Quartier (Paris)
In French, Quartier ( German city district ) can mean two things:
- In common parlance, the quarter can denote a (city) quarter, which means a certain identity for the residents: Architectural, social, functional, linguistic or other cohesive characteristic ; for example Quartier Latin , le Marais , Quartier asiatique ; Quartier d'affaires
- In Paris, each of the 20 arrondissements is divided into four sub-districts, or quatre quartiers .
At the instigation of MP Daniel Vaillant , a law was passed on February 27, 2002 ( Conseil de quartier ), which led to the formation of 121 new districts ( Quartiers ) in Paris , for each of which a parliament was formed.
Historical development
After the Romans withdrew and during the early and high Middle Ages , Paris had only four quarters . The chroniclers of the French king Philip August recorded their names in the 12th century: Île de la Cité , Saint-Jacques-la-Boucherie , La Verrerie and La Grève . The left bank of the Seine ( Rive Gauche ) was firmly in the hands of several abbeys and did not belong to the city. Philippe-Auguste had the city's fortifications reinforced and expanded so that the number of quarters rose to eight. In 1383 the city walls were extended again and the number of quarters rose to 16. In 1701 there were 20.
1789 Paris was in 60 districts ( districts split). This structure, however, was not very successful, why change the administrative divisions again in May 1790 and the city into 48 sections ( sections ) was divided. During the administrative reform of 1795, these sections officially became 48 quarters , four of which were combined in an arrondissement.
When, on January 1, 1860, the communes of the then banlieue were incorporated into Paris and 8 new arrondissements were created, the number of quarters rose by 32 to the 80 that still exist today.
See also: