Bambi (award)
The Bambi (proper spelling: BAMBI ) is conferred annually in Germany Media - and Television Award of Hubert Burda Media . The company is honoring people who, in its view, “have visions and creativity, whose outstanding successes and achievements were reflected in the media in the past year”. The jury regularly consists of the editors-in-chief of the Burda Group and external experts from various areas of society.

In 1948 the commander in chief of the French occupation troops in Germany and at the same time military governor of the French occupation zone also headed the Neue Verlag-Gesellschaft ; on October 7, 1947 he set Carl Opitz (1937 head of public relations at UFA) as a trustee for the UFA film assets in the French zone and donated the Bambi award. (In 1953, the publisher Karl Fritz , who in 1938 had Aryanized the paper wholesaler and paper goods factory Akademiestraße Gebrüder Bauer oHG ( Mannheim ) as publishing director in Karlsruhe with Franz Burda , took over the Neue Verlagsgesellschaft including Bambi.)
According to another version, the Bambi was "brought into being in 1948 by the Karlsruhe entrepreneur Karl Fritz, who published the popular magazine Film-Revue and the industry journal Die neue Filmwoche ".
It is one of the oldest German media awards. Karl Fritz's company (and thus Bambi) was taken over by Burda-Verlag in 1962/63. The first Bambi winners in the “Most Popular Actor” category were Marika Rökk and Stewart Granger . In addition, four films received awards in 1948: in the category of “most artistically valuable films”, Marriage in the Shadow and Children of Olympus, and in the “most popular films” category, Madonna of the Seven Moons and Untitled Film .
According to statements by Marika Rökk's daughter Gabriele Jacoby , the figure owes its name to Bambi, because when her mother received the award at home, she said: “Oh, that looks like a Bambi!” Apparently the then four-year-old was inspired by Felix Salten's book Bambi. A life story from the forest . The film award, which was unnamed in the first year, was awarded from 1949 under the name "Bambi".
The award was initially for a fawn made of white ceramic , which had been created in the state majolica factory in Karlsruhe by the sculptor Else Bach in 1936. Karl Fritz discovered it for his film award. The art foundry Ernst Strassacker in the Swabian town of Süßen has been producing the deer in gold-plated bronze since 1958 . Record winners are Heinz Rühmann (12), Peter Alexander , OW Fischer and Johannes Heesters (10), Sophia Loren (9) and Maria Schell (8).
The Bambis were presented to the winners personally until 1952. A (closed) award ceremony took place for the first time on December 27, 1953 in Hamburg. The awards have been public gala events since 1955, the first on March 6, 1955 in Karlsruhe (there was no award in 1954 due to the changeover from December to March). Until 1964 the awards took place in Karlsruhe. After critical reports in the Karlsruhe press about the publisher's owner Franz Burda, the latter moved the Bambi event to Munich in 1965 , the second headquarters of Burda Verlag since 1960. Until 1995, the awards were mostly in Munich with the exception of 1971 to 1974, 1987 and 1990 to 1992. In the years mentioned and from 1996, the awards took place in different cities, including Offenburg (headquarters of Burda Verlag, 1987 and 2008 for 60th anniversary), Leipzig (1990 and 1996), Wiesbaden (1991 and 2011), Cologne (1992 and 1997), Karlsruhe (1998 for the 50th anniversary), Berlin (1999 to 2002 and 2013 to 2018), Hamburg ( 2003/04), Düsseldorf (2007 and 2012), Potsdam (2009/10) and Baden-Baden (2019).
There were no awards in 1966 and two in 1984 (in May for the 1983/84 film year and in December for the 1984 film year). Two awards did not take place in Germany: 1971 in Monaco and 1972 in Salzburg .
The Bambi was a pure film award until the award year 1967 and a combined film and television award in 1968/69. In 1970 it was awarded a television prize and from 1975 onwards again included the field of film. In 1984 the Bambi was finally given the more general award as it is known today, namely an award "for the best in film, television, sport and society".
Up to the year 1969, Film Bambis were awarded in two departments:
- Actors: most popular actors (male / female and German / foreign), also from 1959 to 1965 Bambis for outstanding young talent (German male / female) and 1961 to 1968 for longstanding services to German film (male / female);
- Films: artistically most valuable and most commercially successful films (both German / foreign) and 1964 to 1968 additionally Bambi for the most successful super film.
For the TV Bambis from the award year 1968 onwards there were no fixed, annually repeated categories, but some that occurred frequently:
- Actors: most popular actors (from 1968 until today) and young actors (1975 to 1980, then irregular until 1988, since then only rarely);
- Series (from 1968, regularly until 1995, since then only rarely);
- outstanding television productions (from 1968, mostly as author or director award, since 1999 as award for television event of the year);
- Moderation (from entertainment to information, from 1969 until today);
- Show stars (from 1971, successor to Musik-Bambi since 1980);
- Children's programs (1972 to 1981).
Since 1984, some new categories have appeared outside of the film and television sectors:
- More often represented are: sport (since 1984, forerunners already 1971 and 1977), social engagement (since 1984), culture (irregularly since 1988), creativity (1989 to 1999), politics (irregularly since 1989, forerunners already in 1970 and 1977/78 ), Mode (since 1989), Economy (irregularly since 1991), Silent Heroes (since 2009), Integration (since 2010) and Our Earth (since 2010);
- General categories that are not related to a specific year and can in principle include all areas of society: Lifetime Achievement (since 1986) and Century / Millennium Bambi (since 1999).
In 1984 the proportion of categories outside of the television and film sectors was around a fifth and increased to a good half by 2009; since 2010 it has been around two thirds (see the corresponding articles).
In November 2011, the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung called for the Bambi award ceremony to be abolished and justified this with the words: "Always the same award winners, unnecessary 'scandals', arbitrary categories, reduced relevance." The same applies to the Golden Camera and the Germans Television award .
The award of the Bambi Integration Prize to the rapper Bushido in November 2011 was heavily criticized from various sides. The Hessian SPD chairman Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel said that Bushido stands for hostility to women and gays and that one can hardly speak of an integration achievement if someone stands out on the back of others. A few days after the controversial Bambi award, the folk singer Heino returned the award he had been given in 1990 with the following reason: “I am deeply indignant that a violent criminal like Bushido is given the Bambi. I do not want to be put on the same level with this man. ” About a month after the award ceremony, the laudator Peter Maffay also criticized Bushido for having“ unfortunately not followed his words with deeds ”, and ended the collaboration with him and Sido . Before that, the three were guests on the show Markus Lanz , which had heated arguments with other guests and the presenter.
- 2000: Sabine Christiansen
- 2001: Axel Bulthaupt
- 2002: Barbara Schöneberger
- 2003: Jörg Pilawa and No Angels
- 2004: Monica Lierhaus and Johannes B. Kerner
- 2005: Bettina Zimmermann , Sky du Mont and Thomas Hermanns
- 2006: Harald Schmidt and Eva Padberg
- 2007: Harald Schmidt
- 2008: Harald Schmidt
- 2009: Katarina Witt and Tom Bartels
- 2010: Sarah Jessica Parker (main moderator), u. a.
- 2011: Gwyneth Paltrow (main moderator), u. a.
- 2013: Helene Fischer
- 2014: Barbara Schöneberger, Johannes B. Kerner, u. a.
- 2015: Kai Pflaume
- 2016: Barbara Schöneberger, Alexander Bommes , Judith Rakers u. a.
- 2017: Barbara Schöneberger, Florian Silbereisen
- 2018: Florian Silbereisen
- 2019: Kai Pflaume
See also
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 1950, Neue Verlag-Gesellschaft: Carl OPITZ, Baden-Baden, proposition de fusionner plusieurs sociétés d'éditi on de la zone française dans une plus grande entreprise d'édition ayant pour but de faire la propagande d'une paix européenne et d 'une entente franco-allemande : (PDF; 331 kB, p. 26), , , , producer of permission, my name is Cox , Dany, please write ( 1955); Kiss the Dead (1961)
- ↑ , February 25, 2015: The injustice of Aryanization remains (June 21, 2016)
- ^ Matthias Knop : Red roses and white lilacs: the heyday of the film city of Wiesbaden. Museum Wiesbaden , 1995, 159 pp. 106 f.
- ↑ Only a few literary prizes are older, including the Kleist Prize (since 1912), the Georg Büchner Prize (since 1923) and the Goethe Prize of the City of Frankfurt am Main (since 1927). Of the German film awards after 1945, the Bambi is the oldest.
- ↑ See : Geschichte 1962.
- ↑ Jean Marais was not voted the most popular actor in 1948, as has been repeatedly claimed . See “Oh, that looks like Bambi!” ( Memento from July 4, 2014 in the Internet Archive ): History 1948 with the results of the readers' choice; archived version of a page from However, the same website lists Jean Marais for 1948 and Stewart Granger for 1949 and 1950 in their lists of winners.
- ^ City of Karlsruhe - City Archives (ed.): Karlsruhe. The city history. Badenia, Karlsruhe 1998, ISBN 3-7617-0353-8 , p. 614.
- ↑ Two suburbs can only be counted in the broader sense of Munich: Unterföhring (ZDF-Studio 1967/68 and 1993) and Grünwald (Bavaria-Studios 1994).
- ↑ According to Burda-Verlag, 1987 was an anniversary year. At this award ceremony there were also 10 “Jubilee Bambis”, with two actors being awarded for each decade from the 1940s onwards. However, Burda has miscalculated or forgotten that the 1966 award was canceled. In 1987 the Bambi was awarded for the 39th time and not, as Burda assumed, for the 40th time. This has been corrected for the 50th anniversary: 50 years Bambi and actually the 50th award in 1998.
- ↑ The Burda-Verlag reacted to the steadily declining importance of the cinema since the end of the 1950s (hence the failed award in 1966) and, in return, to the steadily increasing spread of television.
- ↑ : Geschichte 1984. The quote refers to the December award ceremony in 1984, when there was a Bambi in the area of society for the first time (for Karlheinz Böhm because of his social commitment in famine relief for Ethiopia). Bambis for athletes have occasionally been around since the 1971 award year.
- ↑ Only once or twice after 1984 there were Bambis in the following categories: media (1990), animal and environmental protection (1992, forerunners already 1970, 1973, 1983), science (1997 and 2005), moral courage (2002 and 2012) and Communication (2003).
- ↑ Get rid of the Bambi! In: Hannoversche Allgemeine. November 14, 2011.
- ↑ Trouble with Bushido - Heino gives Bambi back. In: Berliner Morgenpost. November 12, 2011.
- ↑ Maffay breaks with rapper Bushido. dated December 2, 2011.