Ptilium modestum

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Ptilium modestum
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Dwarf beetles (Ptiliidae)
Subfamily : Ptiliinae
Genre : Ptilium
Type : Ptilium modestum
Scientific name
Ptilium modestum
Wankowicz , 1869

Ptilium modestum is a beetle fromthe dwarf beetle family (Ptiliidae).


The beetles reach a body length of 0.5 millimeters and have an elongated, flat arched body. This is yellow-brown in color and very fine, short and closely haired. The head and pronotum are occasionally a little darker brown. The pronotum has only a delicately indicated central furrow, the lateral lines are missing, the sides of the pronotum are indistinctly ragged from the base. The wings are lighter yellow-brown translucent at the tip. The antennae and legs are yellow.

Occurrence and way of life

The species occurs in northern and central Europe, especially in the east. In Denmark, the south of Norway, central Sweden, Finland and Lithuania, the species is widespread, but occurs only very sporadically and rarely. The southern distribution runs through France and Italy. The animals live myrmekophil with Lasius brunneus . They can be found in mole nests and on rotting wood and plant material.


Web links


  • A. Horion: Faunistics of the Central European Beetles Volume II: Palpicornia - Staphylinoidea, Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main, 1949.
  • Edmund Reitter: Fauna Germanica - The beetles of the German Empire. 5 volumes, Stuttgart KG Lutz 1908–1916, digital library volume 134, Directmedia Publishing GmbH, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-898-53534-7