literary Experiments in German Culture and Narrative Form . De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston 2017, ISBN 978-3-11-052384-3
  • Heinz Ludwig Arnold (Ed.): Alexander Kluge . text + kritik , Zeitschrift für Literatur, issue 85/86 (1985), 166 pp., edition text + kritik, Munich 1985, ISBN 3-88377-194-5
  • Jens Birkmeyer, Torsten Pflugmacher, Ulrike Weymann (eds.): You cannot learn, not to learn. Alexander Kluge in class . In: Der Deutschunterricht , Heft 3 (2012), 96 pages, Friedrich Verlag, ISSN  0340-2258 , table of contents (PDF; 227 kB)
  • Thomas Combrink (Ed.): Alexander Kluge . text + kritik , magazine for literature, issue 85/86 (new version 2011), edition text + kritik, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-86916-146-4 .
  • Nina Noeske: "In all operas that deal with redemption, a woman is sacrificed in the 5th act". Film, music and opera with Alexander Kluge . In: Kiel Contributions to Film Music Research 3 (2009) .
  • Katrin Eggers: "The closer you look at a word, the further it looks back": islands of language and musical sociotopes with Alexander Kluge . In: Kiel Contributions to Film Music Research 3 (2009) .
  • Thomas Böhm-Christl (Ed.): Alexander Kluge . 2nd edition, Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1984, ISBN 3-518-38533-X
  • Jürgen Fohrmann (Ed.): Chronicle / feelings. Seven articles on Alexander Kluge. With three stories by Alexander Kluge and an answer by Wilhelm Voßkamp. Aisthesis, Bielefeld 2017, ISBN 978-3-8498-1226-3 ( table of contents )
  • Günther Hörmann: View and concept. The work of the Institute for Film Design Ulm 1962–1995; Stadthaus Ulm from September 16 to November 5, 1995; Deutsches Filmmuseum Frankfurt from November 8th - November 29th 1995; House of Documentary Film Stuttgart from December 2 to December 22, 1995 . Approx. 180 p., Approx. 30 p., E.g. Partly colored illustrations, Stroemfeld, Basel / Frankfurt am Main 1995, ISBN 3-87877-559-8
  • Hosung Lee: Authority and Cooperation. Cooperative authorship and (post) literary public with Alexander Kluge . Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-8260-6503-3 .
  • Wolfgang Reichmann: The chronicler Alexander Kluge. Poetics and narrative strategies . Aisthesis, Bielefeld 2009, ISBN 978-3-89528-726-8 ( table of contents )
  • Peter Schäfer: Powerlessness and narration in Alexander Kluge's fictional economic scenarios. About the analogies in economics and literature . In: Christine Küzel, Dirk Hempel (Ed.): Finances and fictions. Crossings between literature and business . Campus Verlag 2011, ISBN 978-3-593-39461-9
  • Christian Schulte, Rainer Stollmann (ed.): The mole knows no system. Contributions to the shared philosophy of Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge . transcript, Bielefeld 2005, ISBN 3-89942-273-2
  • Christian Schulte, Winfried Siebers (ed.): Smart television. Alexander Kluge's culture magazine . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 2002, ISBN 3-518-12244-4
  • Christian Schulte (Ed.): The writing on the wall. Alexander Kluge: Raw materials and materials . Rasch, Osnabrück 2000, ISBN 3-932147-57-X
  • Andreas Sombroek: A poetics of the in-between. On the intermediality and intertextuality of Alexander Kluge . transcript, Bielefeld 2005, ISBN 3-89942-412-3
  • Rainer Stollmann: Alexander Kluge for an introduction . Junius, Hamburg 1998, ISBN 3-88506-975-X
  • Christoph Streckhardt: Kaleidoskop Kluge. Alexander Kluge's continuation of critical theory with narrative means . Fool Francke Attemto, Tübingen 2016, ISBN 978-3-7720-8588-8
  • Kay Less : The film's great personal lexicon . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, cutters, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 4: H - L. Botho Höfer - Richard Lester. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 414 f.
  • Christoph Amend: The noughties. "Bush is an unlucky person" . Interview. In: The time . No. 51 , 2008.
  • Tara Forrest (Ed.): Alexander Kluge: Raw Materials for the Imagination . Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2011, ISBN 978-90-8964-272-1 .


Smart Star on the Boulevard of Stars (2011)




Web links

Commons : Alexander Kluge  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Videos / films



Individual evidence

  1. Thüringer Allgemeine on April 20, 2019, accessed on June 19, 2019
  2. Radio play: Eeriness of Time. The air raid on Halberstadt ( memento of November 25, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), Bayerischer Rundfunk , November 22, 2009, original broadcast.
  3. a b Jürgen Kaube : Alexander Kluge. An engineer of his story . In: FAZ , September 11, 2009; at the Adorno Prize.
  4. ^ Biography ( memento of April 2, 2003 in the Internet Archive ), (archived by Internet Archive ).
  5. Speech for the Heinrich Böll Prize 1993 in Personen und Reden , Wagenbach, 2012.
  6. ^ Uwe Ebbinghaus: Alexander Kluge's poetics lecture. Resumes against the omnipotence of the crisis . In: FAZ , June 20, 2012.
  7. The Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote, among other things: "In his lectures, which were enthusiastically received by the audience and the press and which are now available on DVD, supplemented by film examples, Kluge unfolds his poetic program as" stringent and compact as [...] seldom before. " “
  8. »Pluriverse. The poetic power of theory « ,, accessed on June 3, 2019
  9. Gerrit Bartels: Alexander Kluge and his "Pluriversum": Tell and link , Der Tagesspiegel from June 1, 2019, accessed on June 3, 2019
  10. dctp, founding dates ( Memento from November 1, 2001 in the Internet Archive )
  11. Official website of Alexander Kluge , August 22, 2008.
  12. Michael Hanfeld : "Television. A blatant unequal treatment ” , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung August 22, 2008.
  13. See Heiner Müller, Alexander Kluge et al. (2008), conversations between Heiner Müller and Alexander Kluge , total. 2010-1014-1803 (ed. 2008), passim .
  14. Alexander Kluge hands over his archive to the academy. Berliner Morgenpost , accessed on August 22, 2015 .
  15. ^ Controversy over criticism of Israel , Zeit online, September 26, 2019
  16. The paw of nature (and we humans) ( Memento from November 23, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), on
  17. The doctor's view of the world in FAZ from August 25, 2012, page Z1.
  18. ^ BR radio play Pool - Kluge, Chronicle of feelings
  19. BR radio play Pool - Kluge, Die Panke der Natur (and we humans)
  20. Alexander Kluge: It is the farmer in us who is never forgiven. Speech for the Ricarda Huch Prize 1996. In: People and speeches: Lessing - Böll - Huch - Schiller - Adorno - Habermas - Müller - Augstein - Gaus - Schlingensief - Ad me ipsum . Klaus Wagenbach, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-8031-1282-8 , pp. 41-51 .
  21. ^ Laudatory speech by Federal President Horst Köhler ( memento from September 26, 2007 in the Internet Archive ), April 27, 2007
  22. ^ "Leuchtfeuer" Kreisky , ORF , September 18, 2009, interview
  23. Press release of the state capital Düsseldorf from October 19, 2014
  24. Anselm Kiefer : You are a particle accelerator . In: Die Welt , December 13, 2014; Eulogy
  25. These are the journalists of the year 2016 , on
  26. Honorary citizen in good company , on
  27. [email protected]: Alexander Kluge receives the Klopstock Prize. Retrieved July 3, 2019 .
  28. W. Hirsch: Writing Exercises on the Way to World Literature - Why Alexander Kluge honors the Gotha Peace Stone Prize. Accessed August 31, 2020 . In: Thüringer Allgemeine , Aug. 13, 2020
  29. Alexander Kluge Du 24 avril au 3 juin 2013 , on, accessed on September 20, 2017
  30. Alexander Kluge, Halberstadt , on, accessed on September 20, 2017
  31. 70,000 years like a day - Alexander Kluge's current television work, films, plus an installation - enchanted terrain , at, accessed on September 20, 2017
  32. Gardens of Cooperation Alexander Kluge , at, accessed on September 20, 2017
  33. The Boat is Leaking. The captain song. , at, accessed September 20, 2017
  34. Alexander Kluge Pluriversum September 15, 2017 - January 7, 2018 , at, accessed on September 20, 2017
  35. Alexander Kluge. Gardens of Cooperation , at, accessed on September 20, 2017
  36. Alexander Kluge Pluriversum June 6, 2018 to September 30, 2018 ( Memento from September 21, 2017 in the Internet Archive ), on, accessed on September 20, 2017
  37. ^ Museum Ulm: Alexander Kluge - The power of music. Retrieved September 29, 2019 (German).
  38. Alexander Kluge - THE POWER OF MUSIC. In: kunsthalle weishaupt. Retrieved September 29, 2019 (German).