Raimund Bernard Trencavel

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Raimund Bernard Trencavel († 1073 or 1074) was a vice count of Albi and Nîmes and briefly count of Carcassonne and Razès and vice count of Béziers and Agde in the right of his wife ( Iure uxoris ). He was the eldest son and heir of Vice Count Bernard Aton III. of Albi-Nîmes and his wife Raingardis.

In the estates he inherited from his father, Raymond Bernard was a vassal of the Counts of Toulouse . Before the year 1062 he had married Ermengarde von Carcassonne , which after the heirless death of her brother Roger III. in 1067 its extensive legacy could begin. But in order to avoid a threatened inheritance dispute with her cousin, Count Roger II of Foix , she sold her entire inheritance to the Count of Barcelona in the same year .

Raimund Bernard is the first of his family to be given the nickname " Trencavel " in a deed of gift to Count Raimund Berengar I of Barcelona , dated June 26, 1070. In Occitan ( trenca avelana ) this name means so much like “nutcracker”, in Provencal ( trencar vel ) as much as “cut through”. The circumstances that led to this nickname are unknown, but among his descendants it became the proper name of the family.

Raimund Bernard is last documented in a document addressed to the Abbey of Saint-Victor in Marseille on June 12, 1073. In his wife's documents from 1074 he is no longer mentioned and was probably already dead. He had two from his marriage Children:

  • Guillerma († after 1070), ⚭ 1069 with Vice Count Peter Aton von Bruniquel
  • Bernard Aton IV. († 1129), Vice Count of Albi, Nîmes, Carcassonne, Béziers, Razès and Agde


  • Frederic L. Cheyette: The 'Sale' of Carcassonne to the Counts of Barcelona (1067-1070) and the Rise of the Trencavels , in: Speculum 63 (1988) 826-864
  • André Dupont: Le vicomte Bernard-Aton IV (1074-1129) , in: Mémories de l'Académie de Nîmes VII, 56 (1965-1967), pp. 153-177
  • Sylvette Rouillan-Castex: Bernard-Aton Trencavel et les Carcassonnais , in: Carcassonne et sa région: fédération historique du Languedoc méditerranéen et du Roussillon (1970), pp. 147-151

Individual proof

  1. Remundus Bernardi vicomes cognomento Trencaveis ; see Jean-Pierre Cros-Mayrevieille: Histoire du comté et de la vicomté de Carcassonne, précédée de recherches historiques sur Carcassonne et son histoire sous les Volkes, les Romains, les Wisigoths et les Sarrazins , Volume 1 (1846), No. 51 , P. 63
predecessor Office successor
Bernard Aton III. Vice Count of Albi and Nîmes
? –1074
Bernard Aton IV. Trencavel
Roger III Count of Carcassonne and Razès
Vice-Count of Béziers and Agde
(with Ermengarde )
Barcelona county