Rabi method

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The Rabi method is one of Isidor Isaac Rabi developed technique for the measurement of the nuclear spins . The atom is in a static magnetic field , perpendicular to it a rotating magnetic field is applied.


According to classical mechanics, the equation of motion of the spin in a magnetic field is :


in which

If only the static magnetic field is switched on, the spin precesses with the Larmor frequency or the corresponding angular velocity :

The negative sign is necessary. It means that the spin rotates left-handed when the thumb points in the direction of the magnetic field.

If one in which the angular velocity of rotating reference frame of the rotating magnetic field changes, one obtains the transformed equation of motion:


If so , then the precession of the static field is canceled, the spin precesses in the rotating reference system only around the axis of the magnetic field :

The angular velocity ( Rabi frequency ) of this precession is:

Since the rotating field is perpendicular to the static field, the spin can jump back and forth between spin-up and spin-down . The maximum of the spin changes can be determined by scanning the angular velocity .


The experimental setup consists of three parts:

  • an inhomogeneous magnetic field at the front
  • in the middle a homogeneous magnetic field with a perpendicular rotating magnetic field and
  • behind another inhomogeneous magnetic field.

The two inhomogeneous magnetic fields serve as selectors . The first ( polarizer ) splits the atomic beam into two beams with different spin polarization . One of the two beams (e.g. spin-up ) is selected and guided through the middle part of the experimental setup. If the rotating magnetic field there has the Larmor frequency , a high radiation density with reverse spin orientation (e.g. spin-down ) is generated. This is selected with the rear magnetic field ( analyzer ). By scanning the frequency, the maximum intensity of this beam is selected. With it one finds the Larmor frequency and thus the magnetic moment of the atom.


The magnetic moment of an atom depends on its environment; the Landé factor changes with its bond in a molecule . This is the structural composition of a molecule aufklärbar .


  1. Nuclear magnetic resonance NMR (PDF file; 433 kB)


Experiments with separated oscillatory fields and hydrogen masers (PDF file; 2.9 MB)

See also