Réunion ring-necked parakeet

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Reunion Parakeet †
Illustration of the type description by Martinet from 1779

Illustration of the type description by Martinet from 1779

Order : Parrots (Psittaciformes)
Family : True parrots (Psittacidae)
Subfamily : Eclectic parrots (Psittaculinae)
Genre : Noble Parakeets ( Psittacula )
Type : Echo parakeet ( Psittacula eques )
Subspecies : Reunion Parakeet †
Scientific name
Psittacula eques eques
( Boddaert , 1783)

Psittacula eques eques (English called Réunion parakeet ) was a little-known parrot from the island of Réunion , which was probably already extinct in 1770. It was very similar to the Mauritius parakeet ( Psittacula eques echo ) from Mauritius . DNA research from 2015 indicated that it was likely subspecies of the same species. The bird world of the Mascarene Islands has been mercilessly decimated since the 18th century and so besides the bird - also known as the "Réunion parakeet" - various bird species, including the dodo and seven other parrot species, have become extinct. These include: Rodrigues Parrot ( Necropsittacus rodericanus ) Mascarene Parrot ( Mascarinus mascarinus ), Mauritius Parrot ( Lophopsittacus mauritianus ), Mauritius Gray Parrot ( Psittacula bensoni ), Newton's Parakeet ( Psittacula Exsul ).


Representation by Jacques Barraband , 1801

Given the limited evidence available, it is difficult to decide whether the birds of Mauritius and Réunion were different species. The change in the nomenclature of Psittacula echo met with broad approval in the literature and more and more evidence suggests that the Réunion parakeet , which was previously only known from paintings and hearsay, actually existed. A bellows has been discovered in the Royal Museum of Scotland and various descriptions. The question of whether it is one or two species is assessed depending on the lumpers and splinters . A DNA analysis from 2015 revealed that it is probably a subspecies of Psittacula eques .


Réunion parakeet above, by François-Nicolas Martinet , 1760

There is little material on the bird. As far as is known, there is only a single bellows and few drawings and descriptions. One can assume, however, that it was similar to the Mauritius parakeet from the neighboring island except for details of the drawing and the color of the plumage.

Individual evidence

  1. BirdLife International (2006, 2007b), Hume (2007)
  2. H. Jackson, CG Jones, PM Agapow, V. Tatayah, JJ Groombridge: Micro-evolutionary diversification among Indian Ocean parrots: temporal and spatial changes in phylogenetic diversity as a consequence of extinction and invasion. In: Ibis . 157, No. 3, 2015, pp. 496-510. doi: 10.1111 / ibi.12275
  3. NHM: Reunion Parakeet ( memento of the original from August 26, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / piclib.nhm.ac.uk