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Raramu in hieroglyphics


Raramu was an ancient Egyptian palace overseer , Wab priest , acquaintance of the king and funeral priest of Cheops in the 6th Dynasty . His wife was called Anchet, his two sons Kahersetef and Kednes, his daughter Tjez-tjazet.

Grave complex

The stone mastaba (G 2099) with five grave shafts and a serdab was excavated in 1939 by George Andrew Reisner in the necropolis of Giza . Various statues showing Raramu and his family were found in the Serdab. A group of three shows Raramu and Nikauptah, in the middle the little son Kednes. It is in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (JE 72 138). A seated statue of Raramu and a couple statue, Raramu and his wife, are in the Toledo Museum of Art (49.4 and 5). A small standing figure showing Kahersetef as a boy is kept in the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond (49.21). Stylistically, the statues can be classified as belonging to the end of the 5th dynasty , and there is an astonishing relationship to the group statues in the tomb of Mesi (G 2009).
