Pseudotropheus crabro

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Pseudotropheus crabro
A male specimen of the Pseudotropheus crabro

A male specimen of the Pseudotropheus crabro

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Haplochromini
Genre : Pseudotropheus
Type : Pseudotropheus crabro
Scientific name
Pseudotropheus crabro
( Ribbink & Lewis , 1982)

Pseudotropheus crabro (also known in the trade as Pseudotropheus chameleo ) is a cichlid from Africa , which was discovered by Ribbink and Lewis in 1982. Thefish gotits name ( chameleo ) because of its ability to change color quickly.

Occurrence and habitat

The Pseudotropheus crabro is endemic . He lives on the shores of Lake Malawi and the island of Likoma . The water temperature is 24–28 ° C and the water is slightly basic (pH 7.5–8.0).


The length of the fish is about 15 cm, with the male being slightly larger. The male has one or more "egg spots" on the anal fin . In addition, the anal fin is larger and more pointed than in the female.

Sexual Behavior and Brood

The female lays 20–50 eggs, which she puts in her mouth immediately after fertilization and incubates there for about 21 days. After this incubation period, the young animals leave their mouths and are completely independent.



Web links

Commons : Pseudotropheus crabro  - collection of images, videos and audio files