Little fat-tailed pouch mouse

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Little fat-tailed pouch mouse
Subclass : Marsupials (Marsupialia)
Superordinate : Australidelphia
Order : Raubbeutleriformes (Dasyuromorphia)
Family : Predator (Dasyuridae)
Genre : Fat-tailed pouch mice ( Pseudantechinus )
Type : Little fat-tailed pouch mouse
Scientific name
Pseudantechinus mimulus
( Thomas , 1906)
first place where Pseudantechinus mimulus was found

The Small fat-tail bag Mouse ( Pseudantechinus mimulus ) is a kind of genre of fat-tailed marsupial mice , which in Australia is endemic.


The coat color of Pseudantechinus mimulus is yellow-brown on the back and gray-white on the belly. It differs from the other fat-tailed pouch mice in its small size.

Nothing is known about the behavior of the species.


The first specimen of Pseudantechinus mimulus was discovered in the Northern Territory in 1905 , since then, despite an intensive search, there have been no further finds on the mainland. According to current knowledge, the species only lives on three small islands of the Sir Edward Pellew Group in the northeast of the Northern Territory in the Gulf of Carpentaria . Their habitat is rock areas overgrown with Spinifex .


Due to its small distribution area, the species is listed as endangered ( vulnerable ) by the IUCN , but this information is out of date. The species is likely to be relatively common on the islands.


This fat-tailed pouch mouse has only been considered a distinct species since 1991. After its first description in 1906, it was considered a synonym for Pseudantechinus macdonnellensis for a long time .


  • Groves, Colin (November 16, 2005). in Wilson, DE, and Reeder, DM (eds): Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, 27. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 .
  • Menkhorst, Peter (2001): A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia. Oxford University Press, 60.
  • Johnson, KA & Langford, DG (1995), “Carpentarian Pseudantechinus”, in Strahan, Ronald, The Mammals of Australia, Reed Books, pp. 77-78
  • Pseudantechinus mimulus in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2006. Posted by: Australasian Marsupial & Monotreme Specialist Group, 2000. Retrieved on 4 June of 2008.