Ray Streater

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Ray Frederick Streater (born April 21, 1936 in Three Bridges , West Sussex ) is a British theoretical and mathematical physicist .

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Streater studied from 1954 to 1957 at Imperial College , where he received his doctorate in 1960 under Abdus Salam (and Rudolf Peierls ) (The quantum theory of fields). He then went to CERN in 1960 and was an instructor at Princeton University . In 1961 he became an assistant lecturer, in 1964 a lecturer (in physics) and in 1967 a senior lecturer (in mathematics) at Imperial College. From 1969 he was Professor of Applied Mathematics at Bedford College, University of London , and from 1984 at King's College in London. In 2001 he retired. He has been a visiting scholar at Princeton, at MIT (1966 with Irving Segal ), Warsaw University, Lund, the Mittag-Leffler Institute in Stockholm and at IHES .

Streater dealt with axiomatic quantum field theory and spin statistics relations , about which he wrote a well-known monograph with Arthur Wightman , dispersion relations , statistical mechanics and from the 1990s on information geometry .

He is a member of the International Association of Mathematical Physics and the London Mathematical Society .

Ray Streater has been married since 1962 and has three children.


  • Lost causes in and beyond physics. Springer, Berlin et al. 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-36581-5 (his website on Lost Causes in Physics ).
  • Statistical dynamics. A stochastic approach to nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Imperial College Press, Singapore et al. 1995, ISBN 1-86094-002-1 (2nd edition. Imperial College Press, London et al. 2009, ISBN 978-1-84816-250-1 ).
  • as editor: The mathematics of contemporary physics. Proceedings of an instructional conference organized by the London Mathematical Society (a NATO Advanced Study Institute). Academic Press, London et al. 1972, ISBN 0-12-673150-0 .
  • with Arthur S. Wightman : PCT, Spin, Statistics and All That. Benjamin, New York NY 1964, (Several editions. The older edition appeared in German as BI university paperback : The principles of quantum field theory (= BI university paperback . 435 / 435a, ISSN  0521-9582 ). Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim et al. 1969).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Streater, RF - Author profile . INSPIRE-HEP . Retrieved July 29, 2019.
  2. ^ RF Streater: Proof of the Jost-Lehmann-Dyson Representation . CERN , February 1960 (English, cern.ch [PDF; accessed on July 29, 2019]).