Bambi Awards 2011

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The 63rd Bambi Awards took place on November 10, 2011 in the Rhein-Main-Hallen in Wiesbaden . It was broadcast live on ARD .


6 million viewers saw the Bambi Awards, which corresponds to a market share of 20.5%.


The concept of the very cautious moderation from the previous year was followed again in 2011, but the term hostess was no longer used. The role was taken over by Gwyneth Paltrow , who - like Sarah Jessica Parker last year - also gave a laudation and received a Bambi, the latter in the International Film category . The Süddeutsche Zeitung said it was unclear "whether the American, who always seemed a little British, moderated" The Bämbi Awards "a bit because she got the Bämbi, or whether she got the Bämbi because she moderated a bit."

The audience Bambi

The audience Bambi 2011 was determined in the category most popular TV multi-part . Nominated were God's Mighty Servant , Hindenburg , The Man with the bassoon , The Pillars of the Earth and Schicksalsjahre . David Rott , Ulrich Noethen and Christian Berkel accepted the award for The Man with the Bassoon .

Silent Heroes and the Special Jury Prize

In 2011, non-celebrities were again awarded Bambis. In the category of silent heroes , three people were honored who look after children in need. In his free time, Stefan Bruhn supports the KinderLeben association by working in its daytime children's hospice . Birgit Martschin takes in newborns for a maximum of 18 weeks until the mothers decide to take the baby back or find an adoptive family. Finally, Leines Gaworski built a handicapped-accessible adventure playground for sick children with the association Hazienda Arche Noah, which he initiated .

The special prize of the jury in 2011 also went to a non-prominent “hero”. The soldier Ralf Rönckendorf saved the life of a comrade in Afghanistan . In doing so, he suffered an eye injury that made him blind.

Johannes Heesters

2007 was Patricia Riekel the then almost 104 years old Johannes Heesters awarded a Bambi and also told him he was going to get one every year. This promise was kept, so that Heesters received his tenth Bambi in 2011. However, the award ceremony was last held outside of the event, so that the Bambis received were no longer mentioned in the show - and not always appear in the winners' lists. The tenth Bambi, however, was Heester's last, as he died at the end of December 2011 at the age of 108.

Bushido and the Bambi for integration

What was Burda thinking about the decision to award the rapper Bushido the Bambi for Integration in 2011 ? The Süddeutsche Zeitung speculated that the aim was to reach viewers who could not be reached otherwise. This seems to have worked, but the resulting storm of protest "should have overrun the organizers." Terre des Femmes and the German Lesbian and Gay Association publicly criticized the awarding of the prize to Bushido in advance, politicians such as Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel and Claudia Roth closed adhere to that.

There was also criticism during the event. In his acceptance speech, Peter Plate , the singer from Rosenstolz , said that he wanted to be happy, but that he wanted “to be able to look in the mirror tomorrow too” and added: “It is very important that we give each other opportunities in this world . But I don't think it's correct for someone who sang misogynist, inhuman lyrics to honor such a musician. ”Bushido said in his acceptance speech that he will certainly no longer say what he said ten years earlier. Not for fear that he knows that no one can harm him and that the criticism won't bother him any further. He understood that his statements at the time were wrong. And he asked for a second chance for himself.

A few days after the award ceremony, Heino gave back his 1990 Bambi in protest against the Bambi for Bushido with the words “I am deeply indignant that someone is giving the Bambi to a violent criminal like Bushido. I don't want to be placed on the same level with this man. ”At the Bambi Awards, Peter Maffay defended Bushido as laudator and repeatedly pointed out that Bushido deserved a second chance. Less than a month later, however, he terminated the collaboration. He said that Bushido had not followed up his words with deeds.


Verena Wolff from the Süddeutsche Zeitung thought the evening was simply long, on the one hand very objective because of the long speeches by laudators and winners, but on the other hand also because of the many B and C celebrities whose prices are not interesting. In fact, she was happy about the Bambi at Bushido, “that little scandal” that “after all provided the only moment of tension of the evening”. She also found the annual Bambi to Johannes Heesters embarrassing. She praised Peter Plate's clear words against Bushido and criticized Bushido's confused response.

Christian Buss said that Burda was happy about the increase in audience numbers caused by the protests against Bushido. As the "real problem" he identified the attempt to make sense of the award. To this end, "over the years, new, increasingly arbitrary categories have been invented." The most bizarre of these, he finds, is that Johannes Heesters has been getting Bambis for "a long time" for being "such a beastly old man". At the end he points out that there was another environmental award. For "the trainer of the television dolphin 'Flipper'."

In, Thomas Lückerath does not criticize the awarding of the prizes, but the selection of the winners. He does not want to deny the “award as an event” its value, “[only] the award has become worthless through silly and hastily invented categories that devalue any honoring of honest achievements.” And especially for US stars, “this year too applies : Whoever has time wins a Bambi. ”So he could laugh at a Bambi for Bushido. However, he finds the reason "so perfidious in connection with a look at Bushido's career that one cannot close one's eyes". He deepens this and then closes with the question "Mr. Hubert Burda, do you think hatred and discrimination really deserve an award?"

Imre Grimm even called in the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung to finally abolish not only the Bambi, but also the other media prizes such as the Golden Camera or the German TV Prize . All these prices “seem like they have fallen out of time, sunk into irrelevance”. As the main reasons, he cites the weak moderation (example Katharina Witt and Tom Bartels at the Bambi awards in 2009 and the moderation experiment in the two following years), the same award winners or “unnecessary 'scandals'” such as the “calculated 'controversial' price an (ex?) misogynist and gay hater “Bushido. In addition, the arbitrary categories (e.g. Johannes Heesters, where he says the oldest actor and entertainer in the world is an official category), decreased relevance and the conservative style, which he justifies with the fact that Werner Kimmig has been the Bambi and the TV award for 22 years produce. Resigned, he concludes that it would just go on like this.

Award winners


laudation: Andrea Sawatzki

Honor Bambi

Johannes Heesters


Justin Bieber
Laudation: Gwyneth Paltrow

Film International

Gwyneth Paltrow
laudation: Armin Rohde

Film National

Simon Verhoeven , Til Schweiger , Florian David Fitz , Justus von Dohnányi , Wotan Wilke Möhring , Maxim Mehmet , Christian Ulmen , Nadja Uhl and Jana Pallaske for men's hearts ... and the really, really big love
Laudation: Franziska Knuppe and Eva Padberg


laudation: Peter Maffay

Life's work

Ruth Maria Kubitschek
laudation: Axel Milberg


Helmut Schmidt
laudation: Sandra Maischberger


Tim Bendzko
laudation: Collien Ulmen-Fernandes

Pop International

Lady Gaga
laudation: Karl Lagerfeld

Audience Bambi

David Rott , Ulrich Noethen and Christian Berkel for The Man with the Bassoon
Laudation: Sky du Mont

Actor National

Matthias Brandt for police call 110
laudation: Veronica Ferres

Alexander Fehling for Goethe!
Richy Müller for Tatort (Stuttgart)

Actress National

Jeanette Hain for Poll
laudation: Florian David Fitz

Katja Riemann for The Stranger Family
Katja Flint for The Prodigal Son

Special prize of the jury

Ralf Rönckendorf
laudation: Johannes B. Kerner

Silent heroes

Birgit Martschin, Stefan Bruhn and Leines Gaworski
laudation: Patricia Riekel


Sarah Pisek
laudation: The Count

TV event of the year

Thomas Gottschalk for the Wetten, dass ..? Broadcast from Mallorca
laudatory speech: Ilka Bessin

Our earth

Ric O'Barry
laudation: Judith Rakers

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Integration award for Bushido: “Unbeatable in ignorance” . In: Augsburger Allgemeine . November 11, 2011 ( online [accessed August 28, 2018]).
  2. ^ A b c Hans Hoff: Bushido and integration is like planks and pedagogy . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . November 12, 2011 ( online [accessed June 11, 2017]).
  3. Stefan Bruhn from KinderLeben receives BAMBI in the SILENT HEROES category. In: Förderverein KinderLeben eV . Accessed June 11, 2017 .
  4. ^ Yvonne Adamek: Safe for a while . In: Stern . ( Online [accessed June 11, 2017]).
  5. Elke Silberer: Street Angels: Hazienda Noah's Ark for sick children . In: Westdeutsche Zeitung . ( Online [accessed June 11, 2017]).
  6. a b c Verena Wolff: Embarrassing TV instead of a big show . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . November 11, 2011 ( online [accessed June 11, 2017]).
  7. ^ A b c Thomas Lückerath: Hatred and Discrimination: What Burda considers worthy of a prize. In: . November 9, 2011, accessed June 11, 2017 .
  8. a b Christian Buß: Mob until the price comes . In: Der Spiegel . November 10, 2011 ( online [accessed June 11, 2017]).
  9. Trouble with Bushido - Heino gives Bambi back . In: Berliner Morgenpost . November 12, 2011 ( online [accessed June 11, 2017]).
  10. "Words are not followed by deeds." In: Stern . ( Online [accessed June 11, 2017]).
  11. Imre Grimm: Award ceremony - get rid of the Bambi! In: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung . November 14, 2011 ( online [accessed June 11, 2017]).