Werner Rügemer

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Werner Rügemer
Werner Rügemer
Werner Rügemer

Werner Rügemer (born September 4, 1941 in Amberg ) is a German journalist and publicist .


Rügemer went to school in Brendlorenzen / Rhön, Bad Neustadt an der Saale and Berchtesgaden . He graduated from high school in 1960 at the Christophorus School on Obersalzberg . He studied literature , philosophy and economics in Munich , Tübingen , Berlin and Paris .

In 1979 he was at the University of Bremen to Dr. phil. PhD . He wrote his dissertation on the subject of philosophical anthropology and the epochal crisis. Study on the connection between the general crisis of capitalism and the anthropological foundation of philosophy using the example of Arnold Gehlen . One of the main statements was that a "Weltanschauung" criticism of qualified bourgeois philosophy is not enough. The material constitutional forms of science would have to be included in order to make them understandable. Gehlen's philosophy is therefore related to the social and political development in Germany since Weimar.

Rügemer was on the board of the Service Civil International (SCI) from 1967 to 1974 and was responsible for the organization of community service and international work camps .

From 1968 to 1969 he was a consultant at the ASTA of the Free University of Berlin for the critical university.

From 1975 to 1989 he was editor of the monthly educational magazine Democratic Education of the DKP -near Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag .

From 1984 he worked with radio and TV features, mainly for WDR .

He has been working as a freelance author since 1989., In addition to monographs on current political topics, he publishes numerous articles, especially in Ossietzky , NRhZ-Online , Junge Welt , papers for German and international politics NachDenkSeiten .


Western capitalism, digital revolution

"New Technology, Old Society" (1984)

In the book New Technology - Old Society , published in 1984 . Silicon Valley analyzes Rügemer the dark side of information technology. He had previously examined the “economic paradiseSilicon Valley in a field study and conducted numerous interviews with experts; With unions, lawyers, scientists from Stanford University, engineers and with Apple founder Steve Jobs.

Rügemer presents the history of the main innovations and criticizes, for example, illegal work in sweat shops , typical occupational diseases of chip workers and environmental damage as negative sides of the development . In addition, he is critical of the mixture of military and economic interests.

In spite of the subjectivity of the anti-capitalist attitude that guides the author's interest in knowledge, the reviewer Helmut Volpers of Rügemer's monograph confirms that, overall, it becomes clear “how little desirable an unmodified adaptation of the 'Silicon Valley concept' can be for the Federal Republic and how necessary Technology assessments are a prerequisite for the expansion of new technologies. "

"The Capitalists of the 21st Century" (2018 and 2020)

In 2018 Rügemer took up the topic again in his book The Capitalists of the 21st Century , but in a global context. There he examines the role of financial market groups such as BlackRock as well as internet companies such as Amazon , Apple , Facebook Inc. , Google LLC and Microsoft and also the Wikimedia Foundation , especially under the aspect of the extent to which they enforce a dominance of American capital principles in Europe and elsewhere intervene in the political conditions of many countries. Rügemer speaks of the development of a “new capitalism” and structures its actors as follows: “1. The most powerful of these are the BlackRock-type capital organizations. 2. The second division so far consists of investors of the type private equity ("locusts"), hedge funds and venture capital . 3. Elitist investment banks , private banks and the traditional big banks play different roles . 4. The five "apocalyptic tabs of the Internet" are promoted and helped to shape these financial actors: Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon (...). 5. Finally the youngest generation, the even faster growing companies in the digital platform economy of the type Uber, Deliveroo, Parship / Elitepartner, Upwork, Flixbus. ”The book was also published in English. In the second part of the book, Rügemer goes into the relationship between the USA and Europe, especially the EU. US investors have significantly increased their ownership stake in companies in the EU states and also dominated the digital infrastructure , which is also used by US secret services. Compared to the tax evasion practices and working conditions the EU is largely helpless, just as with the requirements of the US in trade war against Russia, Iran and China. In the third part of the book, Rügemer analyzes the development of China since colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries and since the founding of the People's Republic , especially since the economic reform of the 1980s . The rise of China to the largest economy is shown in principle positively on the basis of the criteria of poverty reduction, wage development, environment, technology, and the fight against white-collar crime. With regard to the Chinese variant of globalization, Rügemer particularly emphasizes that, unlike the West, it is not accompanied by military bases and military intervention.

In his 2019 review, Andreas Wehr summed up: "Werner Rügemer's book was not about adding another version to the already abundant theories about contemporary capitalism. Rather, he reports on everyday practice in western capital democracies ... His Sources are company announcements, business reports, articles from the daily and business press and, last but not least, conversations with actors in the capital organizations themselves. This created a panorama of contemporary capitalism that the left must take note of if they want to define what a society-changing practice looks like today can. "

Cross-border leasing and public-private partnership

"A hundred years like a day" (2001)

Rügemer is one of the first to criticize the disadvantages of cross border leasing (CBL) and public private partnerships (PPP). With his publications he started a public discussion.

According to his broadcast broadcast on WDR 3 on December 17, 2001, Hundred Years Like a Day. With the clandestine globalization of cities , there was widespread demand for the broadcast manuscript, not only from concerned citizens, but also from city councils, mayors and interior ministries. In his broadcast, Rügemer criticized the CBL's practice of selling public property to private US investors and then leasing it back by the public sector over a contract period of one hundred years. The contract was largely subject to confidentiality and was only available to the politicians in charge in excerpts.

"Cross-Border Leasing" (2004)

With his book “Cross-Border Leasing. A lesson on the global expropriation of cities. ”Rügemer presented a study of what he saw as the plundering of public coffers while at the same time undermining democracy. According to Eva-Maria Thoms in her review, he calculates how a profit of 300 percent would jump out for the investors in the end, while the German municipalities bear all the risks, which could include exorbitant claims for damages . Rügemer draws the picture of a "rogue piece in which the municipalities are just the little henchmen for fictitious businesses that only serve to shovel public money into private coffers."

"Privatization in Germany" (2006–2008)

In 2008 his book “Privatization in Germany. A Balance "in the fourth edition. Rügemer analyzes and comments on the privatization projects that have been initiated and completed since about 1984 and their effects on public budgets , public services and the basic democratic order . He shows representation of the TAZ - reviewers by Dirk Eckert that through these privatizations of state enterprises improved neither the benefits nor would the prices have fallen. In addition, Rügemer vividly demonstrates the "squandering of public property" by the Treuhandanstalt . Rügemer regards privatization as an element of the " neoliberal counter-reform" and the "restructuring of the state". The question “state or private?”, However, is a “trap of the neoliberals”, since there is no essential difference here. In Rügemer's opinion, the consequence must rather be to redevelop public services as part of a “cooperative economy”, which, in Eckert's opinion, remains very vague.

"Locusts in Public Space" (2008, 2012)

In his book “Locusts in Public Space. Public Private Partnership. Anatomy of a global financial instrument ”, Rügemer again presents PPP as a lucrative model for investors and as a loss model for the public purse. In the 2nd edition 2012, Rügemer included numerous examples of the reversal of PPP projects in Germany and worldwide, e. B. Autobahn 1 Hamburg / Buchholz-Bremen , Bäderpark Leimen, digital citizen portal Würzburg, London Underground .

World financial crisis 2008

In his publications on the financial crisis, he advocates the controlled insolvency processing of banks that have speculated . He advises the rejection of dubious and speculative loans as well as a fundamental revaluation of wage-related work and the political strike .

Interview with Rügemer on banks and companies, with Spanish subtitles and in German, 2013

Rügemer advocates dissolving the three major rating agencies Standard & Poor's , Fitch Ratings and Moody’s as well as the four major auditing companies KPMG , Price Waterhouse Coopers , Ernst & Young and Deloitte or releasing them from their sovereign tasks worldwide.

In view of the secrecy for private contracts practiced by state agencies in privatizations , public-private partnerships and bank bailouts, Rügemer explicitly called on MPs to betray secrets , which in this case he considered a civic duty, since secrecy of this kind meant the parliaments' self-disempowerment. “The secret protection agencies are becoming the death chambers of democracy. It becomes a facade: behind it the private 'partners' can make use of taxpayers' money and state guarantees without being seen. "

Corruption in Cologne: Colonia corrupta (2002, 2015)

Rügemer published Colonia Corrupta on corruption in his hometown of Cologne in 2002 . Privatization, globalization and corruption in the shadow of the Cologne clique , in which, among other things, his articles about the Cologne waste incineration plant, which have been in operation since 1995 a. a. were published in the Cologne print magazine " StadtRevue ". and in which he had already addressed the irregularities that the major Cologne and national media only reported on in 2002. In 2003, the occasion of the stand Second Gulf War created in 1991 and from 1992 established an alternative-carnival Cologne Ghost (Geisterzoch) under the motto Colonia corrupta !? .

In the 1990s, these articles resulted in numerous defamation suits for Rügemer. The then senior city director Lothar Ruschmeier , the then mayor Norbert Burger , the SPD council member Erich Schäfer and the then president of 1. FC Cologne, Dietmar Artzinger-Bolten complained . All complaints were either dropped in higher courts (Ruschmeier, Burger), rejected (Schäfer) or withdrawn (Artzinger-Bolten).

The 8th revised and expanded edition of the book (2015) contains four new chapters, including one on "Cologne as the corruption capital of the young Federal Republic" with insights into the secret corporate financing of the governing parties in the years 1948 to 1970. One chapter deals with the international investors behind the construction company Bilfinger Construction , which as general contractor was jointly responsible for the collapse of Cologne's city archive in 2009.

Since 2000, Rügemer has offered three city tours in Cologne, two of them on the topic: Lindenthaler Klüngelpfad (including about Kurt Freiherr von Schröder , Konrad Adenauer and Franz-Josef Antwerpes ) and Marienburg : wealth between splendor and hiding place .

Independence from rating agencies

In the monograph Rating Agencies : Insights into the capital power of the present, Rügemer criticizes the fact that the owners of the rating agencies are largely identical to the beneficiaries of their ratings. It is mainly large hedge funds like BlackRock that can speculate on falling country ratings. The same financial groups are often also providers of so-called structured financial products, such as subprime papers, which could buy good ratings from the rating agencies.

Thomas Thiel (FAZ) states: “The deeper Rügemer penetrates into ownership, the further a conglomerate of hedge funds, banks and companies unfolds, which is unsettling in its functional interdependence.” The ownership structure becomes a “crystal clear problem” because “that the rating agencies act as objective judicial bodies over states whose judgment can unbalance entire economies. "

The economist Rudolf Hickel recommended the book in the Süddeutsche Zeitung to capitalism critics and supporters alike. Rügemer revealed the "systematically maintained intransparency as well as the lack of liability for wrong decisions" of the agencies.

Unlawful action against trade unions

"Injustice to Work" (2009)

In 2009, Rügemer and the journalist Elmar Wigand organized the “ArbeitsUnrecht” conference in cooperation with Business Crime Control . This activity resulted in an anthology of the same name, which appeared in the same year. Both authors have been running the blog arbeitsunrecht.de since 2012 , which documents incidents of union busting in Germany. In 2014 they founded the Action Against Labor Injustice , which organizes public actions in this field.

Since February 2012, they have been researching what they believe to be a systematic fight against trade unions, works councils and employees by professional service providers in a project funded by the Otto Brenner Foundation .

Rügemer demands that employees should not only demand wage demands, but above all the observance of the applicable labor and social rights. These are guaranteed by the UN social pact on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , which was ratified by the Federal Republic of Germany in 1973: "Human rights must be fought against the representatives of privately powerful individual interests."

"The finishers" (2014, 2017)

In their book Die Readymacher , first published in 2014 , Rügemer and Wigand analyze how a professional service industry is developing to combat undesirable employees, works councils and trade unions . Business and media law firms , business detective agencies , PR agencies , university institutes and corporate foundations covertly financed by companies as well as strategists for human resources work in this area in Germany, in some cases similar to those in the USA. " Christian" and " yellow " unions and new employers' associations are on the rise. With the personal portraits of the respective actors and the description of various company conflicts, the authors want to give an insight into current practice.

In the opinion of the Friday reviewer Jörn Boewe, Rügemer and Wigand have presented a systematic and comprehensive study on the subject for the first time. Your analysis shows that Union Busting is no longer a pure US phenomenon. "A widespread network has developed in Germany that works to push the collective representation of the interests of dependent employees out of companies or to nip it in the bud." The authors see the phenomenon "in the context of the neoliberal offensive since the 1990s" and show how the turnaround by Kohl and Lambsdorff, Agenda 2010 and the deregulation policy of the EU Commission created the framework.


The play "Bonnopoly", co-produced by Rügemer, premiered in September 2017 at the Kammerspiele Bonn . The director was Volker Lösch , the text was written by Ulf Schmidt . The play "denounces the sell-out of cities whose governments are more interested in the black zero than in the quality of life of the residents," Cornelia Fiedler sums up in the SZ review. It is based on Rügemer's research about the financing disaster of the World Conference Center Bonn .

Documentary radio and television broadcasts

  • with Ingolf Gritschneder : fence for Hitler. The secret orders of the Otto Wolff company, WDR 2001. The film documentary deals with the systematic robbery of gold and stocks in the billions since 1940 from predominantly Jewish property. The authors describe the stealing services of German companies, including above all those of the Cologne company Otto Wolff and its manager Otto Wolff von Amerongen .
  • Radio feature: A hundred years like a day - the secret globalization of cities, WDR 3 / Deutschlandradio 2001.
  • Mülheim or the great silence, WDR 2006.
  • In the documentary cinema film Let's make money from 2008 (director: Erwin Wagenhofer ) he explains the sale of the Viennese trams under a cross-border leasing contract.


Sal. Oppenheim

In 2006, Rügemer's book “ Der Bankier. Uninvited obituary for Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim ”, the former senior director of Sal. Oppenheim, Europe's largest private bank until 2009 . In it, he also criticizes Sal. Oppenheim's business practices, including with regard to the KölnArena and the Cologne exhibition halls . In connection with the party donation system under Helmut Kohl, the book takes the view that Kohl from the Sal. Oppenheim bank at the beginning of the 1980s with at least 1.3 million DM was secretly financially supported.

Furthermore, Rügemer reports on the close cooperation between the bank and the SPD leaders in the 1990s (including Rudolf Scharping , the former Bundesbank boss Karl Otto Pöhl and the Cologne city director Lothar Ruschmeier). According to the report by the President of the Bundestag, Bank Sal. Oppenheim also helped finance Angela Merkel's election campaign . The bank used the possibilities of numerous financial havens and had a subsidiary with Argantis that bought up medium-sized companies using the private equity method (“ locusts ”) and some of them drove them into bankruptcy. During National Socialism, the bank, which worked with the Nazi regime (at that time under the name " Robert Pferdmenges & Co."), was classified by the Nazi regime as "important to the war effort" and participated in Aryanization .

Sal. Oppenheim then accused Rügemer of "untrue allegations" in 2006 and took several actions against the publication of the book in court. After some places had to be blackened initially, some of the blackening was lifted after a court decision. Harry Neubert (Frankfurter Nomen Verlag) accused Oppenheim of "preventing the book from appearing by complaining about irrelevant passages in the text". The bank obtained warnings against booksellers who had the book in their range.

The historian and journalist Sven Kellerhoff reviewed Rügemer's book in 2006 in the newspaper Die Welt under the title Brisante Falsehoods - Attacked in a bad GDR tradition . He claimed that Rügemer's representations were incorrect.

Gerrit Liskow accused Rügemer of a “condensed criticism of capitalism” on HaGalil, as he concentrated one-sidedly on the sphere of circulation of capital. Liskow interprets this as "structural [n] anti-Semitism". Rügemer postulates "a secret alliance world conspiracy, grouped around a mysterious center of power, which radiates the whole world, further organizes itself to rule and corrupt the world".

The political scientist and journalist Frank Überall found in the TAZ article “Black bars for the truth” that the lawyers at Sal. Oppenheim were mostly terse representations, whether z. B. "the portrait of the senior boss is painted or photographed in the reception hall" complained. Since Rügemer concentrates in his work on the connections between Oppenheim and the mourners seen by Rügemer at Oppenheim's funeral, Überall sums up: “All of this may be found morbid and inappropriate in the discreet Cologne rich bank, but this does not justify a ban. "

Proceedings against DuMont

In 1998, Rügemer and Erasmus Schöfer fought the publishing house DuMont Schauberg ( Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger ) in a nationally unique procedure for forging the text of their joint article in the weekend supplement “Moderne Zeiten” on 10/11. August 1996 and the resulting damage to the reputation of 10,000 DM.

Rügemer was attacked not only because of his controversial revelations about Oppenheim, but also because of his general criticism of other banks and financial investors.

In particular, a critical article in the IG Metall newspaper in 2005 about the behavior of financial investors " Investcorp " and " Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. " caused a polarizing controversy. In this context, the cartoon belonging to the article (but not created by Rügemer) was criticized, which portrayed financial investors as insects adorned with the colors of the US flag, "sucking" their prey.

Research institute on the future of work

Klaus F. Zimmermann , director of the Institute for the Future of Work (IZA), sued Rügemer in September 2013 before the press chamber of the Hamburg Regional Court for four alleged false statements in his article "The undermined democracy", after the IZA had previously published Stern magazine had issued a warning on the allegation of lobbying (Az. 324 O 541/13).

Following the application, the court initially ruled that Rügemer could no longer claim that the IZA was incorrectly describing itself as independent, that the IZA could not speak of free science with the best of intentions, that the IZA was lobbying and that the IZA did not provide information about its funding by the Foundation of the Deutsche Post Group. In the event of a violation, Rügemer were threatened with a fine of up to 250,000 euros or an orderly detention for up to two years. Rügemer sued against the obligation to cease and desist and the injunction of the court. A settlement offered by the court in these proceedings was again rejected by the IZA.

On February 6, 2015, the judgment of the Hamburg Regional Court was announced. In the main, so the Handelsblatt , Rügemer and the NRhZ and IZA were only partially right: On the one hand, Rügemer can continue to claim that the IZA “calls itself independent of the facts” and that with regard to the IZA “by free science with the best will cannot be spoken ”. On the other hand, it is still forbidden to claim that the IZA is lobbying and giving the impression that the IZA does not report on its financing (Az. 324 O 19/14).

Rügemer appealed. According to Telepolis author Thomas Barth, he is of the opinion that he did not write that IZA was lobbying, but that there was a new form of "indirect lobbying under the state seal". Regarding the fourth statement complained about, Rügemer claims that he did not question the information about the financing, but rather wrote that the financing was completely unknown to the general public. A note on the website does not prove that the matter is known to the general public.

Because the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Hamburg left the proceedings for almost three years, Werner Rügemer obtained compensation in the amount of 1,200 euros for the delay in the proceedings, which the Finance Senator of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg paid out in December 2018. As a result, the OLG Hamburg set a public hearing for January 8, 2019 at short notice. As a result, Zimmermann / IZA withdrew the action for an injunction in full. Now the court costs as well as half of the legal fees have to be paid back to Werner Rügemer. However, the papers for German and international politics are still not allowed to publish the article on their website because the editors issued a cease and desist declaration in 2013 with a criminal offense. On the occasion of the withdrawal of the injunction, Rügemer balanced the two dozen media law proceedings he had been exposed to since 1993 in an interview for the online magazine “telepolis”.



  • The psychoanalysis of the BILD newspaper. 1968 (for Springer Tribunal and Critical University Berlin)
  • Philosophical anthropology and epochal crisis. Study on the connection between the general crisis of capitalism and the anthropological foundation of philosophy using the example of Arnold Gehlen . Dissertation. Pahl-Rugenstein, Cologne 1979.
  • New technology - old society. Silicon Valley. Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag, Cologne 1985, ISBN 3-7609-0955-8 . (translated into several languages)
  • The sick world policeman: The inner workings of the USA as a danger for the "rest of the world". Cologne 1986.
  • Uwe Hirschfeld, Werner Rügemer (Ed.): Utopia and civil society. Reconstructions, theses and information on Antonio Gramsci. Berlin 1990.
  • State secret sewage. Zebulon Verlag, Düsseldorf 1995, ISBN 3-928679-32-5 .
  • Do business without corruption? Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1996, ISBN 3-596-13211-8 .
  • Hello! What crimes can we assist with? Switzerland as the logistic center of international white-collar crime. Essays, analyzes and materials. Distel Verlag, Heilbronn 1999, ISBN 3-929348-27-6 .
  • Rich and poor. transcript, Bielefeld 2002, ISBN 3-933127-92-0 .
  • The consultants. transcript, Bielefeld 2004, ISBN 3-89942-259-7 . ( Book review ( Memento of May 13, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) in Das Parlament )
  • Cross-border leasing. Westphalian steam boat, Münster 2004, ISBN 3-89691-568-1 , ( book review in Die Zeit )
  • The banker. Unasked obituary for Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim. 3rd expanded blackened edition. Nomen, Frankfurt am Main 2006, ISBN 3-939816-00-0 ( book review in the daily newspaper )
  • Privatization in Germany. 4th, expanded and updated edition. Westphalian steam boat , Münster 2008, ISBN 978-3-89691-630-3 . ( Note in the daily newspaper )
  • Labor injustice. Charge and Alternatives. Westphalian steam boat, Münster 2009, ISBN 978-3-89691-780-5 .
  • "Locusts" in public space: Public Private Partnership - Anatomy of a global financial instrument. transcript, Bielefeld 2008, 2nd edition 2011, ISBN 978-3-89942-851-3 .
  • Colonia Corrupta. Westphalian steam boat, Münster 2002; 8th edition 2015, ISBN 978-3-89691-525-2 . The 8th edition contains two new articles: Collapse of the Cologne Archives and Cardinal Meisner.
  • Rating agencies - insights into the power of capital today. transcript, Bielefeld, 2012, ISBN 978-3-8376-1977-5 . (Spanish edition: January 2013)
  • With Elmar Wigand: The finishers. Labor injustice and professional trade union action. Papyrossa Verlag, Cologne 2014 / Extended and updated 3rd edition March 2017, ISBN 978-3-89438-555-2 .
  • Until that freedom illuminates the world. Transatlantic moral images from politics and economy, history and culture. Papyrossa-Verlag, Cologne August 2016; 3rd, updated and expanded edition 2017, ISBN 978-3-89438-555-2 .
  • The privatization of the state - the US model and its influence in the European Union. In: Ullrich Mies, Jens Wernicke (ed.): Facade democracy and deep state. On the way to an authoritarian age . Promedia 2017, ISBN 978-3-85371-425-6 .
  • The capitalists of the 21st century: a general outline of the rise of the new financial actors . PapyRossa, 2nd edition with current foreword, Cologne 2020 ISBN 978-3-89438-675-7 . English edition: The Capitalists of the 21st Century. An Easy-to-Understand Outline on the Rise of the New Financial Players . Tredition 2019 as paperback, hardcover and e-book ISBN 978-3--7497-1163-5


  • In 1998 he received the Friedrich-und-Isabel-Vogel-Preis of the Stifterverband for German science for the report The legal accomplices
  • 2002 the journalist award of the Federation of Taxpayers for the radio feature 100 years like a day - the secret globalization of cities (WDR / DLF 2001)
  • In 2003, Rügemer won the journalists' award of the Association of Municipal Enterprises (VKU) for a radio report on cross-border leasing, the sometimes devastating effects and consequences of which for municipalities and communities Rügemer has uncovered since 2000 in Germany and Europe. However, the prize money was withdrawn at short notice because he had signed an appeal from attac against a cross-border leasing project at the Cologne municipal utility . He then successfully sued the court for the prize money of 3,000 euros.
  • In 2008 Rügemer received the Cologne Karls-Preis from the blog NRhZ-Online

Web links

Commons : Werner Rügemer  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Max Stirner Archive Leipzig - March 19, 2015.
  2. Udo Baron: Cold War and Hot Peace - The Influence of the SED and its West German Alliance Organizations on the Party “The Greens”. LIT Verlag, Münster 2003, ISBN 3-8258-6108-2 , p. 56.
  3. PEN Center Germany Ed .: Author Lexicon 2012/2013. Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal 2012, ISBN 978-3-7795-0421-4 , p. 336 f.
  4. ^ Articles by Werner Rügemer. In: Sheets for German and international politics. Retrieved December 18, 2017 .
  5. ^ Search: Rügemer. In: NachDenkSeiten. Retrieved October 31, 2018 .
  6. ^ Helmut Volpers: Review of Rügemer, Werner: New technology - old society. Silicon Valley. MedienScience Reviews, No. 3, 1986, p. 291 f.
  7. PapyRossa Verlag: Publishing announcement (2018). Retrieved October 15, 2019 .
  8. W. Rügemer: Die Kapitalisten des 21. Jahrhundert, p. 12. According to Andreas Wehr: Review in Marxistische Blätter 13.3.2019 ( online , accessed on 15.10.2019)
  9. ^ [The Capitalists Of The 21st Century. An Easy-to-Unterstand Outline on the Rise of the New Financial Players, 308 pages. Tredition, Hamburg 2019 hardcover 978-3-7497-1163-5, paperback 978-3-7497-1162-8, e-book 978-3-7497-1164-2]
  10. Andreas Wehr: Review in Marxistische Blätter March 13, 2019 ( online , accessed October 15, 2019)
  11. ^ Roland Kirbach: Cross-Border-Leasing: Sold for stupid . In: The time . Hamburg March 12, 2009 ( zeit.de [accessed December 21, 2017]).
  12. Werner Rügemer: A hundred years like a day. The secret globalization of cities. WDR 3, December 17, 2001.
  13. Eva-Maria Thoms: Wirtschaftsbuch: Look into the economic rogue country . In: The time . Hamburg April 29, 2004 ( zeit.de [accessed December 21, 2017]).
  14. ^ Werner Rügemer: Cross Border Leasing. A lesson on the global expropriation of cities. Westfälisches Dampfboot Verlag, Münster 2004 and 2005, ISBN 3-89691-568-1 .
  15. Die Zeit : Review of “Cross Border Leasing. A lesson on the expropriation of the cities “A look into the economic rogue country , issue 19/2014, loaded July 28, 2014.
  16. ^ Werner Rügemer: Privatization in Germany. A balance sheet. 4th, enlarged and updated edition. Westfälisches Dampfboot Verlag, Münster 2008, ISBN 978-3-89691-630-3 .
  17. a b Dirk Eckert: In the case of the neoliberals . In: The daily newspaper . February 3, 2007, p. 1007 ( taz.de [accessed December 18, 2017]).
  18. ^ Werner Rügemer: Privatization in Germany. A balance sheet. From trust to public private partnership. Retrieved December 18, 2017 .
  19. ^ Werner Rügemer: Locusts in public space. Public Private Partnership. Anatomy of a global financial instrument. 2nd, updated and expanded edition. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2012, ISBN 978-3-8376-1741-2 .
  20. Thomas Barth: PPP-Public-Private Partnership or Private Makes Public Bankrupt? Retrieved December 18, 2017 .
  21. Werner Rügemer: Arsonists as fire brigade. In: Junge Welt. April 23, 2009.
  22. Werner Rügemer: The real causes of the financial crisis. gulli.com, December 18, 2009 (German and English)
  23. Werner Rügemer: The "rescue" of Greece and the euro as a curse of evil. In: The argument. 287/2010.
  24. Banksters in Court: Collective Innocence and Systemic Crime. In: Sheets for German and international politics. 8/2010.
  25. Deeply corrupt system. The big rating agencies are matted with the most powerful financial players. They are not suitable for regulating the financial markets, but make them more susceptible to crises. In: young world. October 11th and 12th, 2010.
  26. Werner Rügemer: Betrayal is a civic duty. In: Journal for Direct Democracy. No. 86, 2/2010, pp. 18-21.
  27. stadtrevue stadtrevue.de , loaded on January 24, 2015.
  28. Ghost train on a clique tour. In: Kölnische Rundschau , January 15, 2003: "We have adopted the title of the book from Werner Rügemer as the motto," declared the organizers.
  29. ^ Werner Rügemer: Public appointments. Retrieved November 12, 2018 .
  30. werner-ruegemer.de ( Memento from April 2, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  31. Thomas Thiel: Werner Rügemer: Rating agencies: The judge and his banker . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . March 4, 2013 ( faz.net [accessed December 18, 2017]).
  32. ^ Online reference to the review of the Süddeutsche Zeitung , SZ, October 16, 2012.
  33. Werner Rügemer (Ed.): ArbeitsUnrecht. Charges and Alternatives. Westphalian steam boat, Münster 2009, ISBN 978-3-89691-780-5 dampfboot-verlag.de
  34. About us. arbeitsunrecht.de, accessed on January 3, 2013; Beware of Union Busting! arbeitsunrecht.de, accessed on January 3, 2013
  35. Union Busting in Germany. ( Memento from June 25, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) otto-brenner-kompakt.de, accessed on January 3, 2013.
  36. Freedom of Work The universal human rights also apply to employment relationships ,arbeitsunrecht.de, accessed on January 3, 2013.
  37. Werner Rügemer and Elmar Wigand: The finishers. Labor injustice and professional trade union action . Papyrossa Verlag, Cologne 2nd edition 2015, ISBN 978-3-89438-555-2 .
  38. Book review - How companies chase uncomfortable employees. Retrieved December 21, 2017 .
  39. Performance of "Bonnopoly" - WCCB mud battle in the Kammerspiele . In: General-Anzeiger Bonn . September 10, 2017 ( general-anzeiger-bonn.de [accessed December 18, 2017]).
  40. Cornelia Fiedler: Self Defense . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . September 14, 2017 ( sueddeutsche.de [accessed December 18, 2017]).
  41. ^ Programm.ARD.de - ARD Play-Out-Center Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany: Hehler für Hitler. Retrieved December 18, 2017 .
  42. Secret "East Trade Minister" is dead . In: Stern . March 9, 2007 ( stern.de [accessed on December 18, 2017]): “In 2001, WDR reported in a report entitled 'Hehler für Hitler' that this company (Otto Wolff, Gabel1960) owned securities until 1945 Jews deported from the Netherlands, Belgium and France sold on behalf of the Nazis. "
  43. ^ "Let's make money" ( Memento from March 25, 2010 in the Internet Archive ), directed by Erwin Wagenhofer, color film, 110 minutes, Austria 2008.
  44. Werner Rügemer: The banker. Unasked obituary for Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim . 3. Once again blackened edition of the already blackened edition 2006. Nomen Verlag Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3-939816-00-3 .
  45. cf. “Exhibition halls at any price. Clever project or Kölscher Klüngel? “ Deutschlandradio , October 28, 2005.
  46. Werner Rügemer: The banker. Unasked obituary for Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim . 3. Once again blackened edition of the already blackened edition 2006. Nomen Verlag Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3-939816-00-3 , p. 89, not blackened
  47. Eva-Maria Thoms: Legal dispute: where are the switches? In: The time . Hamburg July 20, 2006 ( zeit.de [accessed December 17, 2017]).
  48. Werner Rügemer: https://www.linksnet.de/artikel/20651 In: Ossietzky. No. 14/2007.
  49. Werner Rügemer: The banker. Unasked obituary for Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim . 3. Once again blackened edition of the already blackened edition 2006. Nomen Verlag Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3-939816-00-3 , pp. 90 and 98 not blackened
  50. Werner Rügemer: The banker. Unasked obituary for Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim . 3. Once again blackened edition of the already blackened edition 2006. Nomen Verlag Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3-939816-00-3 , p. 21 f. not blackened
  51. Werner Rügemer: The banker. Unasked obituary for Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim . 3. Once again blackened edition of the already blackened edition 2006. Nomen Verlag Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3-939816-00-3 , pp. 81 and 83 not blackened
  52. Werner Rügemer: The banker. Unasked obituary for Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim . 3. Once again blackened edition of the already blackened edition 2006. Nomen Verlag Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3-939816-00-3 , pp. 82 and 85 not blackened
  53. Frank Überall: Black bars for the truth . In: The daily newspaper . July 26, 2006, p. 4 ( taz.de [accessed December 17, 2017]).
  54. a b The private bank Oppenheim in North Rhine-Westphalia takes a book to court. In: The time. July 20, 2006.
  55. Explosive falsehoods. on: welt.de
  56. Gerrit Liskow: Brown Quark in Red Sauce , haGalil of January 4, 2010 or 18th Tevet 5770
  57. Frank Überall: Black bars for the truth . In: The daily newspaper . July 26, 2006, p. 4 ( taz.de [accessed December 17, 2017]).
  58. Ulrike de la Motte: Arrogant and complacent. ( Memento from March 17, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) ver.di FB 8, 1998.
  59. The looters are coming. Article by Werner Rügemer with the same content in the newspaper Der Freitag, February 11, 2005.
  60. Werner Rügemer: The undermined democracy. The lobbyists' march through the institutions , Blätter für deutsche und Internationale Politik 8/2013, p. 75.
  61. Thomas Barth: IZA: Neoliberal Think Tank under pressure. Retrieved January 3, 2018 .
  62. Malte Kreutzfeldt: Institute for the future of work complains: independence in court . In: The daily newspaper: taz . May 8, 2014, ISSN  0931-9085 ( taz.de [accessed January 3, 2018]).
  63. ^ Norbert Häring: lobbyist or not? The research institute IZA defends itself in court against the accusation of partiality. In: Handelsblatt. November 10, 2014, accessed December 16, 2014.
  64. Norbert Häring: “Half victory, half defeat” and “A touch of transparency”, Handelsblatt, February 16, 2015, No. 32.
  65. Jump up pages : “IZA vs. Rügemer: Doubtful Victory ", nachdenkseiten.de , February 11, 2015, loaded February 15, 2015.
  66. Thomas Barth: IZA: Neoliberal Think Tank under pressure. Retrieved January 3, 2018 .
  67. Action ./. Work injustice "press law: Werner Rügemer wins against lobbyists" [1] 01.18.2019, loaded on 4 February 2019
  68. Telepolis Reinhard Jellen: "Lawsuit against lobbyism critic Rügemer withdrawn." [2] January 30, 2019, loaded on February 4, 2019
  69. founding sponsors blog.gemeingut.org , accessed on January 3, 2013.
  70. ^ Business Crime Control: Hans See is BCC chairman again. ( Memento from September 24, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) from June 5, 2009.
  71. Transparency International: “Loss of image” decisive for resignation of the Siemens supervisory board chairman . In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur . ( deutschlandfunkkultur.de [accessed on May 24, 2018]).
  72. 5 Books - Pearl Divers. Retrieved May 24, 2018 .
  73. 5 Books - Pearl Divers. Retrieved May 24, 2018 .
  74. Association | action ./. Arbeitsunrecht eV Accessed on May 24, 2018 .
  75. www.attac.de: Werner Rügemer. Retrieved December 17, 2017 .
  76. ^ German police 7/1997, journal of the police union
  77. Sebastian Sedlmayr: file number 143 / C / 132/4. In: the daily newspaper . September 28, 2004.
  78. https://mmm.verdi.de/recht/justitia-statt-jury-26675 In: Journalismus-Zeitschrift von ver.di (DJU). November 2004.
  79. PEN Center Germany: The Author's Lexicon 2015/16. E-book without page numbers, entry on Werner Rügemer, Tübingen 2015, ISBN 978-3-86351-254-5 .