Quintus Granius (Prosecutor)

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Quintus Granius was a member of the Roman family of the Granii and appeared in 24 AD as the accuser of Lucius Calpurnius Piso .

Piso, Augur and Consul of the year 1 BC In the past, he had shown not exactly subservient behavior towards Tiberius and dared to lead blunt speeches, an act that the emperor might not have completely forgiven him despite appearances. In 24 AD, Quintus Granius accused the Piso of having uttered insults of majesty in private conversations; moreover, the accused would have kept poison in his home and always carried a sword with him when he appeared in the Senate . The latter charge was deemed implausible and dropped, but Piso should be tried on the other charges; but he died before he could be tried.



  1. ^ Tacitus , Annals 4, 21.