Raymonde Dien

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Raymonde Dien with the III. World Festival 1951 in Berlin

Raymonde Dien (born Octavia Raymonde Emilia Huberdeau) (born May 13, 1929 in Mansigné , Sarthe department ) is a French communist peace activist who was sentenced to one year in prison after a protest in France in 1950 against the War in Indochina .


Raymonde, a shorthand typist by profession , participated with hundreds of members and sympathizers of the PCF in a rally at the Saint-Pierre-des-Corps train station on February 23, 1950 to block the transport of a railway train with weapons for Indochina . The crowd occupied the tracks, with some demonstrators laying down on the rails. One of them was Raymonde, who was subsequently identified by witnesses. She was first taken to the Tours prison, after which she was transferred to Fort du Hâ in Bordeaux , where she shared a cell with two former Gestapo employees. She was then charged by a military court, with the lawyer Marie-Luise Jacquier-Cachin defending her. On the second day of the trial in June 1950, she became one year in prison and 15 years of deprivation of civil rights condemned.

The PCF then initiated a worldwide campaign for their release both in France and in the socialist countries of the Eastern Bloc . PCF chairman Maurice Thorez said: "We have to free Raymonde Dien and Henri Martin from prisons." The worldwide protests and expressions of solidarity led to her being released on Christmas 1950.

With the III. She was a celebrated participant in the World Festival of Youth and Students in Berlin in August 1951 .

Raymonde Dien was from 1953 to 1958 head of the girls organization of the KPF.

Monument to the peace activist in Leningrad Victory Park



  • Alain Ruscio : Les communistes français et la guerre d'Indochine (1944–1954). L'Harmattan, Paris 1986, 422 p.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Raymonde Dien, une femme en resistance. In: La Nouvelle République (online), October 16, 2015.
  2. http://www.volksstimme.de/nachrichten/lokal/burg/1459274_Bildnis-von-Raymonde-Dien-am-Eingang.html