Rainbow press

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The term rainbow press is understood to mean illustrated weekly magazines that often deal with topics from the nobility or show business . The name is derived from the design in all the colors of the rainbow and the header on the title page. Another name is colored leaves . It is also sometimes assigned to the yellow press , a term that rather characterizes the daily sensational press . During the lifetime of the Persian Empress Soraya , the name Soraya-Presse had developed for this genre. In publishing jargon, the rainbow sheets are counted among the "entertaining women's magazines".

Format, distribution, target audience and design

The weekly papers form a considerable part of the press landscape. In the women's magazine segment (with approx. 21.6 million copies sold per edition in 2001) they occupy a 44 percent market share (2003). About 9 million of these magazines are sold every week. The weekly papers are differentiated from classic bi-weekly women's magazines and daily tabloid products. Originally and until the 1960s, the sheets of the rainbow press actually had a newspaper format and not the magazine or magazine format that is common today , which is why the expression rainbow newspapers became established.

Many rainbow sheets are specifically aimed at women and are "entirely tailored to the suspected entertainment and gossip needs of older women". However, it has been assumed since the 1960s that the actual reach of the papers extends well beyond the specified target audience. According to analyzes of the readership structure, rainbow leaves are and were in principle present in all classes of the population, with a female audience from the lower class being overrepresented from the age of around 49. As a result of multiple reception, in the 1980s a reading audience of around 32 million German citizens (at that time almost half of the population of West Germany ), well in excess of the circulation figures, consumed rainbow sheets. However, the proportion has fallen sharply in the past 20 years, which is why many publishers are trying to create a more youthful appearance or appropriate substitute products that appeal to younger women.

The choice of topics and the preparation of the rainbow press do not differ significantly from tabloid journalism and the tabloid media , the boundaries are fluid. Much of the reporting in the rainbow press is focused on people from prominent circles, who are usually assumed to have a certain image created by the editorial team and often also coordinated with those concerned themselves , and who are consolidated through recurring reporting. The coverage of Farah Diba , Silvia of Sweden , Lady Di , Caroline of Monaco or Letizia of Spain is emblematic of many other prominent nobles in Europe.

In general, there is a lot of work with emotional content and messages that are sensationally disseminated and, to a large extent, based on unproven or fictitious assumptions. Frequent topics are love relationships, public "scandals" and personal suffering such as illnesses , accidents or aging .

In addition to emotional reporting on the fate of celebrities and all sorts of gossip , fashion , cosmetics , diet and travel tips , health topics as well as advice and life help sections help to loosen up the reading diet.

The image of life conveyed in these magazines generally has conservative features. The readership is offered to cling to traditional values ​​as a solution to cope with reality. In addition to this value orientation, which is often only conveyed subliminally, reading is intended to serve as a distraction and diversion.

Because of the high sales figures and the broad public, the rainbow press is a popular and highly competitive market for the advertising and PR industry. The pharmaceutical industry in particular invests large sums of money in advertising in this print segment, whereby pharmaceutical manufacturers primarily advertise over-the-counter drugs and health- promoting products in line with target groups . In line with this orientation of the advertising market, medical topics play an important role in the relevant reporting in the rainbow press.

From German history

  • In 1725/26 the Leipzig professor Gottsched published “The Reasonable Blamers” and thereby respected women as readers for the first time with their own ideas about interesting reading material.
  • 1932 - With the title “Neue Welt”, the Welt am Sonnabend Verlag distributes a forerunner of the rainbow press that flourished after the Second World War.

German-language magazine titles

Magazine title Publishing year Publisher (as of 2018)
Avanti 2000 Bauer Media Group
Image of woman 1983 Funke Women Group
The golden leaf 1971 Funke Women Group
the new 1983 Bauer Media Group
The new sheet 1950 Bauer Media Group
The actual 1979 Funke Women Group
The new woman 1999 Klambt media group
Echo of the woman 1973 Funke Women Group
Woman currently 1965 Funke Women Group
Woman in the mirror 1946 Funke Women Group
Woman with heart 1949 Klambt media group
Leisure review 1970 Hubert Burda Media
Leisure week 2004 Bauer Media Group
Gala 1994 Gruner + Jahr
Lucky mail 1977 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG (CH)
Happiness Review 1986 Hubert Burda Media
InTouch 2005 Bauer Media Group
Take a rest 1993 Bauer Media Group
Mini 1986 Bauer Media Group
New post 1948 Bauer Media Group
New world 1932 Funke Women Group
New week 1998 Hubert Burda Media
Nice week 2000 Bauer Media Group
Schweizer Illustrierte 1911 Ringier Axel Springer Media AG (CH)
Have fun 1999 Hubert Burda Media
World of women 2001 Klambt media group
Week of the Woman 1999 Klambt media group

See also


  • Walter Nutz: The rainbow press. An analysis of the colorful German weekly papers. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1971.
  • Christa Kodron-Lundgren, Christoph Kodron: 20,000,000 under the rainbow. To the content analysis of the rainbow press (= series Hanser 210 communication research ). With a foreword by Jürgen Ritsert . Hanser, Munich et al. 1985, ISBN 3-446-12204-4 .
  • Johannes Raabe: Rainbow press. In: Günter Bentele , Hans-Bernd Brosius , Otfried Jarren (eds.): Lexicon of communication and media studies. Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2006, ISBN 3-531-13535-X , p. 243.
  • Oskar Stodiek: The media agenda in medical journalism in the “rainbow press”. Theming pattern of a type of print media. Lit Verlag, Berlin 2009 (dissertation, Bochum 2008), ISBN 978-3-643-10054-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Friedrich Wehrle , Holger Busch: Developments and perspectives in the consumer magazine market. In: Andreas Vogel , Christina Holtz-Bacha (ed.): Journals and magazine research (special issue 3/2002 of the journal Publizistik ). 2nd edition, Springer VS , Wiesbaden 2002, pp. 85-108 (here: p. 98).
  2. ^ Oskar Stodiek: The media agenda in the medical journalism of the "rainbow press". Berlin 2009, pp. 85, 146, 309.
  3. Wolfgang Koschnick (1996), quoted from Oskar Stodiek: The media agenda in the medical journalism of the “rainbow press”. Berlin 2009, p. 152.
  4. ^ Oskar Stodiek: The media agenda in the medical journalism of the "rainbow press". Berlin 2009, p. 149 f.
  5. ^ Georg Seeßlen , Bernt Kling : The great entertainment lexicon. Western, science fiction, horror, crime, adventure, comedy, romance, home and family, sports and games, sex. Gondrom Verlag, Bayreuth o. J. (1982), p. 134.
  6. Norbert Schulz-Bruhdoel, Katja Fuerstenau: The PR and press fibula (= BBC book. ). 5th updated edition. FAZ Institute for Management, Market and Media Information, Frankfurt am Main 2011, ISBN 978-3-89981-170-4 , p. 109.
  7. ^ Oskar Stodiek: The media agenda in the medical journalism of the "rainbow press". Berlin 2009, p. 163 ff. (Chapter: Medical journalism and the “rainbow press”: configuration of an interdependence ).