Río Patate

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Río Patate - Río Cutuchi
The Cutuchi River Gorge

The Cutuchi River Gorge

location Cotopaxi and Tungurahua provinces in Ecuador
River system Amazon
Drain over Río Pastaza  → Río Marañón  → Amazon  → Atlantic Ocean
Headwaters North flank of Cotopaxi
0 ° 40 ′ 13 ″  S , 78 ° 26 ′ 47 ″  W
Source height approx.  5000  m
Association with Río Chambo to Río Pastaza Coordinates: 1 ° 24 ′ 18 ″  S , 78 ° 28 ′ 21 ″  W 1 ° 24 ′ 18 ″  S , 78 ° 28 ′ 21 ″  W.
Mouth height approx.  1850  m
Height difference approx. 3150 m
Bottom slope approx. 27 ‰
length approx. 115 km
Catchment area approx. 4200 km²
Discharge at the gauge above Río Yanayacu
A Eo : 2423 km²
12.9 m³ / s
5.3 l / (s km²)
Left tributaries Río Aláquez, Río Illuchi, Río Yanayacu
Right tributaries Río Nagsiche, Río Ambato
Big cities Latacunga
Small towns San Miguel de Salcedo , Patate
View of the Río Patate not far from the junction with the Río Chambo

View of the Río Patate not far from the junction with the Río Chambo

The Río Patate is the approx. 115 km long left source river of the Río Pastaza in central Ecuador . In the upper and middle reaches the river is called Río Cutuchi .

River course

The Río Cutuchi has its source in the province of Cotopaxi on the northern flank of the Cotopaxi volcano in the Cordillera Real . It flows around the mountain initially to the west and finally to the south. The Río Cutuchi flows through the central high valley of Ecuador in a southerly direction. It passes the large city of Latacunga and the small towns of San Miguel de Salcedo and Patate . Larger tributaries are Río Aláquez , Río Illuchi, and Río Yanayacu from the left, and Río Nagsiche and Río Ambato from the right. In the lower 40 kilometers, in the province of Tungurahua , the river is called Río Patate . This finally meets 5.7 km west of Baños on the Río Chambo coming from the south , with which it unites to the Río Pastaza.


The catchment area covers around 4200 km². The mean discharge above the confluence of the Río Yanayacu is 12.9 m³ / s.

Web links

Commons : Río Cutuchi  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. A. Laraque, J. Ronchail et al. a .: Heterogeneous Distribution of Rainfall and Discharge Regimes in the Ecuadorian Amazon Basin. In: Journal of Hydrometeorology. 8, 2007, p. 1364, doi : 10.1175 / 2007JHM784.1 .