Raymond Poulton

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Raymond Poulton (born May 22, 1916 in Middlesex , England , † 1992 in Spain ) was a British film editor .


Poulton began his career in 1947 with the thriller While I Live . Until 1980 he worked with various directors and edited films of various genres, including musicals, horror and action films. The fifties were his most productive period, during which he completed 13 of his 40 productions. Filmmakers with whom he worked several times were for example Peter Collinson , David Eady and Guy Hamilton .

In 1973 Poulton was responsible for editing the James Bond film Live and Let Die , followed the following year by The Man with the Golden Gun . He then left the Bond franchise, but stayed connected to director Guy Hamilton, and the two reunited on The Wild Pile of Navarone in 1978 .

In 1980 Poulton retired from the film business.

Filmography (selection)

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