Ralph Hodgson

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Ralph Hodgson (born September 9, 1871 in Darlington , Durham , † November 3, 1962 in Minerva , Ohio ) was an English poet , publisher and translator.

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In the years after 1890, Hodgson began to publish drawings under the name Yorick in London's Weekly Magazine of Sport and Out-Door-Life . In 1912 he was a co-founder of At the Sign of the Flying Flame Verlag.

In 1907 his first collection of poems appeared under the title The Last Blackbird and Other Lines . Edward Marsh took his poems into the Georgian Poetry 1913–1915 (1915) and Georgian Poetry 1916–1917 (1917) collections. In 1917 he made a name for himself as an independent poet with his volume Poems .

From 1932 to 1938, Hodgson taught English at Tohoku University in Sendai , Japan and translated Japanese poetry into English.

In 1938 he and his third wife Lydia Aurelia Bollinger settled in Minerva, Ohio .

In 1954 he was awarded the King's Gold Medal for Poetry .

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