Raoul Blanchard

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Raoul Blanchard (born September 4, 1877 in Orléans , † March 24, 1965 in Paris ) was a French geographer.

Blanchard studied geography from 1897 at the École normal supérieure with Paul Vidal de la Blache with the Agrégation in 1900. He was then a teacher in Douai . His dissertation on Flanders, published in 1906 ( Le Flandre , Armand Collin, Paris), gave him a position at the University of Grenoble , where he became a professor in 1913 and founded the Institut de geographie alpine with its own magazine (Revue de geographie alpine). In addition to researching the geography of the Alps, he also devoted himself to French Canada, especially Québec , about which he wrote several works. His interest in it began when he was a professor at Harvard from 1922 to 1936 and from there toured Québec regularly. His twelve-volume work on the geography of the Alps (Les alpes occidentales) was published from 1937 to 1958.

In 1936 Blanchard was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . In 1960 he received the CNRS gold medal . In 1958 he became a member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques . A mountain in the province of Québec is named after him.


Raoul Blanchard wrote 290 books and articles on a wide variety of subjects; especially Flanders , French Alps , Europe , North America and Québec .

  • La Flandre. Étude de geographie de la plaine flamande, en France, Belgique et Hollande , Armand Colin, Paris, 1906
  • "L'Habitation en Queyras", La Géographie , 1909
  • "Sur quelques géants américains", Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris , Paris, 1909.
  • Grenoble, étude de geographie urbaine , Armand Colin, Paris, 1911
  • Report général de l'exposition internationale de la houille blanche , Grands établissements de l'imprimerie générale, Grenoble, 1925
  • Les Alpes françaises , Armand Colin, Paris, 1925
  • "Asie occidentale", Geographie universelle , Paris, 1929
  • "La presqu'île de Gaspé", Revue de Géographie Alpine , Grenoble, 1930
  • "Les Problèmes du Canada français", Académie des sciences morales et politiques, Paris, 1932
  • "L'Amérique du Nord: États-Unis, Canada et Alaska", Fayard, Paris, 1933
  • "Géographie de l'industrie", 1934
  • L'Est du Canada français, Province de Québec , 2 vol., Montréal, 1935
  • A geography of Europe , together with Raymond E. Christ, Henry Holt, New York, 1935
  • Grenoble, étude de geographie urbaine , 3 e edition, Librairie Didier & Richard, Grenoble, 1935.
  • "Geographie de Québec", Bulletin de la Société de Statistique , Grenoble, 1935.
  • Les Alpes occidentales , 1937; 1958
  • Géographie générale , 1938
  • Le Center du Canada français , 1947
  • Montréal: esquisse de geographie urbaine , 1947.
  • Le Québec par l'image , 1949
  • La Mauricie , 1950
  • Les Alpes et leur destin , Fayard, Paris, 1953
  • L'Ouest du Canada français , 5 vol., Montréal, 1953–1954.
  • Réflexions sur les hautes vallées alpestres , Grenoble, 1958
  • Le Canada français , 1960–1964
  • Le Canada français , 3 e edition, Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 1970

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members of the American Academy. Listed by election year, 1900-1949 ( PDF ). Retrieved September 27, 2015