Boulevard (media)
The term boulevard ( tabloids , the terms tabloid journalism and tabloid media stand for a separate genre in the field of journalism .
) in the field of media is derived from the street sales of so-calledDefinition of the tabloid press
"Designation for a type of newspaper that is characterized in its presentation, text section and design by a striking style, large bar headings with lurid headlines, numerous, often large-format photos and simple, highly compressed language."
Tabloid formats
Topics are treated rather superficially and mostly from an individual-specific perspective (Blum et al., 2011). The presentation serves as a focal point and represents the largest consumer appeal to. Tabloids colloquially or tabloids (English: tabloids ) are among the most published daily newspapers , which mostly on the road - the Boulevard - sold, and therefore usually not in the subscription are sold, as well as magazines , which are usually also available by subscription and usually appear weekly or fortnightly. The magazines are also known colloquially as the rainbow press. In contrast to news media that are predominantly objective and fact- based, emotional reporting in which information is withheld or generalized and facts are shortened or distorted, sometimes even fictitious, is a common means in tabloid media.
On radio and television, tabloid topics are often published in magazine formats that focus on disasters, accidents, crime, fashion, celebrities and consumer issues. The mix of information and entertainment that has emerged on US television since the early 1990s is known as infotainment . A special form is so-called reality TV , which consists, for example, of police reports or similar documentaries and, on the other hand, of long-term shows such as Big Brother but also Pop Idol . Popular TV formats are also extensively covered by the tabloids.
Boulevardisation is understood to mean “the change in media content, formats and forms of presentation in the course of increased entertainment orientation” ( Lünenborg ). This makes use of the means of intimacy, personalization and scandalization.
A study by the University of Jena confirmed that television news is becoming increasingly popular. The communication scientist Georg Ruhrmann stated in his study on behalf of the journalists' association Netzwerk Recherche : “The selection of news is no longer based solely on journalistic topicality criteria. Customer demand and satisfaction are also in demand. The 'service orientation' is playing an increasingly important role. ”In his opinion, news topics , especially those of private broadcasters, are becoming less political and are increasingly being replaced by topics related to human fate such as catastrophes and crime. "The news factors personalization , controversy and aggression are increasing according to the journalists surveyed".
Siegfried Weischenberg assumes that in the future there will be a “tabloidization of his [what is meant: journalism, dV] content right into the quality media”. This would mean that quality journalism will sooner or later approach the tabloid press and quality aspects will play a subordinate role. In addition, the classic, previously applicable distinction between the two qualities is abolished.
Examples of tabloid formats
watch TV
German-speaking area (originally, usually multilingual today)
- LikeMag
- Story filter
- (Funke media group)
English-speaking area (originally, usually multilingual today)
newspapers and magazines
German language area
- Evening newspaper ( Munich , Nuremberg )
- BZ ( Berlin ; Axel Springer SE )
- Berliner Kurier ( Berliner Verlag , part of BV Deutsche Zeitungsholding )
- Image ( Axel Springer SE )
- EXPRESS ( Cologne , Bonn , Düsseldorf ; M. DuMont Schauberg )
- Hamburger Morgenpost (Hamburg; BV Deutsche Zeitungsholding )
- tz ( Munich )
- The whole week
- Today ( Vienna , free)
- Kronen newspaper
- Austria
- Blick ( Ringier AG )
- 20 minutes ( Tamedia , free)
- Blick am Abend (printed 2008-2018, then only online)
- Le Matin (in French, only online since 2018)
English speaking area
Great Britain:
Other language areas
- Aha! (CZ)
- Blesk (CZ)
- Fact (PL)
- Hürriyet (TR)
- Komsomolskaya Pravda (RUS)
- Verdens Gang (N)
- Aftonbladet (SE)
- Dagbladet (NO)
- Jürgen Alberts : The mass press as an ideology factory. Using the example of "BILD" (= Fischer Athenaeum pocket books 4059 social sciences ). Athenäum-Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1972, ISBN 3-8072-4059-4 (also: Bremen, Universität, Dissertation, 1973).
- Hermann Meyn : Mass Media in Germany. New edition. UVK Verlags-Gesellschaft, Konstanz 2001, ISBN 3-8966-9299-2 .
- Neil Postman : We're having a great time. Formation of judgment in the age of the entertainment industry. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1985, ISBN 3-10-062407-6 .
- Siegfried Weischenberg , Maja Malik, Armin Scholl: The prompter of the media society. Report on the journalists in Germany. UVK, Konstanz 2006, ISBN 978-3-89669-586-4 .
- Jacob Leidenberger: tabloidization of television news. A content analysis of major German and French news programs . Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-08094-5 .
Web links
- Overview of stylistic devices in the tabloid press ( Memento from June 15, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
- Page no longer available , search in web archives: Christian Schüle: Volksverdummung - Endstation Boulevard ) in Rheinischer Merkur ( now belongs to Münchner Merkur) (
Individual evidence
- ↑ Walburga Hülk-Althoff , Gregor shoes (ed.): Haussmann and the consequences. From the boulevard to the boulevardization (= Edition lendemains. Vol. 25). Narr, Tübingen 2012, ISBN 978-3-8233-6661-4 .
- ^ A b Johannes Raabe: Tabloid press . In: Günter Bentele , Hans-Bernd Brosius , Otfried Jarren (eds.): Lexicon of communication and media science . 2nd edition Springer, Wiesbaden 2013, ISBN 978-3-531-93431-0 , p. 33 f.
- ↑ Netzeitung: Study proves tabloidization of news ( Memento of May 13, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
- ^ Siegfried Weischenberg, Maja Malik, Armin Scholl: The prompter of the media society. Report on the journalists in Germany. Konstanz 2006, UVK, p. 204.
- ↑ Advertise & Sell: Spark reanimates the West | W&V. December 1, 2016, accessed July 11, 2020 .
- ↑ These are the best Swiss media. In: , September 20, 2016.