John Bunzl

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John Bunzl (* 1945 in London ) is an Austrian political scientist and Middle East expert as well as a sociologist. He is a Senior Fellow of the Austrian Institute for International Politics (oiip) .


Bunzl grew up as an entrepreneur's son in Ortmann, a small Lower Austrian village near Pernitz , where his family owned a villa (1914) designed by the architect Josef Frank . He completed his Matura in Vienna in 1966. He then began studying sociology in Vienna, which he completed in 1971. He received his doctorate in 1975 and habilitation in political science in Innsbruck in 1988.

1977/78 he worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Conflict Research Vienna. Since 1978 he has been a lecturer at Austrian universities and since 1980 research assistant at the Austrian Institute for International Politics (oiip). He teaches at the Universities of Innsbruck, Salzburg and Vienna. Although he is of Jewish origin himself, Bunzl is particularly committed to the concerns of the Palestinians and has received sharp criticism as well as recognition. He was accused of anti-Semitism several times. He also works on the subject of Jewish history .

Bunzl's son Matti is the director of the Wien Museum .

Works (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Short autobiography
  2. Josef Frank. In: Architects Lexicon Vienna 1770–1945. Published by the Architekturzentrum Wien . Vienna 2007.
  3. a b Short biography of Bunzl at the oiip
  4. Florian Markl: The allegedly catastrophic founding of Israel. In: The Standard . November 25, 2018. Retrieved November 26, 2018 .
  5. Hannah Arendt , Zionism from Today's Perspective (1945) * Walter Laqueur , Thirteen Theses on Zionism * Bernhard Lewis (misspelling), On the Zionism Resolution of the UN (United Nations) * John Bunzl, Israel and South Africa * Shaul Zarhi, The occupied territories, an economic burden * Jamil Hilal, The social transformation of the occupied territories * Sima Flapan, Who's afraid of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)? * Uri Avneri , Israel and the PLO * Said Hammami & James Dorsey, The Dialogue Continues * Sabri Jiriys & David Mandel, For a Realistic Strategy * Mosche Machover & Hammami, Living Together * Bunzl, The Recent Changes in the Middle East: Iranian Revolution , Israeli-Egyptian treaty and the role of the USA * Documents: United Nations partition resolution 1947 * Proclamation document of the State of Israel 1948 * Law of Return * PLO charter , excerpts (only Articles 1, 3, 6 and 19) and the program von El Fatah * Bunzl, Commentary on the PLO Charter * Declaration of the Palestinian National Council of March 20, 1977 * Text of UN Resolution 242 of November 22, 1967 * Text of Resolution 338 of the UN Security Council of October 22, 1973 * From the Speech by Anwar Sadat before the Knesset on October 20, 1977 * Framework for peace in the Middle East * Three talks between Bruno Kreisky and Jeshajahu (Ishayahu) Ben Porath (first in Jedi'ot Acharonot ) February - March 1980 * Bunzl: The Iranian Revolution and the Rise of Islam