Pua (bible)

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Pua is the name of a midwife in the Old Testament . Together with Shifra , she prevents the murder of the male descendants of the Israelites in Egypt.


The Hebrew name פּוּעָה Puʿah is mostly derived from the Ugaritic pgt , which means "girl". According to another derivation, the name means "shine". The derivation from the Hebrew verb rootפעה paʿah , German , moaning, screaming , as proposed by Rashi with reference to Isa 42,14  EU in his Pentateuch commentary, is no longer represented. In the Septuagint the name is rendered with φουα fua .

Biblical report

Pua was a midwife to the Israelites in Egypt. The Pharaoh instructed her and the midwife Shifra (שִׁפְרָה Shifrah ) to let the male offspring die in obstetrics. Both refused to carry out this order out of fear of God. When confronted by the Pharaoh about this, they claimed that the Hebrew women, unlike the Egyptian women, gave birth before a midwife arrived, so that they would not have been able to carry out their assignment. Thereupon the pharaoh ordered all male newborns to be thrown into the Nile ( Ex 1.15–22  EU ).

Extra-biblical reception

The Targum pseudo-Jonathan identifies Shifra with Jochebed named in Ex 6.20  EU , the mother of Aarons and Moses , and Pua with Mirjam named in Ex 15.20  EU , the daughter of Jochebeds and sister of Aaron and Moses.

Individual evidence

  1. Ilse Muellner:  Midwife. In: Michaela Bauks, Klaus Koenen, Stefan Alkier (Eds.): The Scientific Biblical Lexicon on the Internet (WiBiLex), Stuttgart 2006 ff.
  2. ^ Raschi's Pentateuch commentary completely translated into German and provided with an introduction by Rabb. Dr. Selig Bamberger , p. 140
  3. Targum Pseudo-Jonathan to Ex 1. In: Sefaria.org. Retrieved May 27, 2018 .