Publius Furius Philus (Praetor)

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Publius Furius Philus was in the first half of the 2nd century BC. A politician of the Roman Republic and came from the patrician family of the Furier .

It is first mentioned in the history of the Roman historian Titus Livius in 174 BC. Mentioned when he became praetor and received as province Hispania citerior , where he stayed the next year. When he in 171 BC When he returned, he was accused by the provincials of extortion in the case of Lusitanian grain deliveries and accused by the important Roman politician Marcus Porcius Cato Censorius in a repetition trial. After an initial hearing, the trial was adjourned, but Furius feared his conviction and went into exile in the city ​​of Praeneste in Lazio .

The further fate of Furius is unknown. Coins cannot be assigned to him with certainty.



  1. Livy 41, 21, 3 and 42, 4, 2f.
  2. ^ Fragment of Catos' related speech in Flavius ​​Sosipater Charisius , p. 224, 14 ed.Keil.
  3. Livius 43, 2, 8ff .; Pseudo-Asconius to Cicero , divinatio in Q. Caecilium , p. 124 ed. Orelli.