Natascha Strobl

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Natascha Strobl (born February 25, 1985 in Vienna ) is an Austrian political scientist . She is an expert on right-wing extremism and the New Right and is co-author of a textbook on strategies and goals of the Identitarian Movement in Europe.


Strobl studied in Bergen, Norway, and at the University of Vienna . In 2010 she completed a degree in Scandinavian Studies with her thesis on the social systems in Norway and Austria as a Magistra , in 2012 her political science studies with a thesis on the ideology and strategy of the New Right . During her studies she was active as chairwoman of the Vienna VSStÖ . She was on the board of the SPÖ Vienna and worked for Sonja Wehsely . Today she is a member of the SPÖ .

Strobl researches right-wing extremism in Austria, in particular the Austrian Identitarian Movement and right-wing and right-wing radical student associations . For the initiative " Offensive against the Right ", which she co-founded , she temporarily acted as a spokesperson.

Strobl was a guest on the television talk show in the center of ORF several times. Contributions by Natascha Strobl as a guest author have appeared in Standard , Zeit Online , Falter , taz , Neues Deutschland and the publications of the Momentum Institute . Your contextualization of interviews with and speeches by politicians under the hashtag "#NatsAnalyse" on Twitter are, according to Sascha Lobo is an example of the quality policy analysis on Twitter.

In the leading German-language media , Strobl is often used as an expert on right-wing extremism.

Strobl said he was repeatedly the victim of intimidation attempts and threats of rape. After her first book on the Identitarian Movement was published, the press reported a bullet hole discovered in her kitchen window in late March 2014. The head of the FPÖ press office in the National Council had previously publicly insulted them as “trample” and “creature”. Internet sites such as “Solidarity with the Police” or “Association of Friends of Daily Politics” contributed to the threats. Martin Sellner , chairman of the right-wing extremist Identitarian Movement, stated in 2013 that he and fellow activists disrupted a lecture by Strobl.


The Identitarians (2017)

According to the historian Anna Laiß, Strobl and her co-authors, the philosopher Julian Bruns and the political scientist Kathrin Glösel, broke new ground in their book about the “youth movement of the New Right in Europe” which had grown rapidly in Austria in the orbit of right fraternities : their analysis was the "first German-language 'manual' on the 'Identitarian Movement'". It enables “a differentiated insight into the ideas and strategies of the movement”, which “ appeals to schoolchildren and students with an aesthetics based on popular cultural elements and radical forms of action”, warns of an alleged “ major exchange ” and a “shift in public discourse towards acceptance of misanthropic ideas ”.

Wolfgang Frindte reviewed the second edition of Strobls Handbuch published in May 2016 (a third, updated and expanded edition was published in July 2017) and felt that he had "learned a lot" from reading the book. The book is based on highly topical source material, and Frindte expressly recommended it to scientists, journalists and committed people in the fight against right-wing populism and right-wing extremism. If “the New Right and the Identitarians also buy and read the book”, “they would be amazed at how well and accurately they are under observation”.

For Björn Allmendinger, lecturer at the University of Hanover , the authors succeeded in their handbook on this "youth movement", which stands for "well-known right-wing extremist ideas in a new guise", "a first comprehensive overall representation of the identity movement in Europe". The manual offers “a solid basis for further analysis and the decoding of new codes and symbols.” His review referred to the first edition, published in 2014.

Right Cultural Revolution (2015)

Armin Pfahl-Traughber considers the volume, written by Strobl together with Julian Bruns and Kathrin Glösel, on current developments in intellectual right-wing extremism to be informative "in certain aspects", but feels it is too superficial due to the lack of detailed discussion. The definitions established by the authors would also not fit all objects; Pfahl-Traughber doubts that HoGeSa and Pegida would deal with the Conservative Revolution . He would have found it useful to devote a separate chapter to the Identitarian Movement and to refer to the relevant actors in more detail, such as the Institute for State Policy or the journal Sezession .

For the political scientist René Neumann ( portal for political science ), the texts on the protagonists of the New Right, their ideological foundations and strategies offer “overview insights, especially into the latest developments in the right-wing political spectrum in theory and practice. The claim of the analysis ”is“ a critical and enlightening perspective on the potential danger posed by the New Rights for a democratic society ”, which is why“ above all affirmative efforts to cooperate between the actors ”are presented. However, conflicts and ideological differences within the various groups are "only marginally discussed".

Publications (selection)

  • with Julian Bruns, Kathrin Glösel: The Identitarians. Handbook on the youth movement of the New Right in Europe , 3rd, updated edition, Unrast Verlag, Münster 2017, ISBN 978-3-89771-224-9 .
  • with Julian Bruns, Kathrin Glösel: Right cultural revolution. Who and What is Today's New Right? VSA-Verlag, Hamburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-89965-639-8 , ( limited preview ).
  • with Julian Bruns: Preparing for (Intellectual) Civil War. The New Right in Austria and Germany . In: Maik Fielitz, Laura Lotte Laloire (eds.): Trouble on the Far Right. Contemporary Right-Wing Strategies and Practices in Europe (= Edition Politik . 39). transcript, Bielefeld 2016, ISBN 978-3-8376-3720-5 , pp. 105–110, ( limited preview ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Author profile Natascha Strobl. In: Unrast-Verlag .
  2. Natascha Strobl: A comparative analysis of the Austrian and Norwegian welfare state in the construction of motherhood. University of Vienna ( diploma thesis , supervisor: Sven Hakon Rossel), November 16, 2010, 102 pages.
  3. Natascha Strobl: Ideology and strategy of the "New Right" using the example of the spark. University of Vienna ( diploma thesis , supervisor: Hannelore Eva Kreisky), 2012, 164 pages.
  4. VSStÖ: "System" Uni makes more and more students mentally ill. In: The Standard . October 27, 2010.
  5. ^ Press service of the SPÖ Vienna: Disclosure according to § 25 Media Act. Retrieved August 14, 2020 .
  6. ^ Press service: Archive report: Wehsely at the Vienna Hospice and Palliative Day. April 7, 2016, accessed August 15, 2020 .
  7. Max Bell: "If the uncle lets go of racist slogans, you have to say something" - Natascha Strobl in an interview. In: 19th November 2019.
  8. a b Michael Bonvalot: '' A warning shot for all Nazi opponents. In: Malfunction reporter . April 9, 2014.
  9. Ingrid Thurnher : riot about the ball - police, protests, provocation. Show with Gerhard Pürstl, Andreas Mölzer , Natascha Strobl, Rudolf Sarközi , Albert Steinhauser and Franz C. Bauer. In: In the center . January 26, 2014.
  10. ^ A b FPÖ: Vortex about "trample" abuse. In: oe24 . May 5, 2014.
  11. Claudia Reiterer : Trapped in the SPÖ labyrinth - which direction is right? Show with Christian Deutsch , Georg Dornauer , Hans Niessl , Andreas Babler , Sara Costa and Natascha Strobl. In: In the center . October 13, 2019.
  12. Natascha Strobl: Völkisch, German national and elitist. In: The Standard . April 24, 2018.
  13. Natascha Strobl: The strategy of the identitarians. In: The Standard . April 28, 2016.
  14. Natascha Strobl: The fear maker. In: Zeit Online . December 30, 2019.
  15. Natascha Strobl: Author profile Natascha Strobl. In: Falter .
  16. Natascha Strobl: Kurz plans blue. In: taz . September 27, 2019.
  17. Natascha Strobl: Briefly as victim and hero at the same time. In: New Germany . 20th May 2019.
  18. Natascha Strobl: How a real shitstorm works. In: November 11, 2019.
  19. a b Sebastian Loudon: "The public also offers me protection". In: date . September 2019.
  20. ^ Birgit Seiser, Raffaela Lindorfer: Austria, world headquarters of the new right-wing extremists. In: Courier . March 27, 2019.
    Nikolaus Pichler: Expert Natascha Strobl: “When it comes to right-wing extremism, Austria is part of the avant-garde”. In: Stern . March 31, 2019.
    When right-wing extremists get a stage. OE1 . June 3, 2019.
    Elisalex Henckel: The dashing face of the hard right. In: The world . November 1, 2016.
    Patrick Bahners : Understand Höcke by reading Hitler? In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . September 27, 2019.
    Elisa von Hof: Anyone who asks critical questions is an enemy. In: Spiegel Online . September 22, 2019.
    Johannes Reichart: Historian's report meets with criticism. In: August 6, 2019.
    Natascha Strobl: “Government has taken over narratives of the identities”. In: FM4 . March 28, 2019.
    Ingrid Brodnig : The people are confused: The digital parallel world of Pegida followers. In: Profile . February 9, 2015.
    Srdjan Govedarica: “I, I, I - that's the content.” In: . September 28, 2019.
    What do Strache, Kurz and Van der Bellen say between the lines? In: FM4 . May 20, 2019.
    Chancellor despite Ibiza: Sebastian Shortly before re-election? In: Bayerischer Rundfunk . September 28, 2019.
    Natascha Strobl: The 3 stories of the ÖVP in the next election campaign. In: . May 28, 2019.
    Felix Diewald: Crisis PR analyzes: The appearances of politicians after #Ibizagate. In: FM4 . May 22, 2019.
    Arnika Zinke: #ibizagate: A political scandal in memes, tweets and analyzes. In: Wienerin . May 20, 2019.
    Jörg Paas: One year anchor centers in Bavaria. ( Podcast , interview with Natascha Strobl) In: B5 aktuell . 4th August 2019.
    Weapons instead of words - the murder of Walter Lübcke. In: Bayerischer Rundfunk . December 26, 2019.
    Criticism of ARD and “hard but fair” presenter Plasberg after broadcasting with AfD politician Junge. In: Westdeutsche Zeitung . July 2, 2019.
    Florian Gasser: Beyond the lying press. In: The time . No. 13/2016, March 17, 2016.
  21. ^ Window shot in by ex-VSStÖ Vienna boss. ( Memento of April 4, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: today . April 1, 2014.
  22. Attack on activist of the "Offensive against the Right". In: The Standard . April 4, 2014.
  23. Hanna Herbst: Right, left and in between a shot. In: Vice . April 1, 2014.
  24. Thomas Wagner : Extremely right fun guerrilla. In: taz . January 3, 2018.
  25. Anna Laiss: Julian Bruns, Kathrin Glösel and Natasha Strobl: The identitary. In: iz3w (ed.): Right-wing populism - rebellion of authoritarian characters. Issue 359, March / April 2017.
  26. Wolfgang Frindte : Julian Bruns, Kathrin Glösel and others: Die Identitären . In: socialnet. 5th April 2017.
  27. Björn Allmendinger: The Identitarians. In: Portal for Political Science . June 12, 2014.
  28. Armin Pfahl-Traughber : The "New Right". In: Humanistic press service . April 15, 2015.
  29. ^ René Neumann: Right cultural revolution. In: Portal for Political Science . May 21, 2015.