Andreas von Bülow

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Andreas von Bülow (2005)

Andreas von Bülow (born July 17, 1937 in Dresden ) is a former German politician ( SPD ) and author of several political non-fiction books. From 1976 to 1980 he was Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Defense Minister , before he became Federal Minister for Research and Technology in the Helmut Schmidt cabinet until 1982 . In his later publications, particularly on the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 , he spread conspiracy theories .


The von Bülow family on October 28, 1928 in front of their
Rogeez manor

Andreas von Bülow comes from the Mecklenburg primeval noble family of the von Bülow . His father Georg-Ulrich von Bülow came to the Bülow family estate Rogeez in the Mecklenburg Lake District in 1911 as the son of Otto von Bülow and his wife Auguste, née. von Plessen (a. d. H. Dolgen ), and became professor for violoncello at the University of Music in Heidelberg. His mother Susanne, born in 1901, b. Haym, was the daughter of the music director Professor Hans Haym . Andreas von Bülow is married, has four children and a younger brother. His daughter Alice, known as Lissi, will be the SPD candidate for the office of mayor in Bonn in 2020 .

Life and work

After graduating from high school in 1956 at the Kurfürst-Friedrich-Gymnasium Heidelberg , Bülow completed a law degree in Heidelberg and Munich , which he completed in 1960 with the first state examination. He spent a study visit to the USA. In 1964 he finished his legal education with the second state examination . In 1966 he entered the higher administrative service of the state of Baden-Württemberg and worked here in the district offices of Heidelberg and Balingen as well as for the district president of South Württemberg-Hohenzollern . In 1969 his promotion to the doctorate in law at the University of Heidelberg with the work Monitoring of the natural gas industry by the Federal Power Commission as an example of the functions of the independent public monitoring commissions of the American federal administration .

Political career

Andreas von Bülow (left) with Hans Matthöfer at the SPD party conference in Munich, 1982

Bülow has been a member of the SPD since 1960. From 1968 to 1975 he was chairman of the SPD district association in Balingen. From 1969 to 1994 Bülow was a member of the German Bundestag . At times he was a member of the parliamentary control commission of the intelligence services. From 1976 to 1980 Bülow was Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Defense and took part in the Bilderberg Conference in Princeton (USA) in April 1978 . After the federal election in 1980 , on November 6, 1980, he was appointed Federal Minister for Research and Technology to the federal government led by Chancellor Helmut Schmidt . On October 1, 1982 he left the federal government after Helmut Kohl was elected Chancellor.

Activity as an author

Since leaving the Bundestag in 1994, Bülow has been working as an author with a focus on secret services. He was able to gain experience in this regard as a member of the parliamentary control commission of the intelligence services and in 1992/1993 as the SPD chairman in the Schalck-Golodkowski investigation committee. According to his own statement, he was taken aback by the fact that although illegal activities by Eastern intelligence services were discussed in the committee of inquiry, there was a wall of silence on suspicion of illegal activities by Western services. This stimulated him to research covert operations by Western services, which he published in his first book In the Name of the State . According to his own statement, he came across a "terrifying picture of the systematic, operative interlinking of secret service, i.e. state, operations with organized crime , drug trafficking and terrorism ".

On behalf of the state

In his first book In the Name of the State , Bülow writes about the use of criminal methods in the context of so-called “black operations” by the secret services BND , Mossad and CIA . On the latter in particular, he put forward numerous theses, many of which are related to well-known events such as the mysterious death of Uwe Barschel or the assassination attempt on John Paul II . In the case of Barschel, for example, he describes in detail his alleged murder by secret services. In relation to the hostage-taking of Tehran , he claims that the team around the future President Ronald Reagan contributed to delaying the release of the hostages in order to help Reagan win the presidential election against incumbent President Jimmy Carter ( October Surprise theory ). The book received good reviews when it was published, was quite successful and reached twelve editions as a paperback . In 1999, Der Spiegel called it a “thoroughly documented, biting criticism of the machinations of the CIA and other Western services.” In a 2003 article on Bülow's book on September 11, 2001, Der Spiegel's verdict on his first book was made clearly more critical: It treats "alleged dark business dealings of the services with drug barons and terrorists ", is "reading material at James Bond level" and already as "abstruse" as its publications on September 11th. In the review of the FAZ, well-founded content is distinguished from over-reaching assumptions that lead to conspiracy-theoretical ideas about the control of entire states. The reviewer sees one reason in the limited selection of literature by the author, of which The Nation and the Covert Action Information Bulletin are particularly mentioned.

The CIA and September 11th. International Terror and the Role of the Secret Services

The second book The CIA and September 11th. International Terror and the Role of the Secret Services from 2003, which is now in its 7th edition, deals with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 . It deals with the role that American government agencies, in particular the CIA , might have played in their creation and later investigation.

Bülow asks numerous questions about this and cites evidence that, in his opinion, cast doubt on the official account of the attacks. In particular, the fact that no regular proceedings were initiated after September 11th, as is usually the case with any crime, but that the culprits were presented immediately afterwards, is an indication for him that facts about the background of the attacks were withheld or falsified .

In reality, the American secret service CIA and the Israeli Mossad are behind the attacks , because they have drawn the greatest benefit from the subsequent events ( cui bono ). The Mossad knew about attacks in advance, but only warned Israelis. Therefore, only a single Israeli citizen who happened to visit one of the towers was among the nearly 3,000 victims of the terrorist attacks. Bülow also cites the fact that the owner of the twin towers, Larry Silverstein, allegedly profited considerably from the destruction of the building. He even implies that the Mossad was the real originator of the terrorist attacks because it infiltrated and secretly controlled al-Qaida . However, Bülow does not state how many of the initially 300 missing Israelis were among the more than 15,000 people who were able to escape from the WTC buildings.

Bülow gave numerous interviews about his book, including the magazine concrete , the MLPD weekly newspaper Rote Fahne , the Tagesspiegel and the ZDF . The biggest response was an appearance by Sandra Maischberger on September 9, 2003. Maischberger strongly criticized Bülow for relying largely on newspaper reports and internet sources. Their main criticism was that, although he claimed that the assassins were alive and had already been interviewed, he had not tried to contact them himself. Bülow replied that he did not have the capacity to do this.

Some of Bülow's theses agree with known conspiracy theories as of September 11, 2001 . He has therefore been referred to several times as a conspiracy theorist ; Bülow was accused of referring to unreliable sources and of having done little research himself . Bülow himself stated in an interview with the online magazine Telepolis that he was exposed to a campaign .

The Arabic-language edition of the book also caused controversy. Khalil al Haidar criticized the book in the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Watan on May 21, 2006. One of the points of criticism there, however, was the false claim on the blurb of the Arabic-language edition that Bülow was "head of the secret services in the German government".



  • The Bülow paper. Strategy of trust-building security structures in Europe. Paths to a security partnership. Eichborn, Frankfurt am Main 1985, ISBN 3-8218-1050-5 .
  • The imagined inferiority. The West-East balance of power as it really is (= Beck's black series. Vol. 297). With a controversy between Hans Rühle and Andreas von Bülow. CH Beck, Munich 1985, ISBN 3-406-30774-4 .
  • On behalf of the state. CIA, BND and the criminal machinations of the secret services. Piper, Munich et al. 1998, ISBN 3-492-04050-0 .
  • The CIA and September 11th. International Terror and the Role of the Secret Services. Piper, Munich et al. 2003, ISBN 3-492-04545-6 .
  • DVD: The lies about 9/11. Schild-Verlag , Elbingen 2009, and Kai Homilius Verlag , Werder 2009, ISBN 978-3-89706-204-7 .
  • The German catastrophes 1914 to 1918 and 1933 to 1945 in the great game of powers. Kopp-Verlag, 1st edition 2014, ISBN 978-3-86445-169-0

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. M. Naumann: The Plessen - ancestry from the XIII. to XX. Century . Edited by Dr. Helmold von Plessen on behalf of the family association. 2nd revised and expanded edition. CA Starke Verlag, Limburg an der Lahn, 1971, p. 162
  2. ^ Genealogical handbook of the nobility . v. Bülow , Volume 92 of the complete series; Limburg (Lahn): CA Starke, 1987, pp. 235-238
  3. Biographical information about Lissi von Bülow on her own homepage , accessed on July 26, 2020.
  4. LITERATURE on the secret service and espionage . In: Der Spiegel . No. 8 , 1999, p. 149 ( online ).
  5. Dominik Cziesche: Dark Powers . In: Der Spiegel . No. 32 , 2003 ( online ).
  7. ^ Hans Kluth: Review: non-fiction book, control of entire nations, conspiracy theories of a State Secretary a. D., FAZ of July 12, 1999, accessed on January 4, 2015
  8. Wolfgang Wippermann : Agents of Evil. Conspiracy theories from Luther to the present day. be.bra, Berlin 2007, pp. 136-139; Andreas von Bülow: The CIA and September 11th. International Terror and the Role of the Secret Services. Piper, Munich 2003. Section: An Israeli victim on September 11th.
  9. Concrete interview with Andreas von Bülow ( Memento of November 16, 2002 in the Internet Archive ), 2001
  10. "There are traces like a trampling herd of elephants". Andreas von Bülow in conversation with Stephan Lebert and Norbert Thomma. In: Der Tagesspiegel , January 13, 2002, online at the Humanist Union .
  11. Jörg Lau : September 11th: One delusion supports the other. Why the left succumbs to 9/11 conspiracy theories first. In: Die Zeit vom 11 September 2003 ( online , accessed on 2 January 2016).
  12. Dominik Cziesche: Dark Powers . In: Der Spiegel . No. 32 , 2003, p. 32-33 ( online ).
  13. Christian Stöcker: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Airplanes in the head. In: Spiegel Online . September 1, 2011, accessed December 16, 2014 .
  14. Panopticon of the absurd . In: Der Spiegel . No. 37 , 2003, p. 58 ( online ).
  15. Wolfgang Wippermann: Agents of Evil. Conspiracy theories from Luther to today , be.bra. Verlag Berlin 2007, pp. 136-140.
  16. Tobias Jaecker : Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories after September 11th. LIT Verlag Münster, 2005, ISBN 978-3-8258-7917-4 , p. 95. Restricted preview in the Google book search
  17. Control of entire nations. In: . July 12, 1999, accessed December 16, 2014 .
  18. Marcus Klöckner: "A large part of the dilapidated media only looks at the exploitable scandal sentence". In: Telepolis. September 11, 2010, accessed December 16, 2014 .
  19. Translated excerpts from the article can be found in a contribution by Spiegel author Henryk M. Broder " A German attempt to acquit bin Laden "