Sandra Maischberger

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Sandra Maischberger, 2019

Sandra Maischberger (born August 25, 1966 in Munich ) is a German journalist , television presenter , producer and author . She moderated numerous interview programs such as Live from the Schlachthof and Talk in the Tower (with Erich Böhme ). She is currently moderating the maischberger talk shows. the week in the first and I introduce myself in the WDR .

Biography and career

Sandra Maischberger spent her childhood in Frascati near Rome and in Garching near Munich . She passed the Abitur at the Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Garching . After graduating, she enrolled at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich to study communication sciences , but dropped out after three days and started her professional life straight away.


Maischberger began to work as a radio presenter at Bayern 2 broadcaster . There she presented the music program Rock-Lock . At that time she also worked as a freelancer for various newspapers and radio stations, including the Münchner Stadtzeitung, the Musikexpress magazine and the SWF3 station. From 1987 to 1989 she attended the German School of Journalism in Munich.

watch TV

At the age of 21, Sandra Maischberger switched to the news desk at Tele 5 . Here she worked for the daily news program. At Tele 5, she gained her first experience of television with the programs Mensch Mädchen and Live um 5 . In 1989 she hosted both the morning program on Bayern 3 and the youth program Live from the slaughterhouse of Bayerischer Rundfunk as the successor to Günther Jauch .

In 1991, she received guests from politics at the side of Erich Böhme in the talk show Talk in the tower . From 1992 Sandra Maischberger presented her first interview program 0137 on Premiere, alternating weekly with Roger Willemsen . In 1993, the conception and moderation of Spiegel TV Interview followed on VOX . In this weekly interview program, Sandra Maischberger visited the guests in her hometown and accompanied them over a longer period of time (including Marcel Reich-Ranicki , Dirk Bach , Wolfgang Menge , Wolfgang Lippert , Ephraim Kishon , Peter Ustinov , Niki Lauda , Mario Adorf , Karlheinz Böhm , Nena ). The live magazine Freitag-Nacht presented them on VOX from 1996, and Greenpeace TV on RTL the following year . She then worked as a freelancer for WDR , ZDF and several magazines, including Amica and Spiegel .

Maischberger on n-tv

Sandra Maischberger, 2002

From 2000 on, Maischberger invited the “People of the Day” to a Berlin studio for the weekly Maischberger interview program on n-tv . Four times a week she interviewed guests on current topics and biographical details and earned "an excellent reputation as an attentive interviewer". On the occasion of the awarding of the Hanns-Joachim-Friedrichs-Preis, the jury praised Maischberger for her ability to "portray the personality of the interviewees without indiscretion and taboo breaks". She was supported by a well-known editorial team from probono Fernsehproduktion GmbH ( probono TV ) led by journalist Friedrich Küppersbusch . The last broadcast was on March 31, 2006. In an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung , Sandra Maischberger said, “I have never had more response to a program than to the one that was shown on the smallest channel I have ever worked for”. At the same time she was seen in 2000 and 2001 together with Werner Schmidbauer in the program Die Zwei - Maischberger und Schmidbauer on Bayerischer Rundfunk .

People at Maischberger

Sandra Maischberger, 2019

Since September 2003, Sandra Maischberger has hosted the ARD talk show Menschen bei Maischberger , which is broadcast on Tuesdays at 10.45 p.m. on Erste. The first episode aired on September 2, 2003. Hand-picked guests controversially discuss current political and socially relevant issues. Sandra Maischberger succeeded the successful Boulevard Bio , at the express request of Alfred Biolek himself. According to an interview with Sandra Maischberger, the program is "basically broadcast as it was recorded".

Formerly broadcast from the Tränenpalast in Berlin , the talk format now comes from the WDR studio in Cologne. On special occasions, production also changes in studios in Berlin or Munich.

In the show, Sandra Maischberger brings people together who would never have met in their daily life. A long-time Hartz IV recipient gets the chance to talk to politicians about his situation, a conservative father has to deal with a travesty artist and victims of violence meet perpetrators. The topics are always up-to-date and usually bring five to six guests together. During the broadcast there are occasional informative films and / or a live broadcast to guests outside the studio.

After Günther Jauch, Menschen bei Maischberger was the ARD talk format with the highest ratings and most successful until 2015 . The show is a joint production of ARD, produced by WDR in cooperation with Vincent TV GmbH. Since January 13, 2016, the talk show is only called Maischberger and is broadcast on Wednesdays at 10:45 p.m. on Erste. The show has been running since 2019 with a modified concept under the title maischberger. the week.


Together with a partner and Jan Kerhart , Sandra Maischberger founded the TV production company Vincent Television GmbH in 2000. Vincent TV produces the ARD program Menschen bei Maischberger for WDR . In addition, the company produces numerous documentation in the fields of politics, history, nature and science for various clients. In 2013 the docudrama Ein blind Held - Die Liebe des Otto Weidt was created in cooperation with ARD ; It was first broadcast on January 6, 2014 on the first . Maischberger also acted for the film Nur eine Frau .

TV duel

On September 3, 2017, Maischberger hosted the television duel for the 2017 federal election on five channels ( Das Erste , ZDF , RTL , Sat.1 and Phoenix ) together with Maybrit Illner , Peter Kloeppel and Claus Strunz .


Sandra Maischberger is also successful as an author. In 2002, Hand on Heart - Sandra Maischberger in conversation with former Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt . According to FAZ , Sandra Maischberger succeeds in this dialogue that “Helmut Schmidt not only [puts his hand on his heart] in this book; he also doesn't mince his words ”. A year later, the interview volume I am so free , a conversation portrait with the former FDP politician Hildegard Hamm-Brücher , was published. In October 2004 she published a reference book for children called You Must Know - People Make History . It brings together 250 of the most important scientists, artists and politicians from ancient times to the present. The last time there was a conversation with Hans-Jochen Vogel appeared in 2011 : How do we want to live , in it "[inspects] all areas of controversy in contemporary politics with Ms. Maischberger".

social commitment

Sandra Maischberger debated at the Federal
Youth Final , 2016

In 2008, Sandra Maischberger founded Vincentino e. V., a non-profit association that initiates and supports cultural projects at Berlin schools. Appointed personally by Joachim Gauck , Sandra Maischberger is a member of the Board of Trustees of Jugend debattiert and was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for her commitment .


Maischberger has been married to cameraman Jan Kerhart from Czechoslovakia since 1994 . The two live in Berlin and have had a son since February 2007. Her brother Martin Maischberger is an archaeologist.


TV documentaries, own films

  • 2001: Eric Escoffier - when the head carries the body
  • 2002: Dr. Wedel and Mr. Hyde (with Dieter Wedel)
  • 2002: It is 8 p.m. ... The daily news turns 50! (with Armin Toerkell)
  • 2003: Plenty of water in front of the hut - in the heart of a luxury island (director and author, each together with Vanessa Nöcker, as well as speaker)
  • 2007: Helmut Schmidt out of service
  • 2009: Cash against private. Sandra Maischberger and two-class medicine (with Uli Stein)
  • 2010: Richard von Weizsäcker - President forever
  • 2011: Pershing instead of petting (with Jan Lorenzen)
  • 2013: 16 × Germany - Berlin: Reichstag
  • 2013: Helmut Schmidt and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing - A Male Friendship (with Dorothe Dörholt)


  • Hand on heart - Sandra Maischberger in conversation with Helmut Schmidt . Ullstein-Verlag, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-548-36460-8 .
  • I am so free - Sandra Maischberger in conversation with Hildegard Hamm-Brücher . Econ, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-430-16295-5 .
  • You have to know them. People make history . cbj, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-570-12871-7 .
  • Hans-Jochen Vogel / Sandra Maischberger: How do we want to live - What will hold our country together in the future . Siedler, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-88680-991-2 .



Web links

Commons : Sandra Maischberger  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Portrait of Sandra Maischberger
  2. Interview with Sandra Maischberger, May 17, 2010
  3. Heide-Ulrike Wendt: "The Art of Questioning: Sandra Maischberger" , 2002. Last accessed on April 16, 2014
  4.; Last accessed on April 16, 2014
  5. Sandra Maischberger in portrait . Last accessed on April 16, 2014.
  6. Christopher Keil: Interview with Sandra Maischberger in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on May 11, 2010. Last accessed on April 16, 2014.
  7. Susanne Schneider: Interview with Sandra Maischberger in Süddeutsche Magazin 33/2010. Last accessed on April 16, 2014.
  8. Talk in the First: Public interest increased further in 2013. At: news aktuell - press portal on December 20, 2013. Last accessed on May 15, 2014.
  9. ^ The first: People at Maischberger . Last accessed on May 15, 2014.
  10. "Maischberger" from 2016 on Wednesday in the first | Maischberger . In: First German Television (ARD) . ( “Maischberger” from 2016 on Wednesday in the First | Maischberger ( memento from January 17, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) [accessed on November 23, 2016]).
  11. Gregor Schöllgen: “We won't cope with it” , FAZ meeting on April 17, 2002; available at
  12. "I have to be specific again" . Book review in the FAZ on November 26, 2011. Last accessed on April 16, 2014.
  13. // Plenty of water in front of the hut - in the heart of a luxury island
  14. Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung