Pseudolais micronemus

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Pseudolais micronemus
Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Family : Shark catfish (Pangasiidae)
Genre : Pseudolais
Type : Pseudolais micronemus
Scientific name
Pseudolais micronemus
( Bleeker , 1847)

Pseudolais micronemus is a species of fish in the genus Pseudolais within the shark catfish family. The species occurs in the river systems of the Mekong and Perfume Rivers, on the Malay Peninsula , as well as on Sumatra , Java and Borneo . The species is fished commercially andgrownin aquaculture .


Pseudolais micronemus reaches a body length of about one meter and a weight of up to 22 kg. The body is elongated and laterally flattened, yellowish to yellowish-brown with a cinnamon-brown back and a silvery belly. Young animals are almost translucent. It is named after the short, thin barbels , of which those of the upper jaw are shorter than half the length of the head and those of the lower jaw are even shorter. The eye is very big. The hard rays of the dorsal fin and pectoral fins are thin. The muzzle is blunt, the lower jaw is pointed. The first arch of the gill trap has 13 to 20 (24) rays. The fins are yellowish, the dorsal fin and the tips of the caudal fin are occasionally blackish. The short dorsal fin has two hard and seven soft rays, the anal fin has 28 to 38 soft rays, the pectoral fins one hard and 14 soft rays and the pelvic fins six soft rays. The adipose fin is very small.

Way of life

The species is omnivorous and feeds on various aquatic invertebrates as well as plant material.


  • TR Roberts, C. Vidthayanon: Systematic revision of the Asian catfish family Pangasiidae, with biological observations and descriptions of three new species. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia . tape 143 , 1991, pp. 97-144 (English).
  • Günther Sterba: Freshwater fish from all over the world . Urania, Leipzig, Jena, Berlin 1977, pp. 237 .
  • Pseudolais micronemus on (English)
  • Pseudolais micronemus inthe IUCN 2013 Red List of Threatened Species . Listed by: Vidthayanon, C., 2011. Retrieved January 10, 2014.