battering ram

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The battering ram (also a battering ram or ram ) is a siege weapon , which until medieval times was used.


The battering ram was used to tear down walls , gates or towers . There are many variations. They ranged from a simple tree trunk , the racing tree that was bounced by people against the target to be torn down, to loaded wagons that were steered with momentum towards the target and, due to their high mass, had enormous penetrating power , to a swinging trunk, the Suspended under a scaffold, was repeatedly pushed against the obstacle by the attackers and was equipped with a bronze ram head.


Modern use of battering rams

Today, battering rams in the form of door rams are used by special police forces to z. B. to break open doors in the event of a storm or police access . However, these are small, portable versions that can be used by one or two people; some of them also have a mechanism that is triggered on impact and increases the force of the door breaking. The legality of the use of battering rams in the context of searches can be checked in court.

See also


Web links

Commons : Battering Rams  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: battering ram  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ LG Aachen , judgment of April 9, 2013, Az. 12 O 394/12, full text Rn 4.