Ptolemy of Aloros

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Ptolemy of Aloros , a nobleman from the city of Aloros , was the ruler of Macedonia for the still underage King Perdiccas III. According to another tradition, he himself bore the title of King of Macedonia. His parentage is also controversial. Diodorus reports that he was a son of Amyntas III. but this seems unlikely. Other sources say that he does not come from the Macedonian royal family.

Ptolemy was with Eurynoe, daughter of Amyntas III. and Eurydice , married. With Eurydice, his mother-in-law and lover, he is said to have plotted a murder against Amyntas III. forged. However, his wife Eurynoe found out about it and warned her father. As Amyntas III. finally died a natural death, occurred 370 BC. His son Alexander II to succeed him. Ptolemy and Eurydice now wanted to wrest the throne from Alexander II, which was initially prevented by the intervention of Pelopidas . 368 BC Nevertheless, Ptolemy murdered Alexander and took over the unrestricted rule over Macedonia.

Afterwards Ptolemy seems to have married Eurydice, but her government met with considerable resistance. Pausanias, another candidate for the royal throne, took power over large parts of Macedonia. Only with the help of the Athenian general Iphikrates could this be repulsed, Perdiccas III. was crowned king and Ptolemy took over the reign of the young ruler. 365 BC Ptolemy fell in an assassination attempt by Perdiccas III. to the victim who apparently wanted to secure his own position.


predecessor Office successor
Alexander II King of Macedonia
368–365 BC Chr.
Perdiccas III.