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Röekillorna in 2016

Röekillorna is a water-filled basin discovered in 1951 near Löderup in the municipality of Ystad in southeastern Skåne . It is located about 1.5 km southwest of Hagestad and bears its name because of the strong red color that the rising water has due to the high iron content.

This spring was used as a sacrificial site and sanctuary from the Neolithic to the Roman Empire. It was fully researched by Berta Stjernquist (1918–2010) in the years 1960–1962.

Around 6,000 pieces of bone have been excavated in and near the spring. 4000 of these could be determined. Around a third come from horses and dogs . Also, any sheep , goats , pigs and cattle are identified. Herved Berlin was able to assign 44 bones to people, at least two adults and one child. In addition, stone tools from different times were found with which the animals were killed and dismantled. There are also millstones , charred pieces of wood, stones that were damaged by fire and split marrow bones. On the inside of broken vessels from the Bronze and Iron Ages , traces of animal fat indicate that food has been stored. A fibula from the pre-Roman Iron Age was part of a person's garb.

The landscape was densely populated at that time. Apparently animals, people and food were sacrificed. The devices used were then left intentionally destroyed.

Individual evidence

  1. Bemmann and Hahne p. 40 f.
  2. Märta Strömberg : The megalithic tombs of Hagestad. On the problem of grave structures and grave rites . Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Volume 8, Bonn and Lund, 1971. P. 325.
  3. Berta Stjernquist: The Röekillorna Spring. Spring Cults in Scandinavian Prehistory. Stockholm 1997.


  • Jan Bemmann, Güde Hahne: "Ancient Iron Age sanctuaries in northern Europe according to the archaeological sources." In: Germanic Religious History. Sources and source problems. Supplementary volumes to the Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Vol. 5. Berlin 1992. pp. 29-69.

Coordinates: 55 ° 24 ′ 5 ″  N , 14 ° 7 ′ 56 ″  E