Raimund III. (Turenne)

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Raimund III. († 1219 ) was a vice count of Turenne from the House of Comborn . He was a son of Vice Count Raimund II and Helie von Castelnau.

Raimund took part in the first military conflict of the Albigensian Crusade . Together with Count Guido II of Auvergne , the Archbishop of Bordeaux and the Bishops of Limoges, Cahors and Agen, he led a crusader army in the Quercy region in May 1209 . After taking three smaller towns, their train stalled in front of Casseneuil Castle . Without taking them, they ended the operation after the minimum fighting time of forty days and withdrew to their lands.

Raimund died as a result of a head injury. He was married to Helie, the heir to Guido von Severac. Your children were:

  • Boson III. († 1209), co-regent in Turenne
  • Raymond IV († probably 1243), Vice Count of Turenne
  • Raimund, Lord of Servières and Malemort; Father of Raimund V.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm von Tudela , Cançon de la Crosada
  2. Ex Chronico Gaufredi Vosiensis §23, in: Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France 12 (1867), p. 424.

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predecessor Office successor
Raymond II. Vice Count of Turenne 1190–1219
Blason Vicomté Limoges Comborn.svg
Raymond IV.