Quorundam exigit

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With the papal bull Quorundam exigit of October 7, 1317, Pope John XXII admonished . the friars and called for obedience. With this bull the general end of spirituality was introduced for the Franciscan order.

The Pope deplored the exaggerated zeal for spirituality and asceticism as well as the growing radical ideal of poverty and called on the friars to obedience.

In addition, John XXII. the earlier ordinances of his predecessor Nicholas III. ( Exiit qui seminat , 1279) and Clemens V ( Exivi de paradiso , 1312) and warned of a renewed poverty struggle . The Minister General of the Friars Minor Michael of Cesena was it, who pushed through the new bull and even some Franciscan monasteries dissolved.

Individual evidence

  1. Susanne Stracke-Neumann:  MICHAEL von Cesena. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 5, Bautz, Herzberg 1993, ISBN 3-88309-043-3 , Sp. 1453-1456.

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