Manfred Scheuch

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Manfred Scheuch (born July 31, 1929 in Vienna ; † February 3, 2016 there ) was a social democratic Austrian journalist , historian and author .


After Manfred Scheuch completed his history studies in 1961 with a dissertation on the early days of the labor movement in Vorarlberg and the Dr. phil. In 1963 he joined the Arbeiter-Zeitung (AZ), the central organ of the Socialist Party of Austria (SPÖ), as a journalist . At that time, until 1966, the party was part of a so-called “grand coalition” with the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP).

In the AZ he rose in 1967 (in 1966 the SPÖ had become an opposition party until 1970) to head of domestic politics. In 1970 Manfred Scheuch was appointed by the party chairman Bruno Kreisky , who had just become Chancellor of an SPÖ minority government , to succeed Paul Blau as editor-in-chief of AZ. (Kreisky remained head of government of SPÖ sole governments until 1983.)

As a party newspaper, AZ found it increasingly difficult in the media competition of the 1970s and 1980s. In 1989 the SPÖ sold its paper to the advertising manager Hans Schmid (who subsequently did not have any success with the newspaper). Scheuch left the AZ.

In 1990 and 1991 Scheuch was editor-in-chief of the Wiener Blatt , 1992 to 1996 of the SPÖ Wien Telegram and then editor of the Viennese section of the Austrian magazine of the SPÖ .

Scheuch was subsequently recognized primarily as an author of historical specialist literature.



  • Atlas of contemporary history. Europe in the 20th century . 3. Edition. Bechtermünz, Augsburg 2002, ISBN 3-8289-0403-3 .
  • Atlas of contemporary history. Asia, Africa and America in the 20th century . Brandstätter, 1993, ISBN 3-85447-470-9 .
  • Historical Atlas Austria . 5th edition. Christian Brandstätter, Vienna 2007, ISBN 978-3-85033-033-6 (online version of the Atlas on the History of Austria Austria Forum ).
  • Atlas of contemporary history. Threatened Peoples . Christian Brandstätter, Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-85447-558-6 (paperback).
  • Historical Atlas Germany: From the Franconian Empire to Reunification in maps, pictures and texts . Christian Brandstätter, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-85033-195-1 .
  • Historical atlas Austria in the 20th century. From the monarchy to the second republic . Christian Brandstätter, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-85498-029-9 .
  • The greater Europe . Christian Brandstätter, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-85498-169-4 .


  • in the web. poems (=  New Poetry from Austria . Volume 67 ). Bergland, 1960, OCLC 11084009 .
  • History of the Vorarlberg workforce up to 1918 . Publishing house of the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions, 1961, DNB  454336772 , OCLC 720146444 (dissertation University of Vienna 1961, 135 pages).
  • with Peter Pelinka : 100 years of AZ workers' newspaper . 1989, ISBN 3-203-51080-4 .
  • with Wolfgang Petritsch : Bruno Kreisky . Kremayr & Scheriau, 2000, ISBN 3-218-00683-X .
  • Naked. Cultural history of a taboo in the 20th century . Christian Brandstätter, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-85498-289-5 .
  • The way to Heldenplatz. A history of the Austrian dictatorship 1933–1938 . Kremayr & Scheriau, 2005, ISBN 3-218-00734-8 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Lendvai : A Social Democratic Enlightenment: Manfred Scheuch died. In: Der Standard , February 3, 2016, accessed February 3, 2016.
  2. Catalog list Austrian National Library