Chachersk Raion

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The Rajon Tschatschersk ( Belarusian Чачэрскі раён; Russian Чечерский район) is an administrative unit in the Gomel Region in Belarus with the administrative center in the town Tschatschersk . The Rajon has an area of ​​1229.88 km² and includes 100 rural settlements.

Chachersk Raion
Karma Rajon in Belarus
Basic data
Woblasz: Homelskaya Woblasz
Administrative center: Chachersk
Surface: 1229.88 km²
Population : 14,468 (March 30, 2016)
Population density : 11.76 inhabitants / km²
License plate : 3
Chairman of the

Executive Committees:

Yuri Nikolayevich Derkachev


The Chachersk Raion is located in the northeastern part of Homelskaya Woblasz. Neighboring rajones are Rahatschou and Karma in Homelskaja Woblasz in the north , Krasnapolsk in Mahiljouskaja Woblasz , in the east Krasnogorsk in the Bryansk Oblast in Russia, in the south Wetka and southwest Buda-Kaschaljowa in Homelskaja Woblasz.

Administrative structure

Village Soviets
  1. Saleski
  2. Leninsky (Chachersk Raion)
  3. Merkulavitsky
  4. Nisimkawizki
  5. Atorski
  6. Palesky (Chachersk Raion)
  7. Roukawizki
  1. Chachersk

Web links

Commons : Chachersk Raion  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. National Committee for Statistics of the Republic of Belarus: Population by regions, districts, cities and municipalities ( Memento of the original from July 30, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed January 23, 2019. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Executive of the Rajons , accessed January 23, 2019.