Darmstadt Bar Association

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The Darmstadt Bar Association was a bar association in Germany. It was based in Darmstadt .


Already before the bar associations were established, there had been associations of lawyers. In Frankfurt am Main, for example, there was a collegium graduatorum from 1603, which was replaced by a college of lawyers in 1841. In the Grand Duchy of Hesse , an association of court lawyers was formed in 1821, which in 1857 became the "Association of Public Lawyers". In 1879, as part of the Reich Justice Acts, bar associations were created at every higher regional court throughout the Reich. For the Darmstadt Higher Regional Court , this was the Darmstadt Bar Association at the Darmstadt Higher Regional Court. The Darmstadt Chamber was responsible for the entire Grand Duchy of Hesse.

With the seizure of power by the National Socialists, the chamber was brought into line and robbed of their self-government. With the Reichs-Rechtsanwaltsordnung (RAO) passed on December 13, 1935, the Reichs-Rechtsanwaltskammer (RRAK) became the only legally competent representation of all lawyers admitted to the courts of the German Reich in the sense of centralization and conformity.

After the Second World War , the bar associations were initially closed by the victorious powers. With the ordinance of the Greater Hesse State Ministry of May 23, 1946, the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main was re-established , which now became responsible for the entire area of ​​the new federal state of Hesse , including the former district of Darmstadt (excluding Rheinhessen ). As a consequence, only one bar association would have had to be set up instead of the previous three. Section 46 of the Lawyers' Act of October 18, 1948 regulated the formation of one chamber each in Kassel and Frankfurt. The Frankfurt Chamber of Lawyers took over the duties of the Darmstadt Chamber for the right bank of the Rhine in the People's State of Hesse . The part on the left bank of the Rhine fell to Rhineland-Palatinate . There, the Palatinate Bar Association in Zweibrücken and the Bar Association in Koblenz took over the duties of the Darmstadt Chamber.


  • Johann Günther Knopp: A contribution to the history of the Frankfurt Bar Association; in: 125 years: Frankfurt am Main Bar Association, pp. 15–49.

Individual evidence

  1. RGBl. I, 1470
  2. GVBl. 1948, p. 126 ff.