Raimund Dorner

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Raimund Dorner (born August 16, 1831 in Graz , Styria , Austrian Empire ; † March 11, 1917 ibid) was a kk field marshal lieutenant .

Grave FML Dorner

Origin and family

Raimund Dorner was born as Raimund Franz Xaver in Graz as the first child of the kk Katastral-Comissär Franz Xaver Dorner and Cäcilia Bauer in Graz. His three siblings from his father's first marriage were also born in Graz between 1832 and 1838. Two other sons, born in Eger and Pilsen , come from a second marriage between his father and Katharina Krisa . Raymond's sister Hedwig (* 1838 in Graz) married in 1862 Saaz born the merchant Anton Fiedler, son of Franziska F. Petzeli (also written: Pezeli, Pezellen, Pecelius, Pezely). Franziska was a cousin of Hermine Freiin Taxis-Bordogna-Valnigra and a cousin of the city council of Saaz, Karl Wüstl, the uncle and also the father-in-law of JUDr. Franz Max Broudre was in Saaz.

On June 2, 1883, Raimund Dorner married Emma Saxinger, a daughter of the Kaiser, in Linz . Rats, Vice Mayor of Linz and Reich Council member Eduard Saxinger.


1859 First Lieutenant of the IR Freiherr von Grueber No. 54; 1878 Major d. 35. IR to commander d. 15. FJB .; 1885 Colonel as Commander of the Infantry Regiment Hoch- und Deutschmeister No. 4 ; Major General in 1890 and retired June 1, 1892; January 16, 1916 Tit.-FML.


  • Matt Kessler: Broudre genealogy (brother, Broudré, Broudre Edle von Goruszów) . In: Sudetendeutsche Familienforschung . ISSN  0943-8807 , Volume 14, 2018, pp. 255-261.

Web links

Individual evidence

  • Dorner March - Ziehrer Carl Michael, Dorner March op. 377 (1886 dedicated to the regiment commander Colonel Raimund Dorner) Imperial and Royal Infantry Regiment "Hoch- und Deutschmeister" No. 4.