Quatember (magazine)

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Quarterly Books for Church Renewal and Unity

description Evangelical journal of the Berneuchen movement
Area of ​​Expertise Theology, spirituality
language German
publishing company Lutheran Publishing House , Hanover (Germany)
First edition 17th December 1952
Frequency of publication quarterly
Editor-in-chief Florian Herrmann
editor Evangelical Michael Brotherhood, Berneuchen Service
Web link quatember.de
ZDB 219022-9

Quatember is an evangelical quarterly “for renewal and unity of the church ”. It goes back to the annual letters of the Berneuchener Kreis (since 1931) and the Evangelical annual letters (since 1948). Under its current name, which is linked to the quarterly Quatember fasting days, it has been published since 1952, originally in the Johannes Stauda publishing house, today in the Lutheran publishing house .

Rooted in the Berneuchen movement and its communities, Quatember is a forum for impulses for the renewal of the spiritual, liturgical and communal life of the Evangelical Church and its service in the world with an ecumenical perspective.

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